Lodgok's Loyalty

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What. In. Merlin's. Name.

Adelaide stared at the letter with apprehension. Lodgok was heading to the Coastal Mine alone, trying to stop Ranrock without her help. She almost ran into Sebastian as she walked into the Common Room, flustered. He raised his eyebrow skeptically before taking the letter she offered to him.

He read it quickly, mouth turning in a frown with each line. "Let met take a guess. You want to hurry to the Coastal mine to stop him. And you were already on your way there, but ran into me by accident."

She looked him too innocently. "I would never do something so dangerous and impulsive."

Sebastian wasn't amused. "Adelaide, it truly upsets me when you act on your own." His voice softened in the slightest. "You're not alone, you have me."

"Ah yes, Hogwarts' best duelist that I bested my first day." She nodded, "Great plan."

He smirked and bent down to her ear, "Considering the love marks I left on you last night, I'd say I was quite the match for you."

Adelaide's cheeks heated up. It had gotten rather out of control yesterday after Ominis and Anne left, but they hadn't gone all the way. Not yet anyway. She looked up at him annoyed, "Are you coming or not?"

Sebastian gazed at her with a devilish, unruly smile, "Shouldn't I be asking you that tonight?"

"I'm going by myself." She stated firmly, moving past him. He laughed and walked beside her towards the exit to Hogwarts, "You can't get rid of me that easily."

She nodded, "Oh I can. I'll revoke your lover privileges. We can simply be friends."

"Revoke my privileges?" He echoed with a grin. "You weren't complaining about my privileges last night."

They bickered all the way to the Brooms closet which Anne kept unlocked now since she was back on the Quidditch team. She was upset to hear that the season was cancelled due to a pure blood getting hurt.

Once up in the air, they watched the highlands fade behind the clouds, and headed towards the Coastal Mine. After some time flying, they arrived, and Sebastian ditched the broom behind some bushes. They were talking to each other casually until spying the entrance to the Mine was guarded by a troll.

"That troll is more armored than the one in Hogsmeade." Sebastian pointed out, staring at the goblin silver coated in corrupted ancient magic. It wrapped around the troll's body, making its eyes glow red.

Adelaide smirked. "Scared, Sallow?"

He leered at her. "My sincerest apologies, Clark. Not all of us have powerful ancient magic that could reduce that troll to an insect." He stepped out, "We can sneak past him and save our energy for the goblins inside."

Sebastian pointedly ignored her grin before they both casted the Disillusionment charm. She realized that there were a few goblin warriors also guarding the exit, but they snuck by them easily.

"Morons." He grumbled out beside her.

Adelaide rolled her eyes. He was going to have to get through his prejudices. They weren't sure if it was a goblin that cursed Anne. Neither of them actually saw who casted the spell. They came to a metal door leading deeper into the Mine and looked around.

"No sign of Lodgok out here." Adelaide keenly observed, "He must be inside already."

As the entered the Mine, the first thing they both realized was how enormous it was. There were so many mine cart bridges and cog wheels, and equipment escalating the mine on their own.

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