Ranrock the Renegade

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Adelaide wiped her eyes, walking through the portal back to the Map Chamber. She wasn't going to comment on the relationship, but she couldn't imagine the feeling. If she ever lost Sebastian... she fanned her face.

No more crying.

She needed to speak to the Keepers.

"The caverns below Hogwarts-where you fought Isidora. Is that the location of the final repository?" Adelaide asked, looking up at the four Keepers.

Professor Rackham nodded, "It is. You see, we could not destroy the strands of emotion Isidora had stolen from so many. So we did all that we could to keep them safe. We also realized that until they could be destroyed, the magic used to create them was a danger to wizardkind." He sighed, "Hence we became Keepers. Keepers of an unfathomable secret. We knew that-some day-one with the ability to see traces of ancient magic might be seduced by its power."

San Bakar looked at her pointedly and she chose to ignore it. The only thing she got seduced by was an almost six foot Scottish devil.

"We built the trials to lead that person to us. To allow them to prove themselves worthy of the knowledge we'd kept hidden and the responsibility that accompanies it."

Adelaide frowned. "Have I not proven myself, Professor? I need to get to that repository before Ranrock does."

"You have, and you will." Percival Rackham agreed. She waited for the clause. "But the repository is protected by powerful ancient magic. To enter, you must craft a special wand from the four artifacts you found above our Pensieves."

She sighed in relief. "So the repository is safe from Ranrock for now?"

"If he is, as you suspect, capable of using the power of the other repository, I fear he will be able to breach our defenses."

Adelaide looked at him blankly. There goes that short lived reassurance. "Then I must go now and craft this wand. Perhaps Mr. Ollivander will help me."

"Another Ollivander?" An amused smile unexpectedly found its way to the Professor. "As I am sure he will tell you, this wand may be used for only one purpose. Return with the wand and we will open the way forward."

Professor Fig nodded, "I shall send an owl ahead to Ollivander. Whilst you visit him, I'll reach out to Professor Weasley."

"Professor Weasley?" She blinked.

He nodded, a wry smile on his face. "Yes. I may have made an error in judgement by not informing her of Ranrock's intentions earlier. I can only hope it's not too late. If Ranrock is really going to try to drill below Hogwarts, we'll need all the help we can get."

"Alright Professor. I'll see you soon."

Adelaide went to the Undercroft, realizing that it was almost breakfast time. She had been out all night and only a goblin rebellion on the brink of happening to show for it. When she walked in, she was amused to see Sebastian passed out asleep on the blanket. Ominis was standing over him and Anne was kneeling beside him looking guilty with a black marker.

Upon closer inspection, Adelaide could see cat whiskers. She raised her eye brow at the both of them, but it was Ominis who grinned and rose his finger to his lips. Unfortunately, when the gate clanged shut, Sebastian had already begun to stir. Anne shot up and quickly ran next to Ominis with an innocent expression on her face.

Sebastian sat up, still half-asleep. He looked between Ominis and Anne with a suspicious expression, but it was all forgotten once he saw her. "You're back! How did it go?"

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