Welcome to Hogwarts

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Professor Fig's expression hardened at the sight of the Goblin. He strode forward, glaring. "Ranrock."

The harsh smile never left his face as Ranrock took a few paces forward as well. "Seems my reputation precedes me. I was beginning to think that no one was ever going to visit Rackham's vault."

"And why are you here?" Brandishing his wand, Adelaide followed suit pointing it towards the Goblins.

Ranrock head a hand up, "No need for that. Just give me whatever it is you found here...and we can let bygones be bygones."

Both Adelaide and the Professor were saved from replying as the Goblin Banker spoke up timidly. "Sir...they had the key to the vault."

Only turning halfway, Ranrock didn't make eye contact with the other Goblin as the side of his lip curled menacingly. "Choose your next words wifely."

"I only meant that the instructions for vault twelve were quite clear." The quake in his voice made it obvious the Banker was terrified of Ranrock, but in a surprising turn his voice became more forceful, "Sir, I must insist. I was to grant access only to one with the key. And you didn't have-"

In a flare of red light, the Goblin Banker was thrown upwards as if someone had cast Leviosa on the poor fellow. But just as quickly, the Banker was thrown to the ground mercilessly. He fell with a sickening crunch that sent a wave of anger through Adelaide. The Goblin was only staying true to his job. It was Ranrock that was trespassing.

"I have no patience for traitors." Ranrock reflected steadily. "Now, where were we?"

Professor Fig straightened out, his voice grave. "I'm not giving you anything."

"Hmph." Came the reply as Ranrock waved his hand absentmindedly. "Well-perhaps your young friend here will be more helpful."

Without hesitating, Professor waved his wand towards the Goblin casting a bright string of magic that was met with a red returning wave of power. Adelaide watched astonished as the Goblin seemed to wield magic without a wand, but her amazement was short lived as Ranrock threw his other metallic covered hand forward. It caused another explosion of power to hit her and the Professor with full force, and sent them tumbling back across the vault. The wind was knocked out of her as she hit the hard floor, feeling a searing pain in her wrist from landing on it. Before anyone could react, the Pensieve on the floor melted down. Instead, another knight rose in its place, but it was far bigger than the ones Professor Fig fought.

It stood up with one hand on the handle of its sword. It had to easily be 30ft tall with white and blue glowing magic inside of its metal armor. Ranrock along with one of his men and the guard from before backed up as the Knight lifted its sword high into the air. Over its shoulder, it swung the sword down towards the goblins. Adelaide glanced towards the Professor and helped him up, as he coughed. Blood dribbled down the sides of his mouth, but he wiped it away quickly. She looked around, trying to think of a way out when she saw it. There. It was another doorway, but this time she could see a forest.

Adelaide pulled the Professor's arm, encouraging him to follow her. Ranrock and his men were too busy fighting the Knight to notice them sneaking away towards the doorway. That and to Ranrock, it wasn't an exit. It was simply a brick wall.

The knight swung back, causing on of the pillars to start crumbling down overhead. Adelaide could feel the anxiety rushing into her chest, her flight or fight instinct starting to kick in. She couldn't win against and Knight and magic wielding goblins. She wasn't strong enough. Yet.

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