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The whole Slytherin house was a buzz talking about the party that would be happening later on. Although everyone was careful not to alert the prefects about it, Adelaide had caught one of the first years talking about it too loud to the male prefect that she had met her first night at Hogwarts. He had simply smiled and pretended not to be listening.

Adelaide barely touched her dinner as she anxiously waited for the meal to be over. She was hungry and the roasted pork chops and lamb smelled delicious. But their whole plan relied solely upon obtaining the truth serum for it to work.

Sebastian nudged her, "Darling, you need to eat. You barely touched lunch as well. I know you love the pork."

"I do," She agreed and looked up at him. She was so in love with this boy. Not just in his looks-because he was incredibly handsome in her opinion-but the way he lovingly doted on her and made her feel like a priority. She could only hope that she was reciprocating the same amount of love and he understood just how much she loved him.

He leaned down without any warning and whispered against her ear, "If you keep looking at me like that, I'll clear the table and take you right here."

Adelaide looked at him with mock horror. "And waste all the food?"

"I know what I'd like to eat." He purred.

She gave him a bemused look which caused him to smile innocently and take a bite of his lamb. Adelaide looked over at Anne, "Everything ready for tonight?"

Anne nodded, "I expect you'll have a half hour once he's notified.

It was almost show time.

Sebastian managed to sneak away from his adoring fans using an excuse that his stomach was hurting him from eating too much Yorkshire pudding at dinner. Adelaide and him were waiting in the corridor outside potions with the disillusionment spell casted over them. They didn't say anything for fear of notifying Professor Sharp who was still in the classroom, but held hands as they waited.

A few moments passed when they heard running up the corridor and saw two Slytherin prefects rushing up to the door. The same two she had met her first night. The girl spoke first, standing in the doorway.

"Professor! A moment please."

Adelaide couldn't see the Professor's initial expression, but in the doorway he looked severely annoyed.

"What is it?" He asked.

The female flinched from the ice in his tone and so the boy spoke up, "Sir, it's the Slytherin Common Room. There was punch left out for everyone to welcome Sallow back to school, but someone spiked it with an aging potion. There's babies everywhere."

She felt Sebastian's body shake with silent laughter. Adelaide watched as the Professor pinched the bridge of his nose with a scowl. "Very well. Let me grab a few things."

"I'd hurry Professor. They're not wearing diapers." She warned.

Adelaide almost laughed out loud, but Sebastian covered her mouth quickly. He waited until the Professor and the Prefects were gone before releasing her. "Shall, we?"

They snuck into the potions classroom, eyeing the locked door. "Alohomora."

Nothing. She heard rattling around the desk in the front of the classroom and watched as a floating key was trailing towards her. "He was in a hurry and forgot about it?"

The Final Keeper | Sebastian Sallow Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now