The Undercroft

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Professor Fig arrived back to Hogwarts a week later. In that past week, a few things had occurred. One, Sebastian's lip had healed. Two, the unwarranted use of potion ingredients not explicitly authorized by Professor Sharp was now grounds for expulsion. And Three...Adelaide was out of calming draughts. She had been plagued by nightmares all week. It was Ominis that had noticed first on their way back from Herbology. Sebastian had stayed behind because he needed to grab something without Professor Garlick noticing-whatever that meant. Ominis had just given him a side eye before walking away.

"Has something been troubling you?" Ominis inquired.

Adelaide hesitated, "It's not something I'm comfortable talking with. I wish there was a quiet space we could all be. Even the Common Room has prying eyes."

Ominis stopped, "What if there was?"

"Was what?"

He didn't answer at first, but then muttered, "Sebastian's been hounding me the past few days about it." Ominis beckoned her to follow him. He used his wand to leader her to a clock. It was enormous, yet tucked in out of the general view, and intricate with different sorts of clocks amassed on it. Day, Night. Astrology. With a flick of his wand, all the hands on the clock went to the top, and a click so quiet-Adelaide thought she imagined it. If not for the fact that Ominis opened a panel and walked through it.

She followed him, closing the panel behind her and a large room came into view.

"This is called the Undercroft." Ominis explained. It was a cold, dark area with arched stonewalls and enchanted candles dimly lit to give the room an eerie glow. Barrels, covered statues and other knick knacks were stashed away against the wall and it was here that Ominis visibly relaxed. "It's been a secret within the House of Gaunt for generations. Only Sebastian and Anne know about this place. We used to all play Gobstones here. But recently, Sebastian has been begging for me to allow another Witch in on the secret." He said dryly. "

"It's pretty dark in here." Adelaide pointed out.

"I'll work on the decor later." Ominis mused before sitting down against one of the columns, "As I said before, the Undercroft is a best kept secret. Don't betray my trust. No one else can know about this place."

Adelaide nodded, "Thank you." She meant it. "And you're right. Something has been troubling me."

She was interrupted from saying more as footsteps were heard echoing in the Undercroft.

"Ominis?" Sebastian called out, "Confringo." Above her, the chandeliers burst to light with a ball of fire hitting them, "Merlin, how are you able to see in here without the light."

Ominis pinched the bridge of his nose, "Do you both forget that I'm blind?"

"Both?" Sebastian stopped short and a full blown smile formed on his face at the sight of her, "You changed your mind?"

"Only because you're dreadfully annoying when you want something." He explained distastefully. "Also, you oaf. You ruined an important moment."

Sebastian looked at him reproachfully, "Moment. You both had a moment? Together?"

"May I?" Ominis inquired, looking in her direction. She said yes, leading him to continue, "I've noticed her voice has been a lot quieter as of late. And because of our conversation yesterday, it led me to bring it up. And Adelaide revealed she's been having trouble sleeping lately."

Sebastian sat besides the two, setting down a couple purple looking fruits beside him. "Because of the potion you drank?"

"Because of the memories it made me relive. Do you remember when I lost that charm in the Restricted Section?" She held up her bracelet, the gold chain that was depressingly empty now, but she didn't have the heart to take it off. At least the chain was from her father as well. "It was given to me by my father." She paused and took a deep breath.

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