Epilogue: 10 Years Later

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Adelaide Sallow was staring down at the scene before her with a mixture of amusement and utter disbelief. She didn't understand how there was flour everywhere.

"What exactly do you two have to say for yourselves?" She crossed her arms with her authoritative voice.

Two of the kids looked at her with big, innocent smile. Elle Sallow was also covered in flour. Her long brown curls a scattered mess, there may have been some egg yolk at the bottom, and for seven years old-she was the mischievous one. She looked up at her mother with beaming brown eyes that reminded her of Anne at times. "Mum, there's a good explanation for this."

"Oh is there?" She mused, "Let's hear it."

Elle was named after Eleazar. Who now turned her attention to Hope Sallow. After their wedding, Ominis shed his last name causing quite a stir and took Anne's last name instead. Hope was the perfect name for their child Adelaide had thought as it was Hope that kept both of them going. She had shorter caramel hair that fell to her shoulders. At least it would have if it wasn't caked to the back of her head with Merlin knows what. She was a couple years older than Elle, but normally just followed the younger Sallow.

She took a moment before answering and then pointed at her younger brother. "Oliver wanted to make Daddy his favorite cookies since his birthday is coming up and we wanted it to be a surprise."

Hope pressed her lips together, fighting a smile.

"Oliver is three. Are you sure you didn't want cookies?" Adelaide inquired, "Your mother is a very accomplished Auror. I could take you down to the Ministry right now and question you."

The door barged open, revealing a Hogwarts Professor that looked at them all with a large grin playing on his lips. His hair was a bit shorter now, but just as curly. Crows feet by his eyes were beginning to form from years of happiness and never-ending laughter. But he still looked at his pregnant wife like he wanted to have another go at the Restricted Section together.

"Kids," He raised an eyebrow, "What did I say before I left today? Be good for mum."

Hope shook her head, "I heard you say to Aunt Addy that she was going to enjoy her bed rest when you--"

Adelaide's cheeks flared and she glowered at her husband who was smirking of all things, "Ah! Don't repeat that. Your uncle is about to have the Silencing Charm for the rest of his existence."

Sebastian chuckled quietly, brandishing his wand and cleaning the kitchen up. Now all that was left was three kids covered in baking ingredients that desperately needed a wash.

"You three, go take a bath." He ordered sternly, "Your mother and I will make you lot some cookies."

Smiles came to all their faces. Oliver just looked happy to be apart of something since the older two tend to leave him out. They rushed up the stairs and Adelaide looked at her husband.

She grimaced, "If she repeats that, Ominis will kill you. Anne will bring you back to life and then kill you again."

"My sister is a brilliant doctor and potioneer, but I doubt that even she could bring the dead back to life." Sebastian mused, putting his reading glasses away. "Come now. We have cookies to make."

Adelaide shook her head smiling and then flinched. Sebastian looked at her worriedly and she gave him a small smile, "It's fine. Your daughter is moving around like crazy in there."

"She's going to raise hell just as her namesake Professor." Sebastian grinned, looking down at his wife adoringly and rubbing the small of her back that was normally sore from being 6 months pregnant.

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