Beasts Class

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Adelaide was antsy, standing outside near the stables as Beasts class began. The sun was shining and the heat was beginning to curl the ends of her hair. She was considering taking her robe off when a middle aged woman walked in with a smile. She wore a green Witch hat that matched her green and beige trousers. She wore a thick apron of sorts that had different treats and brushes readily available for the animals on the front of it.

"Welcome everyone." Her voice was cheerful as she looked around the class, "I see you've already met some of the many beasts we study in this class. Though be advised, none of these creatures should be taken lightly. They are all, in their own way, dangerous-especially if one does not know how to handle them properly."

Adelaide peered over at the giant fur ball beside her that was in the hands of a brunette Hufflepuff. Her hair was cut short in a bob and she looked pleasantly content taking care of the beast.

Professor Howin continued, "Now, it seems many of you are out of practice. Let's take some time to review the basics of how to care for a beast, shall we?" She held her hand out to gesture in Adelaide's direction. "Miss Sweeting, would you please assist our new student with the lesson today?"

"Yes Professor Howin." She turned sharply with a friendly smile, "Hello! I'm Poppy-Poppy Sweeting." She leaned in with a whisper, "Don't worry about Professor Howin's speech, she over exaggerates sometimes. All the beasts in class are perfectly safe."

As she said that, the Puffskein she was holding tried licking her face, causing a small scream to erupt from the Hufflepuff. Professor Howin looked at her sternly, raising her voice. "Miss Sweeting, pay attention, please. The tongue of a Puffskein can be a slippery devil."

"Uh, Yes, Professor." Poppy wiped the drool from her cheek.

Adelaide learned how to address 'Gerald' as the Puffskein was called and that he liked pellets and to be groomed by the students. Poppy had commented that she liked to think that the pellets tasted like pudding to Gerald. Soon after, they were directed to go over to the pens where the Kneazles were purring in their sleep. That is, until a Slytherin boy with a wand was pointing to one of the feline creatures.

"Coupla' Kneazle whiskers oughta' get me a few Knuts, at least." He chuckled, pushing a stray dark strand of hair away from his face, "Enough to buy something from Honeydukes."

Next to him was a Ravenclaw student with a boorish attitude and seemed to be egging on on the boy next to her. She nodded and smiled, clapping her hands together as he used his wand to magically tug on the whiskers on the Kneezle. It's green eyes stared at him as its whiskers were tugged, face scrunched up in pain, and the hackles raised on its back.

After a moment, the Slytherin student gave up, looking at the Kneazle irked. "Eh, stupid thing. Hmph." He tried again, this time harder when Poppy spotted them.

"What in Merlin's name are you doing?" She snapped, running over to the gate.

"Ugh," The Slytherin looked at her distastefully. "Tsk, Tsk, peculiar Poppy. Worried about a worthless little rodent?"

Poppy turned on him angrily, "Her name is Persephone."

"'Her name is Persephone.'" He mimicked in an over the top high pitched voice. The Ravenclaw student laughed obnoxiously beside him.

Adelaide walked up, staring at him coldly. "That's really not funny."

Both the students turned towards Adelaide, sizing her up. Then, a surprising figure clapped the Slytherin boy on the back. It was Garreth, who warned him, "Mate, I would pick a fight elsewhere. She's Sebastian's girl."

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