Class is in Session

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Adelaide scowled, sitting on the black loveseat next to Imelda and across from Sebastian and Ominis as the Prefects lectured them all.

After her comment, Sebastian had cast Piertotum Locomotor on the Salazar Slytherin statue in the center of the Common Room. The statue had broken from its stand, giving heart palpitations to all the new students as they watched this statue come alive with fascinated horror.

It had then begun to chase Imelda around the Common Room. Ominis had his wand out, sensing where the statue was. Adelaide jumped back, almost falling if not for Sebastian putting his hand out to steady her.

"What did you do?" She demanded, watching as all the students in the Common Room scattered. Most headed back to their dormitory whereas the senior students did one of two things. Either they watched and laughed or they were trying to stop the statue from chasing Imelda.

The corner of Sebastian's lip curled in disdain. "She has no business bringing up Anne."

"I don''t disagree with you. But aren't you in enough trouble?" Ominis grumbled beside him.

"Peeves." He rolled his eyes.

Adelaide watched as Imelda had a moment to retrieve her wand and cast Leviosa. At the same time, a couple of Prefects walked into the room and took in the situation. 1st years yelling and running around like chickens that had found a fox in their coup. Imelda levitating a statue of their House founder. Sebastian with his arms crossed, looking rather proud of himself and Ominis shaking his head like a disappointed mother.

Adelaide was just collateral damage because she was standing next to Sebastian.

"And you." She focused her attention, as the female prefect looked at her disappointedly. "I understand it's been a rough night, what with the dragon and all-" Seeing her look of surprise, the Prefect added, "Professor Weasley told us. She did mention that she wants to see you tomorrow after your first day of classes. Nevertheless, there are rules here that need to be followed."

It was now that the other Prefect spoke up. His voice light, but firm. "You all will report here tomorrow morning before breakfast and clean this place up." Seeing Imelda about to speak up, he interrupted, "Or I can report this incident to Professor Black and have you all in serious trouble with the Headmaster."

"We'll be here in the morning." Ominis piped up.

The prefects left after that which led to Imelda glaring at Sebastian with unrivaled anger. "Why the bloody hell did you do that for?"

Before Sebastian could blurt out some snarky, brooding remark, Adelaide stood up. "Can you please show me to the dormitory. It has been a long night and I would like to get some rest before we have to clean tomorrow."

"Thomas mentioned a dragon." Sebastian stood up with her, "What happened on your way here with the Ministry?"

Adelaide shrugged, "Never tickle a sleeping dragon. That's what happened." She evaded any more questions by following Imelda away from the two boys.

Once they were in the clear, Imelda turned to her surprised. "Merlin. Most of the girls around here swoon at the chance to talk to Sebastian."

"I have yet to see you swoon."

Imelda rolled her eyes, "He's became a lot more dark and brooding ever since his twin sister got sick. Not quite sure what she's come down with, but those three used to be inseparable. Sebastian also turned me down, already." She added the last part begrudgingly. "Here's your dorm. Be ready by five if we're to clean the whole Common Room."

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