Family Reunion

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Anne and Adelaide rushed back to Hogwarts, explaining to Professor Weasley what had occurred. She lost points for Slytherin and earned herself detention for the rest of the week, but Professor Weasley had made the case with the Headmaster for Anne to be accepted into the school year immediately. It helped that Anne had been studying along at home and was even ahead in some cases. It had also helped that Headmaster Black wasn't paying much attention to them-he was more concerned with the upcoming visit for the Yule Ball.

Both girls were figuring out how to surprise the boys, but decided on a family dinner in the Undercroft. Feenky had assisted them and had prepared for them Anne's favorite meals which she was extremely grateful for. Adelaide sent Sebastian a letter for him and Ominis to meet her for some urgent news in the Undercroft regarding the final repository.

An excited smile played on her lips as she gazed as the large black picnic blanket that was spread out and the assortment of green colored pillows on the ground. There were large dishes of roasted chicken, vegetables-no peas-, and Anne's favorite banana pudding dessert. All the food was enchanted to stay hot despite there being no warmers.

Anne was hiding behind a pillar as Sebastian and Ominis tumbled into the Undercroft.

Sebastian peered at her worriedly, "What-" He stopped short as he looked at the dinner spread. "What is this?"

"If you wanted a romantic escapade, leave me out of it." Ominis frowned with his wand in his hand. His eye brows furrowed, "Wait. Who is that? Did you bring someone in here?"

Anne stepped out, but Adelaide kept her eyes on both the boys. Surprise and shock first swept through Sebastian. He looked at his sister who was normally so sickly in lots of layers now standing before him proudly. He unabashedly had a tear stream down his cheek as he looked at her with his eyes shining. His voice was deeper, the muscle in his throat tightening as he fought the urge to shed more tears. "Anne. You'"

She was bouncing on her heals, full of life and ran to her brother. He caught her as she jumped and for the first time in a long time-hugged her tight without fear of breaking her. Her laugh echoed around the Undercroft. "Adelaide figured it out! Phoenix Tears, can you believe it? And she knew where to find one!"

When she let go of her twin, Anne was swept up in Ominis' arms as he hugged her tightly as well. She couldn't tell what words were exchanged because she was suddenly in Sebastians arms. Adelaide pulled back only enough to reach up and wipe the tears away on his cheeks. But she could taste the salty tears of her own as she smiled.

His shoulders were not taught-as if the burden he felt on his shoulders all the time had lifted. He was gazing at her with so much love it made her chest hurt. "Thank you, Adelaide. I-I don't even know what to say. Except thank you."

She laughed, "This is supposed to be a happy event and everyone's crying! Let's move on. Feenky prepared this for us-you lot better thank her the next time you see her."

Sebastian kissed the top of her head before sitting down with his legs splayed out, and beckoned for Adelaide to sit in between them. She did so, leaning her back against his broad chest and felt a sense of contentment as his arms wrapped around her waist. She prepared plates for them both, raising her fork to Sebastian for a bite of chicken. Adelaide didn't miss the heated glance he sent her and blushed at the whisper of promises in her ear.

Anne and Ominis were sitting next to each other with her head on his shoulder as she ate. She made little noises every time she took a bite. "I missed this."

"How did you find out the location of a Phoenix?" Ominis asked around a bite of food.

Adelaide noticed that their hands were intertwined on one of the pillows and Sebastian was blatantly trying to ignore it. "Poppy told me about the tears' healing properties and then mentioned that Deek's former master was a renowned poacher. So I asked him if he knew a location."

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