A New Hope

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Adelaide dropped a slug into the bucket, trying not to wretch. Ominis was sitting on Professor Aesop's desk with a dark look on his face-daring anyone to ask him for help. Even Vienna was off in the corner wiping away slug vomit and ignoring them.

"I finished reading the Spell book." Sebastian told her quietly. She didn't answer for a moment, giving him a questioning look. His tone said that there more, but he was hesitant. "You'll never believe what I've learned."

Her look turned wary. "Undiscovered Unforgivable Curses?" His eyes narrowed at her. "What did you discover in the spell book?"

"Salazar Slytherin's spell book was a little difficult to interpret-but fascinating." There was a new fire in Sebastian's heart. His voice getting progressively excited. "Evidently, he encouraged teaching Dark Magic at Hogwarts. Neither the Imperius Curse nor the Killing Curse was Unforgivable during his time. He believed students should be prepared to use Dark Magic when necessary-not to fear it. That's why we had to use Crucio to gain access to the scriptorium. He didn't want his knowledge shared with anyone who was afraid of the power of Dark Magic."

Adelaide didn't match his enthusiasm. "Well, it is Unforgivable now."

He went on, not paying attention to the warning in her voice. "There was something else in the spell book. References to a lost relic which, from what I can tell, grants the holder the power to reverse Dark Magic curses."

"And you think this 'relic' might be able to save Anne." She guessed.

Sebastian nodded, "Precisely. I plan to search for this relic, but I don't think we should tell anyone." His eyes fell on Ominis. "Especially Ominis. He wouldn't understand."

"Sebastian. He's your oldest friend." Adelaide felt a pang in her heart. How would Ominis feel knowing that Sebastian wanted to keep information from him? He would be devastated. "I don't want us to hide anything from each other. I tell you and him equally as much."

His look darkened, "He wouldn't understand, Adelaide. You know how he is. He was willing to let us die instead of casting the Cruciatus curse on either one of us." He paused, looking at her with a hint of desperation. "Please, Adelaide. When I try to find the relic tonight, I want you to come with me. Ominis will be distracted-entirely too upset with me because he's having to smell slug vomit-that he'll go straight to bed tonight."

And she wasn't upset with him for having to endure? She chucked another slug into the bucket. Only four more. "I don't agree with this, Sebastian. But if that's truly what you want...then fine. I won't say a word to Ominis."

Sebastian smiled, relieved. "And don't feel sorry for Ominis. Keeping this to ourselves for now is for his own good."

"Vienna, get out of the room." Ominis snarled out, sliding off the desk, "We'll finish up here." The Ravenclaw looked afraid at the blind Slytherin and walked away. Ominis strode forward, "I'd like to remind you all that I'm blind. Which means that my other senses like hearing are far better than everyone else's here. And I'll decide what's for my own good."

Sebastian frowned, "Ominis-"

"You're a liar, Sebastian. I heard everything. You swore you'd never engage in anything to do with Dark Magic again." Ominis was fuming.

The other boy shook his head, "No I didn't. I said I understood you wanting that. I'd never swear to give up on finding a cure for Anne."

"You don't know when to stop do you?" Ominis threw out his hands in frustration, a hand raking through his hair as he paced.

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