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Hyunjin woke up and did his morning routine. He washed up, brushed his teeth, got dressed and fix his hair. He walked downstairs to see Felix asleep on the couch."Why is he asleep on the couch again" said Hyunjin as he came downstairs."He wouldn't go in his room because of Jeongin attitude" Changbin said as he drunk his coffee."His attitude has gone on long enough. My baby needs to sleep where he can be comfortable" Hyunjin said. Felix woke to the noise and looked at Hyunjin."형, 지금 몇 시야(Hyung, what time is it) Felix said in Korean. Felix haven't stopped talking Korean for days now. And only Hyunjin can understand him."여덟시 삼십분(Eight thirty) Hyunjin said. The heard glass shattered from upstairs. There were only two people upstairs. Jeongin and Minho.

"What the hell happened here" Chan said. Minho and his room was trashed."Mr. Beta over here wants to wake up and start breaking stuff for no reason at all" Minho said. Jeongin glared at him."I.N, anything you want to say" Changbin asked the youngest. Jeongin rolled his eyes and went into his and Felix room slamming the door. Felix flinched and looked at Hyunjin."이니 괜찮아 형(Is Innie okay Hyung" Felix asked. Hyunjin looked at youngest and ruffled his hair."Seungmin go make him some breakfast and put a translator on so it could translate what he's saying" Hyunjin said. Seungmin nodded grabbing the pup hand and walking downstairs."I'll go in and talk to him. Stay out here" said the Head-Omega. Hyunjin opened the bedroom door and locked it."I.N" Hyunjin called for the youngest. Jeongin looked at him from his bed."What's wrong Innie" Hyunjin asked."Felix. I'm going lose him if I'm not bad or hard on him" Jeongin. Hyunjin sat on the bed and looked at the youngest."That's just going make you lose him even more" Hyunjin replied. Jeongin buried his face in his knees."We all don't want to lose him. We know your the one that took it harder than anyone else. That's why your acting like this" Hyunjin told Jeongin."Now, freshen up and go help Minho and apologize to him" Hyunjin said Jeongin. Jeongin nodded listening to the Head-Omega. Hyunjin left to room and went downstairs.

"Smells good" Hyunjin said as he came downstairs. Seungmin looked at him and smiled."So how was talking to Jeongin" Jisung said."Okay" Hyunjin said."Just okay" Chan said looking at the Omega."He going though a tough time. Felix and him been close since we found them. He's just protecting Felix by being hard on him" Hyunjin said as he sat down. Felix looked at Changbin and frowned."Binnie" Felix said as he looked at the Alpha. Changbin looked at the pup."Why is Hyunjin the Head-Omega" Felix asked as Hyunjin looked over at him."Don't tell him. He's too young" Hyunjin said."But you're tell Innie and he's younger than me" Felix replied."Doesn't matter" Hyunjin said. His eyes was cold."Doesn't matter. You always says that. I'm old enough to understand your story" Felix said."Watch your tone pup" Chan said."Whatever" Felix said."Felix you really need to watch your tone" Seungmin said."And you really need to shut the hell up" Felix said."Felix I don't know why your acting like this but you need to calm the fuck down" Hyunjin said as he got up."Then why y'all treat me like I'm a kid. I'm 16 I should be able to handle anything y'all say" Felix said as he looked at Hyunjin."Like I said, you don't need to fucking know" Hyunjin said as he was in front of Felix."I fucking hate you" Felix said quietly."What did you say. I don't think I heard it" Hyunjin said."I said I fucking hate yo-" Felix was cut off with a slap to the face. He held his cheek. The others couldn't do nothing about it since Hyunjin was the Head-Omega."I wish y'all kept me in that fucking laboratory and let me get abused and raped" Felix said as tears came down."Don't tell me about your story Hyung. All I know is that I trusted you. But you can't trust me" Felix said as he ran upstairs. Hyunjin just stood there."Should I go check on him" Seungmin asked. Hyunjin shook his head and ran upstairs. Hyunjin walked into his room and looked at the crying pup."Felix, can we talk" Hyunjin asked. Felix ignored him."Felix, I trust you. I really do. I just my past is a little more serious and terrifying than yours. I don't want to tell you until your old enough" Hyunjin said."Your the only person I would trust anything with" Hyunjin said as he sat on the bed."Please talk to me" Hyunjin pleaded. Felix looked at Hyunjin who was crying."Wait 'on't cry 'yung" Felix said as he was slipping."I'm 'orry" Felix said as he hugged Hyunjin."Shh don't cry baby. It's okay, I'm okay baby stop crying" Hyunjin said said as he kissed the pup head."Hyung 'oves 'ix" Felix said as he pouted. Hyunjin smiled and kissed Felix forehead."Of course baby. I will always love you Felix. We all will" Hyunjin said. Felix tiredly smiled and snuggled up next to Hyunjin. Hyunjin laid down with Felix in his arms and drifted off to sleep.

"Should we check on them" Seungmin asked. Chan nodded and they headed upstairs."Jeongin, Minho what are y'all doing" Jisung asked."We're watching the Head-Omega and pup sleeping together. Their so cute" Minho said as he smiled a little. The rest of them looked and smiled at the scene in the room in front of them."Looks like Felix slipped into his little space" Changbin said."Hyunjin really do know how to deal with him. He really did take care of Felix didn't he" Jisung said as he looked at Chan who was smiling."Yeah he sure did" Chan said as he smiled.

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