Feldcroft Under Fire

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The first thing thing Adelaide saw was a bunch of goblin warriors in the farm field. They were stomping on vegetables and hacking the roots of premature pumpkins. Adelaide saw Solomon fighting and Anne by his side. Solomon was a lethal opponent as he casted spell after spell with seamless transition.





"Sebastian-you fool! Stop provoking them." Solomon bellowed as Sebastian threw them; smashing the goblins into the wooden fence.

Sebastian gave him a hard look. "I'm handling it."

Anne held her own as Sebastian joined her side and the two duelists worked in sync to defeat the remaining goblins. Adelaide helped Solomon despite his abhor attitude because a Sentinel had appeared.

"Uncle-to your right!" Anne shouted.

"Stupefy." Adelaide casted, knocking the goblin to the ground.

Solomon was busy finishing it off when she raised her head again. Anne was hunched over, holding her abdomen as the pain ravished her body mercilessly. Her eyes were sunken in more than the last time she had seen her, purplish red bruises underneath them. Her face as well was more narrow. She wasn't eating. Without any warning, Anne fell to the ground screaming. She tried to breath through the pain when movement from behind the nearby farmhouse caught their attention.

It was a goblin warrior. They had missed him. His steel helmet caught the light, momentarily blinding Solomon. He came out running with his eyes glowing red, and they locked in on Anne who was already on her knees.

"Anne!" She heard Ominis scream from across the field, his wand out. He wouldn't get to them in time.

Its eyes turned purple as it whipped out a dagger and sped up towards Anne. Adelaide's reflexes weren't quick enough, but she saw Sebastian move. His didn't hesitate as he aimed his wand, "Imperio."

A flash of green magic. Anne had been covering her face, waiting for the pain. But she lowered her arms to see the goblin holding his blade in the air. His eyes no longer imbued with a corrupted stream of ancient magic, they were now green. The same color as the magic Sebastian had casted.

Anne looked at her brother in horror as his eyes narrowed, matching the green of the goblins. His lip curled in pure hatred. Everyone's attention shifted back to the goblin who was under Sebastian's control and gasped as the blade was driven in to his stomach and pulled upwards in a slow, tortuous manner. The goblin fell to the ground dead as Sebastian rushed over to give Anne a hand.

She only stared at his hand, horrified at what she'd seen.

"Boy, what have you done?" Solomon's voice sliced through the air with an unsurprising amount of animosity.

Adelaide could tell Sebastian was conflicted about using the spell, but against his Uncle he glared. "Saved my sister! I-"

"With an Unforgivable Curse." Solomon snarled, helping Anne to her feet. "Your father would be ashamed. You've gone too far, Sebastian. Stay away from her. From all of us."

He wasn't even paying attention to his Uncle anymore. He was looking at his sickly sister who had silent tears streaming down her face. She looked at Sebastian-her twin-as if she didn't recognize him. As if she didn't even know who he was. A stranger. Pained cries escaped her as she limped off with Solomon helping her each step of the way.

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