A New Face

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Adelaide felt infinitely better after getting some rest, breakfast, and conversing with two of her favorite people. But as she looked up at the portrait of Charles Rookwood, she felt a new strength imbued in her. Her ability to wield ancient magic had improved and she wasn't alone in any of this. She had Sebastian, Ominis, and Anne.

"It is good to see you again." He greeted her with a kind smile.

Percival Rackham gestured towards her, "Professor Rookwood told me about what happened at Rookwood Castle."

"In light of the dire circumstances in which we find ourselves, it is most fortunate that someone so competent is following this path."

Adelaide smiled at this. "Thank you, Professor. I shall keep this second artifact safe, as you've advised."

"Good. Are you ready to move on?" Charles Rookwood inquired, eyeing her.

She frowned, slightly worried if he meant the third trial. So soon? Something was bugging her. "What was the glowing strand that Isidora pulled from her father's chest?"

"It was-pain." He explained simply. "You will understand more about her actions as you complete the trials."

Adelaide nodded slowly, "I'm ready for whatever comes next."

Professor Rackham gestured towards another portrait that was empty, "Allow me to introduce former Hogwarts headmistress, Niamh Fitzgerald."

To the left of Charles Rookwood, another woman slowly walked into view and regarded Adelaide with a cautious, but kind look. She was dressed in a red medieval dress with a golden rope around her waist. Her hair was as dark of a red as Adelaides, but it was braided in a beautiful crown around her head.

"How do you do. I must say that I was not entirely surprised to learn that a student had been completing the trials. I've always believed Hogwarts students capable of anything they set their minds to." Her voice was calm and clear.

Adelaide smiled again, feeling shy at the praise. "Thank you, Professor. It's a pleasure to meet you as well."

"I am certain that you are more than capable of completing my trial. However, I must first-how shall I say- 'prepare' the location of your next trial." She explained.

This made her wonder if the next trial would be easy. Hopefully that means no Pensieve Guardian, she thought warily.

"We trust your judgement, Professor Fitzgerald. You should know better than anyone how to manage the inconvenience of," Percival Rackham hesitated, "Well..."

"-a vainglorious and exasperating headmaster? Indeed I should." Niamh Fitzgerald gave him a small smile. "I shall confirm that everything is in order immediately."

Professor Rackham nodded and then looked at Adelaide. "Professor Fitzgerald needs some time to clear the way forward. Until then, you should continue to hone your magic." He crossed his hands, one over another in front of him. "If you learn more about Ranrock and Victor Rookwood's activities in the meantime, please let us know."

Adelaide nodded and turned to Professor Fig who had been beside her, "Hopefully you will soon hear from Lodgok, as well, and we shall learn how he fared with the helmet you retrieved. Well done today, as always. We shall speak again soon."

Adelaide was walking the halls, not in a particular rush with any destination in mind. It wasn't until she heard her name being called, that she stopped near a Ravenclaw student. His hair was cut short to the middle of his forehead and appeared as if he had been raking his hand through his hair repeatedly. He pushed his circular, large glasses up his nose as he met her gaze.

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