Salazar Slytherin's Scriptorium: Part Two

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I've lost hope. I'm locked in. I heard a scream and saw the tortured faces. The only way forward is with an Unforgivable Curse. Even if I wanted to cast it, I have no one upon whom to do so. Salazar Slytherin created a malicious challenge indeed.

In my last correspondence with my brother, I'd invited him here. Now, if he looks for me alone, I'll have led him to his death. Despite our differences, I wish him no ill. I wish we had parted on better terms.

Noctua Gaunt.

Adelaide felt her throat tighten as she looked over at Ominis who was hitting his wand against his leg, trying to get it to work again. It appeared that even the wand wanted to save him from the sight of his Aunt Noctua's bones.

"Ominis. A skeleton. And Noctua's last letter. She mentions being trapped here-blocked by an Unforgivable Curse."

She watched as Ominis face contorted in anger and pain. "This-this is where she died. This is where we'll die. I shouldn't have listened to either of you."

Sebastian ignored this, looking at the ground. He put a hand on her wand, letting the dark swallow them whole. Etched on the ground was the words Crucio and it was glowing faintly.

"Tortured faces on the door and Crucio is etched into the stone. My guess is if we cast the Cruciatus Curse, the door will open." Ominis began pacing off to the side which Sebastian continued to ignore. "That's why Noctua died. She had no one to cast the curse on. Ominis has the most experience with this. He should cast it." His eyes darted towards his pacing friend. "You seem to be in Ominis' favor-will you ask him about this?"

"You know him better than I do." Adelaide hesitated, "I don't want to bring up a bad memory."

Sebastian sighed, pain dancing in his eyes. "Very well. Wish me luck."

It wasn't a long conversation. Ominis' head snapped towards his voice and each word fell on deaf ears. Sebastian came back with a pissed off Slytherin trailing him.

"What do we do now?" She inquired, glancing at Ominis. He wasn't going to cast the Cruciatus Curse again.

Sebastian clenched his jaw in anger. A vein pulsed with adrenaline. "Ridiculous. As if dying in here is a better option than casting a damn spell."

Adelaide didn't know how to cast the spell. Only Ominis knew. And right now, Sebastian had no strength. His body was solely focused on fighting the venom the snake had bit him with. If Ominis casted it on him, Sebastian would die. She would have to take the curse.

She knew that her options were limited.

"It's up to us. I can teach you Crucio." He offered.

Adelaide looked at him accusingly. "You know how to cast the Unforgivable Curses?"

He shrugged nonchalantly as if asking if she had asked him his favorite candy flavor. "I'm not sure I do. Ominis knows that, yet he's left us no choice-I don't yearn to follow in Noctua Gaunt's footsteps."

She didn't answer him immediately. Her options weren't limited anymore, she only had one option. To have the curse casted on her. She vaguely recalled what Sebastian had told her about the Unforgivable Curses.

'You would have to want to cause the person pain and enjoy it'

She knew that she could never cause Sebastian pain and enjoy it. But would he be able to do it? Adelaide looked at him closely. His pupils were starting to dilate. He wasn't himself right now. Which meant... this might work.

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