Sleepless in Slytherin

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Ominis and Adelaide walked side by side on the way to breakfast. According to the blonde Slytherin, Sebastian was still passed out and snoring softly that he didn't want to wake him up.

"If we don't bring him any pastries back, he'd likely disown us." Ominis quipped, as they sat down next to each other.

Adelaide smiled, already putting a few of the precious pastries on an extra plate, "Why is he so obsessed with them?"

"Every Sunday morning, his mother used to bake cinnamon cookies covered in sugar." Ominis reflected in a wistful tone, "His sister, Anne, is also quite fond of cinnamon flavored goods."

She smiled, "I don't hear him talk about his sister much. Why doesn't she attend Hogwarts?"

"That is not my story to tell." Ominis sighed, turning his head to look at her, "I'm sure he'll talk to you soon about it. He's received permission to go to Feldcroft one of these weekends."

"Are students not normally allowed to travel wherever they please?"

"It's not forbidden, but highly discouraged as our primary responsibility is to be students. Plus, the School is responsible for our safety and care. They like to limit the possibility of accidents happening to us."

Adelaide nodded, yawning tiredly. She hadn't slept and laid in bed all night with racing thoughts. "I suppose that makes sense."

"You seem awfully tired. You didn't sleep after a midnight escapade?"" Ominis lowered his voice, aware of the nosy students around them.

She shook her head, "I haven't been able to sleep lately is all."

Ominis didn't comment on it right away. Instead he asked about it while they were walking back from Breakfast.

"If you don't mind me asking, why haven't you been able to sleep well?"

She contemplated telling Ominis everything as well. "Without going into much detail here in public," She fiddled with the wrapping on the pastries absentmindedly, "There are a bunch of powerful people after me because of certain abilities that I have. And as a results, I'd had a hard time feeling safe while I'm sleeping. I think my roommates are tired of hearing me toss and turn all night."

A frown fell upon his face. His eye brows scrunching together in concern. "Does Sebastian know this?"

"He knows of my situation. He doesn't know about my trouble sleeping."

"Do you not feel safe in the dormitory?"

Adelaide shrugged, "I'm not sure. The only times I do feel comfortable are around you and Sebastian."

"I'm glad to hear that." Ominis smiled, "We do enjoy your company. Especially Sebastian."

"Especially Sebastian, what?" They both whirled to see the sleepy devil rubbing his eye as they stood in front of the Common Room door. The metallic snake appeared, revealing the hidden door.

"I thought you were asleep. Where did you go?"

Sebastian's eyes were on the plate of food Adelaide was holding, "Here, there, Under somewhere." He said cryptically, and then his eyes fell on her. "Are those pastries?"

She nodded, "Ominis and I didn't really eat much for breakfast, so we're going to have these before Potions class later."

"...All of them?"

"Does a niffler like shiny thing?" Ominis asked dryly, catching on to her teasing. "We asked the house elves to make these specific ones super soft and with extra icing. So they'll be rather delicious."

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