The Polyjuice Plot

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It had been a long lecture. Sebastian and Adelaide had tried to sneak into the Slytherin Common Room, but Ominis had been waiting for them near the fireplace. They had tried to play off that the smoke smell was from the fireplace, but Ominis got more irritated with them for lying and assuming because he was blind that he would fall for such a stupid lie. Sebastian wasn't helping his case as he mimicked the other boy's pacing and mouthing the words -as if he'd received a lecture like this quite often.

"How could you both be so irresponsible-SALLOW." Ominis bellowed, bringing his wand out.

Sebastian looked at him momentarily terrified, "No-Ominis."

"MELOFORS." A cloud of orange smoke appeared, causing Adelaide to cough and wave her hand around to dissipate the smoke.

Adelaide jumped at the sight of Sebastian. But it wasn't the Sebastian she loved. Mostly. She also didn't know whether to cry or laugh, but stared dumbfounded at the boy she considered a brother. "Ominis Gaunt..." She gulped. "Did you just turn Sebastian's head into a pumpkin."

Ominis tilted his head as Sebastian fell backwards because his head was too heavy for his body. "No. His head has just been encased in a pumpkin."

"Can he breathe?" Adelaide asked dryly, knocking on Sebastian's pumpkin head.

Even though the boy beside her was shaking his head--at least she thought he was-Ominis shrugged nonchalantly, "Perhaps."

Sebastian reached for his wand and grumbled something from inside the pumpkin. She watched as the a crack formed in the thick skin of the fruit, and it eventually broke in half to reveal Sebastian's real face. He had pumpkin seeds decorated through his hair and fibrous strands stuck to his face.

Adelaide patted his cheek, smiling big. "Hey, pumpkin."

Her lover didn't smile, but instead gave her a deathly glare. "Not a word."

Ominis was leaning against the fire place with a content smile. "Have we learned anything, dear boy?"

Sebastian wiped his cheek, scowling at slippery texture. "Yes. That I'm not giving you Anne's hand anytime in the next 3o years."

The boys left her, bickering about the events that had just occurred. It wasn't until some time later when only Sebastian had rejoined her in the Common Room. He seemed to be rather panicked about something.

She frowned at the sight of him. "Sebastian? Are you alright?"

"No, come with me." He said shortly, heading out of the shared room. Adelaide's frown grew along with her apprehension. It wasn't until she had followed him out of the castle did he speak again. "Why didn't you tell me?"

She frowned, walking along the path. "Sebastian, what are you talking about? Where did Ominis go? Did he stay in the room?"

"Stop going on about Ominis. Do you love him more than me?" Sebastian inquired as they headed towards a familiar sight. The Forbidden Forest.

Adelaide stopped at the bridge. "It's a different love." She reflected coldly, "Why are you acting like this?"

"Follow me and I'll tell you." He said simply.

She looked at him hard. His hair wasn't wet, but he should have showered from the pumpkin jinx. His tie was tight and neat whereas he normally loosened it because he was always looking down, reading a book-and it probably felt constricting. He was holding his wand in his right hand when he was left handed. And he didn't have an ounce of affection in his eyes whereas he tended to look at her as if she put the stars in the sky for him.

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