A Brittle Alliance

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A brown, spotted owl swooped down as she parted ways with Sebastian. A letter fell gracefully into her hands and she immediately recognized the wax seal as being from Professor Fig.


Please see me immediately in the Map Chamber. I'd like to hear how your efforts went with your Goblin Friend.

Wishing you well always,

Professor Fig

Her eyes widened. She had forgotten to tell him all of her adventures as of late. He'll be surprised...

Adelaide ran to Professor Fig, seeing him and the two keepers chatting amongst themselves.

"I received your owl. I was able to speak with Lodgok-the goblin I mentioned before." She informed him.

He looked at her curiously, "What did you learn?"

"He and Ranrock were close once, but they had a falling out."

"You believe he can be trusted?" His once curious look darkened with doubt.

"I believe he's trustworthy, yes." Adelaide's voice was firm, "He seemed sincere. And Sirona Ryan trusts him."

He nodded slowly, taking all the information in. "Very well. Supposing he can be trusted-will he help us get to Ranrock?"

"I retrieved a stolen helm that he hopes to return to Ranrock in order to regain his confidence." Adelaide explained.

He smiled a bit, but his eyes were clouded with worry. "You have been busy. Let's hope your efforts result in our learning something about Ranrock's plans."

That reminded her... "Lodgok did mention that Ranrock is searching for something, but he couldn't say what...Perhaps that helm will yield some answers."

"Ranrock is searching for something? I feared as much." Adelaide turned her attention to Charles Rookwood who wore a somber expression on his face. In truth, he seemed to be rather...agitated as well. "I've heard an unusual amount of activity-goblins and wizards, I surmise-when visiting my portrait at my castle."

There was a glow at her feet and she saw it was Rookwood Castle glowing.

"My former residence, yes. That castle is also the location of your next trial." He added.

Adelaide grimaced. "I'm sorry to tell you that Victor Rookwood-evidently your descendent is a Dark Wizard in league with Ranrock."

"My descendant-A Dark wizard?" Charles Rookwood looked stricken with defeat as his eyes turned to Percival Rackham. "I'm afraid we've no time to waste." Once Professor Rackham nodded in agreement, he persisted. "Despite the obstacles that clearly await you, you must get to Rookwood Castle immediately. Not only is it the location of the next trial, it is home to a source of power that would be devastating in the wrong hands." He paused again, frowning. "I do wish we had the luxury of time; however, I do not doubt your abilities. Find my portrait there as soon as you can."

She shook her head as if to shake off the tiredness. "Very well, sir. I'm on my way now."

Percival Rackham nodded in her direction, "Best of luck."

They left their portraits and Professor Fig turned to Adelaide. "We must waste no time. Shall we?"

He held out his hand and she nodded. Apparently Professors could Apparate as they wish. They Apparated outside the castle, running behind a tree as the sound of voices carried in the wind.

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