A Great Responsibility

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Adelaide stood up straight, concern shooting through her. She looked around and realized she was in some sort of room similar to how her previous trial end rooms had been. But up ahead, there was a portal with a few of the Map Chamber inside. Professor Fig looked at her in relief, seeing that she was alright.

As she stepped forward to talk to the Keepers, another figure in the last portrait appeared. She recognized him from the Pensieves.

"Is it true," San Bakar looked between the both of them. His blue apparel standing out along with he shock evident on his face. "Has someone completed the first three trials?"

Adelaide nodded, "It is and I have."

"But you are so-" He began, but she interjected.

"Young? I know. You must be Professor Bakar."

He nodded, holding a hand to his chest, "I am."

"Pleased to meet you. The Pensieve memory I just witnessed-was Isidora inhaling painful emotion?"

He nodded again, but this time his expression darkened. "She was."

"I found it disturbing." Adelaide admitted, "But how did she gain power from it? How did she harness it?"

"It was disturbing." He said levelly with his suspicion rising. "Although I wonder that you are asking about her power. I hesitate to reveal the location of my Pensieve to someone who, perhaps, has yet to understand the responsibility of power."

Adelaide tried not to let her annoyance show. "I can assure you, Professor, I do. In fact, what you don't know yet is that a dangerous goblin called Ranrock has accessed the repository at Rookwood Castle. He has learned to harness the contents of it as a course of immense power. He plans to use that power against wizardkind. We have no time to waste."

"I see." Professor Bakar said slowly, "Nonetheless, the knowledge you shall gain after you witness my memories is too valuable to share without further consideration. I shall require time to confer with the other keepers."

The keepers left their portraits to go elsewhere, causing frustration to flit across Adelaide's face. Professor Fig was wearing a similar expression.

"It seems we have no choice, but to wait. Frustrating as it is." he reflected, "I heard what you told Professor Bakar-Isidora was inhaling emotions to gain power?"

Adelaide nodded, "She was. And she pulled emotions-as she did from her father-from Professor Fitzgerald. Without permission."

"Monstrous." Professor Fig balked at the notion.

"What's more, she said that she found a way to store traces of magic she extracted-in goblin silver." She explained.

He paused, his brows furrowing before realizing. "The repositories."

Adelaide shrugged, "Possibly. There's something I didn't get a chance to tell you earlier, Ranrock has been digging at locations tied to the five names he found in the journals of a goblin metalworker named Bragbor."

"Five names? The keepers and-who else? Isidora Morganach?"

"Precisely. That's how he's been one step ahead of us. Gringotts, the Tower, Rookwood Castle."

Professor Fig nodded, agreeing with her. "If the Keepers won't tell you where the next trial is yet, I say we at least maintain a watch on Ranrock. Perhaps he'll lead us to more information."

Adelaide agreed, but another thought struck her. "How did the dinner go? With Amir Spavin."

"I may have done too good of a job distracting Black. I had no idea he can't hold his Firewhisky." He had a slight grin, but then his stature became more serious, "Amir was pleasant. Better listener than his father-he was concerned about the goblin problem and told him to personally keep him updated on the situation, and that he would talk about it to his father."

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