The Cavern Below

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Sebastian held her hand as they ran through the halls. A few students who were canoodling or simply strolling the halls thought them to be losing their gobstones. It almost made Adelaide laugh. She was concerned about protecting the final repository from a dark wizard and the other students were hoping to have a last dance or be kissed by the their latest infatuation. Priorities she supposed.

They passed the Grand Hall to see students flooding out. Adelaide spotted a disappointed Poppy who was talking to another Hufflepuff student.

"Poppy!" Adelaide called out, slowing down. "What happened in there?"

She looked at Adelaide's uniform, "Did you change?" She gestured back to the Ball, "Professor Sharp appeared suddenly with some wizard who looked like he needed urgent medical attention. The candles went out and when they came back on, Spavin was gone so the journalists started freaking out. Then half of the Professors shot up and demanded that the students go back to the safety of our dorms. Now the Prefects are rounding us up."

"Damn it." Sebastian hissed lowly, seeing one of the Slytherin prefects heading towards them now.

Poppy looked over and hastily started walking away, not wanting to deal with a prefect of another house. Adelaide idly remembered that her last name was Thomas, but didn't remember her first.

"Sallow, Clark. You both need to return to the Common Room. Now." She ordered, her hands on her hips. She was less threatening in a golden ball gown and her hair a mass of curls piled high on her head.

Sebastian smiled cheerfully at her, "Duly noted. Come along darling." He led her away in the direction they needed to be going for the Map Chamber.

"That's the wrong way!" Thomas called out, her voice shrill.

Her lover didn't turn around only raising his hand in the air to acknowledge he heard her, "We're going the long way."

The prefect must have known it was a lost cause with Sebastian or simply had too many students to worry about rather than deal with two rebellious ones. They would probably get an earful later. Adelaide hid her chagrin smile to herself. She was concerned with a lecture when the final fight would soon begin. Only a little bit farther to go.

Percival looked down at her with great interest. "You have completed all of our trials. And you have done so under circumstances even I did not foresee."

"Agreed." She heard Ominis whisper to Anne who quickly looked down, but Adelaide saw her amused smile.

Professor Rackham either didn't hear him or chose to ignore him. "You understand, now, why all of this was necessary. The portkey, the vault, the locket, the book, the trials-"

"It wasn't." Sebastian's tone was matter-of-fact under his breath and avoiding eye contact with any of the Keepers. For him, they were just the bunch of old geezers who kept putting his future wife in mortal peril every few weeks.

The older wizard momentarily looked as if he were about to kick the two young men out, "-Were to ensure that one with the ability you and I share would make the same choice that San, Niamh, Charles, and I did."

San Bakar nodded, "Now that you have witnessed my memory, you understand all that is at stake. Not everyone is what they seem."

"As you know, light does not exist without shadow nor shadow without light. Simply because you can eliminate darkness does not always mean that you should." Niamh added.

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