The Third Keeper

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Amir Spavis left her there on the cliff. Once he Apparated away, the spell wore off and she was able to move again. Adelaide had almost fallen forward with how shaken she was. He planned for a rebellion? Why would the Minister's son plan for there to be a rebellion? Doesn't he realize if there's a war-he'll be in the midst of it given his position.

Adelaide had gone straight to the Map Chamber to share the news.

"Hello Professor." She greeted the old Headmistress, "The goblins are looking for another repository. They've built drills to help with their search."

Her hands rose to her face in a worried state. "Most troubling..."

Adelaide's mood mirrored the portraits. "Are these repositories like the broken container I found at Rookwood Castle?"

"They are. I fear we have no time to lose. Have a look at the map." The Professor gestured to the map at her feet where Hogwarts lit up, "Fortunately, the next trial is fairly nearby. As you know, I was Headmistress in my time. My portrait is in the Headmaster's office. In fact, I witnessed Professor Black learn of your arrival-and I'll confess that I wondered about you."

She could hear a pin drop at the silence. "The next trial is in the Headmaster's office?"

"It is," The Professor nodded, "I had hoped that when the time came the occupant of that office would be of help to us. Unfortunately, this headmaster seems wildly unconcerned with anything, but himself. You'll need to access the office while he's away."

Adelaide blinked. "Very well. I'll find some way to get in." This seemed more impossible than facing three Pensieve Guardians at the same time.

"Good. I shall meet you in my portrait there. Until then."

She left the chamber, headed through the Dungeons, and was walking up a staircase towards the Grand Hall for Supper. How in-Merlin, God-whoever's up there-name, am I supposed to access the Headmaster's office without him there? She thought disbelief flooding through her. The headmaster's office was likely magically guarded when he wasn't there. It wouldn't be like her Muggle schooling where the head teacher had a door you could simply walk through.

Adelaide felt a tap on her head. She looked up to see Sebastian had caught up with her as she headed to the table. "You look as if you've lost your gobstones. How did this morning fair?"

"Not here." She mumbled quietly, sliding into a seat next to Ominis as Sebastian sat across from them. Adelaide greeted Ominis and he smiled at her voice.

"Welcome back, love."

Sebastian looked at the roasted chicken dish with the inside being stuffed with different fragrant herbs and cheese. His expression was sullen and his lips turned down in a frown. Adelaide raised an eyebrow at him. "It's my sister's favorite." He muttered, choosing to be a vegetarian for the night.

"She would always get a stomach ache, eating so much." Ominis remembered fondly.

Adelaide tried the chicken and it was delicious. She wasn't sure how long it would last with Sebastian only eating carrots for the night because he kept staring at the chicken. "I need to talk to Professor Fig after dinner. I should be going to my"

Sebastian and Ominis wore identical grim faces, but it was Sebastian that spoke up, "Is that so?"

The rest of dinner carried on. There was no peas to torment Ominis tonight and Sebastian didn't last long as a vegetarian. He had a faraway look in his eyes when he didn't think anyone was paying attention, but Adelaide knew him better than that, and Ominis could tell by the inflection of his voice that something was bothering him. Of course, they knew what it was. Anne not answering his letters. Adelaide made a mental note to write to her tonight.

She excused herself when she saw Professor Fig finishing his meal and departing the Grand Hall. He caught her eye and nodded. They didn't walk together, but they both had a mutual understanding to meet in his office.

"Professor. I know where the third trial is." She said with a wry grin.

He looked at her curiously, "Has something changed? Already?"

"Lodgok and I have learned that the goblins are searching for another repository-like the one we saw at Rookwood Castle. And I discovered that they're building massive drills to help them in their search." The more she spoke, the graver his expression became. "Professor Fitzgerald seemed very concerned."

He nodded understandably, "I see. Ranrock clearly knows even more than we suspected."

Adelaide hesitated. But looking at him now, she knew she had to tell him what else she found out. "And, Professor...There's something else...Lodgok knew Miriam."

"My Miriam?" His hands clasped together in front of him, in his eyes a million questions.

She wouldn't be able to answer them all. "They encountered each other at Rookwood Castle. She was doing research. That's where she found the container with the Portkey. He liked her so much that he let her leave with that-despite orders from Ranrock."

Adelaide's heart clenched at the sad smile that graced him. "I don't know what to say. She could win over almost anyone." His voice was heavy with an unbearable sadness. "I want to hear more of this-and in fact, I'd like to speak to Lodgok directly. But we've no time now. Where is the next trial?"

Her wry grin from before came back as she carefully watched for the Professor's reaction. "The Headmaster's Office."

It was surprise, irritation, and then acceptance. "Incredible." He said with a tinge of sarcasm. "You'll need the password to get past the stone gargoyle. The headmaster's house-elf will know it."

The only from last night? When her and Sebastian were... "I don't know the Headmaster's house elf. Will he even speak to me? I imagine he's loyal to the Headmaster."

"He is." Professor Fig confirmed, but his voice was laced with mischief. "So you'll need a disguise. I have just the thing-A Polyjuice potion. You'll look and sound like Professor Black."

Adelaide had the million questions now. Why did he have a polyjuice potion? Doesn't it require part of someone? What if it was toenail clippings? Adelaide felt herself pale at the sight of the large silver container with a purple liquid churning inside.

The taste was ghastly. And it hurt. A pained cry escaped her and her body convulsed. Professor Fig waved his wand towards her and in he next second, she was taller. Her body felt heavier. She looked down at herself to see she was wearing a leaf green coat with a black vest underneath and black trousers. She were an ascot that was midnight blue and a golden chain hung from his vest to a pair of spectacles.

"How do you feel?"

Adelaide burped, covering her mouth quickly with an embarrassed smile. "How do I sound?" She cleared her throat. "The Quidditch season has been cancelled because I am an arse."

"Convincing." Professor Fig laughed, "I've taken the liberty of transfiguring your robes. As we've discussed, you'll need the password from Scrope-who could be anywhere in the castle. You might look for Professor Kogawa. She's taken to badgering the poor elf about Quidditch in the hopes that he can convince Black to change his mind. Thus far unsuccessfully."

Seems excessive, Adelaide thought mindlessly. "I see... But what if Professor Black sees me?"

Professor Fig flashed her a determined look. "Leave him to me. I shall tell him we're to meet a liaison from the Ministry in Hogsmeade tonight over drinks-Amir Spavin. That should give you plenty of time."

"Amir Spavin?" Adelaide froze and realized she had never told the Professor about him. "You can't trust him. He's the one who sent the dementor to my house. The one his father was trying to capture that night."

Professor Fig looked at her, perplexed. "Dementor? Adelaide there was no dementor at your house that night. Nothing in the report said-" He stopped suddenly. "I fear this will be a long conversation and though I excel at potions-this one won't last all night. You need to find the house elf this evening."


Short chapter, will release another one tonight!

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