The Final Repository

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"Destroy it?" Anne echoed, looking between them all. "Why does that sound dangerous?"

Ominis looked grim, "If it's Adelaide, then it's likely the most dangerous option."

Sebastian stayed quiet, his expression deadpanned. He didn't have to vocalize his opinion for her to know his stance on it and he wasn't going to bother. Her mind was made up and he knew it. Professor Fig wasn't given the opportunity to state is opinion as another figure Apparated on the bridge behind them. At first, Adelaide thought it was one of the Professors.

The Hogwarts Professors don't wear dragon leather.

"So that's what the wand you had made in Ollivander's was for." Amir jerked this thumb back towards the Guardians, "Nasty buggers. Luckily, I was able to retrieve this from Ranrock's body. I have been wanting to play with this."

In his hands, he held a white wand with a bulbous, hollow handle. He was staring at Professor Fig with an annoyingly knowing smirk.

The older professor fell for the bait. "Miriam's wand."

Amir looked pleased, "If she'd simply handed over the container-all of this could have been avoided. Oh how she screamed. Foolish, self-important witch."

"Expelliarmus." He shouted, pain evident in his voice.

Amir easily deflected the spell. "Seems you were two of a kind. She didn't know when to give up either. As it is, neither do I."

Using Miriam's wand, he sent a cast of red magic in between Adelaide and the Professor. It missed them, but perhaps that was his goal. She watched, alarm rising as the magic hit the final repository and the once blue container turned an angry red color. It didn't stop there as it began to glow brighter and brighter until the container exploded. A shockwave of power knocked everyone to the ground. Ominis put his arm over Anne's head as rocks started falling from the ceiling.

When Isidora inhaled the pain, she smiled thinking that she was ridding the world of an unnecessary evil. All the pain that was in the in the container now was searching for a host and Amir was more than happy to provide.

She looked at Sebastian frantically, "Use a defensive charm around yourselves. Do not inhale the corrupted magic."

A flurry of Protego's were heard between the Professor, Sebastian, Ominis, and Anne. Adelaide didn't bother as she watched the scattered magic fill Amir and his eyes glowed a brilliant red color-redder than ever before.

"Finally. The magic of the final repository is all mine." He threw his head back and laughed, "Now to end the only living being in my way."

She jumped to the side as he darted towards her, but caught her sleeve and they tumbled down the ledge. Luckily enough for them, the ledge was angled and it was like a slide a few feet down. When they both hit the bottom, Adelaide reared her foot back and kicked him in the face away from her. She briefly glanced up to see Sebastian on his hands and knees looking down at her with a fierce expression.

"Stay up there." She shouted, using her magic to crumble the slide. "Focus on deflecting the magic from the others."

Even though it was the briefest exchange, she saw the red magic trying to find holes in their defensive magic. Amir backed up allowing himself to feed off more power from the repository and his body started to contort. The corrupted magic surrounded him like a fiery tornado and he transfigured himself into a giant, ancient magic wielding Aromantula. Adelaide watched as the giant spider spat a magic infused venom towards her, rearing up on its hind legs. She used her robe to cover the venom being sent her way, but a mixture of disgust and horror swept through her when she realized the venom was eating away at her robe.

The Final Keeper | Sebastian Sallow Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now