The First Trial

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Professor Fig walked cautiously into the Map Chamber. "To think, it was beneath us all this time." The metallic doors shut behind him and he took a moment to stare at the room before him. Mixtures of blue and teal covered the floor except for the dark circular pool of endless looking stone. Adelaide and him walked down the stairs, pointing to the podium that waited for the book. As the podium glowed, the closer he brought the book; he whispered, "This looks promising."

Once the book was settled on top of the podium, the familiar symbol of ancient magic shined above it. A wave of golden magic shot off towards the circular stone pool to reveal...a map.

Professor Fig was astonished, racing down the stairs and taking everything in. "A map..." He mumbled, "There's Hogsmeade. And over here-the Forbidden Forest. And of course, Hogwarts. It's magnificent." He backed up us Percival Rackham stepped out. With one last, sad look at everything, his voice turned wistful. "If only you were here to see this."

Adelaide guess that the you was Miriam. It warmed her heart at how someone could love another so much, even after death. It would be nice, she thought, to have someone like that. Someone to tell your greatest wishes and greatest despairs to. Someone to share your soul with. The image of a familiar brown haired Slytherin began to appear in her mind and she quickly shook her head. It's not like that.

She looked up at the figure in the portrait, "Hello, Professor Rackham. We've placed the book on the pedestal as you asked. And this is my mentor, Professor Fig."

Percival Rackham nodded in a friendly greeting, "How do you do, Professor Fig?" And to Adelaide he said, "And you, my young friend, see now why you needed to return with the book?"

She nodded, looking pointedly at the floor. "I do. I also see why you refer to this room as the 'Map Chamber.'"

Professor Rackham nodded, "That you have come this far tells me that you possess extraordinary magical ability. The potential and power of which will unlock, should you prove yourself worthy. The location of each of four trials will, in time, appear on the map. Trials that will test you-and give you access to invaluable knowledge. Trials that you must complete on your own." His mouth was in a stern frown. "Do you recall the Pensieve memory you viewed in my vault in Gringotts?"

Adelaide nodded again, "You and your friend Charles spoke of the Portkey-and of trials you'd created for the one who could see traces of ancient magic."

"Precisely." His voice became light, in an approving manner, " Charles is another of the Keepers-As designation we gave ourselves centuries ago in light of the knowledge that we have been bound to keep hidden. Until, perhaps, now."

"So, the passage from your ruins to Gringotts, everything in the vault, the Restricted Section, finding this room...Non of these was a trial?" A mixture of exasperation and dread filled her tone. What did she have to do to prove herself?

Rackham shook his head, clearly stating, "They were an important part of the journey, but they were not the trials themselves. The fact that you have come this far, however, bodes well." He took a moment to emphasize his point. "The trials were designed to ensure that the power and knowledge we have kept secret for so long does not fall into the wrong hands. They will test your abilities-both innate and learned. But of equal importance: everything you witness as you complete the trials will inform what you choose to do with all that we share. You will need patience. The trials have much to teach you. It will take time."

Professor Fig interjected before Adelaide could. "I'm afraid we don't have the luxury of time."

Immediately, Professor Rackham went on the defensive. "We have waited this long, Professor Fig. Surely a few more-"

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