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Felix and Hayato was out today at a doctor appointment. So the Alphas decided to call a family meeting since they're all like family and they live in the same house.

Family Meeting

Everyone came downstairs

Nearly everyone was already up and dressed because they have work."Why are y'all calling a family meeting? Did something happened? Are y'all still fighting!" Taehyung said as he walked in the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee."No we're not still fighting, and yes something might be happening" S-Coup said as he looked at the young Alpha."So, what's happening and where is Lixie?" Ni-ki asked as he looked at the Alpha."Felix is at Hayato doctor appointment since their Eomma couldn't go cause he had work. And we are going on a family trip" Jake said."Where are we going?" Jimin asked."We're going to visit Ni-ki hometown, Japan" Chan answered. Ni-ki eyes widened.

"Wait so that means.....I can see my family" Ni-ki asked as his eyes started watering. The Alphas smiled and nodded."We been planning this trip for a long time now. And we thought why not let Ni-ki visit his family while we're there" Hongjoon said."So, when do we go?" Taehyung asked as he sat down on the couch next to Ni-ki and Jimin."We go tomorrow, we have to fill Felix in when he gets back. Also Hayato is going to be taking 2 weeks off from school cause he's coming too" The8 said.

"So when y'all come home from work or whatever y'all do at this time, make sure y'all pack straight away. Y'all got it" Chan said.

Everyone nodded


Felix came back with Hayato after Hayato doctor appointment. He saw S-Coups and Chan downstairs talking about something. They looked over at Felix and Hayato and smiled."Good, y'all here. How was the doctor appointment?" Chan asked. Felix and Hayato sat down on the couch next to the two Alphas."It was okay, I have another appointment in 4 months for my shots" Hayato said as he looked at them."Well, we're going on a trip to Japan" Chan said as he smiled."We know. Eomma told us. How? Well he also going to Japan for business trip for his company" the sunshine brothers said."Oh, well that was easy" S-Coups said as he chuckled.

Hayato walked in the kitchen and started doing his homework. Felix walked upstairs to take a shower and a little nap until it was time for lunch."Hey Lixie, before you go upstairs can I talk to you for a sec" S-Coups asked the pup. Felix nodded and walked outside with S-Coups.

"What's wrong?" Felix said as he looked at the tall Alpha."I smell something off with you. It's like your scent is different and new at the same time. I don't know what it is but it's definitely not your old scent. So maybe you accidentally hugged or is friends with someone with this type of scent but it's just......not you" S-Coups explained. Felix on the other hand just kept smiling."I hugged Yeonjun manager, Ryder. This is his scent, I saw him at the doctor appointment" Felix explained.

S-Coups studied Felix body language and saw he was panicking. S-Coups took in that scent one more time before he just smiled at Felix."Okay, let's go back inside" S-Coups said as he forced a smiled. Felix and S-Coups walked back in and Felix goes upstairs as Hayato and Chan walked over to S-Coups."That's not him. I know his scent like I know my mates. That's not your Omega Chan" S-Coups said. Chan smelled the air."That scent is strong. It's a Omega smell but....it's not Felix scent" Chan said as he continued to smell the air. Hayato eyes started bleeding."Hayato, what's going on" S-Coups said as he grabbed some tissue for Hayato eyes."Lixie.....he's hurt. I-I-I-In d-d-danger. Screaming. Pain. Alphas" Hayato said as bleed continued to pour down his face. Chan finally got the scent that he wanted."It's a female Omega. Sunma, Lee Know ex" Chan said as his eyes glowed red. S-Coups wiped Hayato face and calls Minho.

As for Felix

Well let's just say he's not doing well at all

Felix was on a cold ground chained up to a pipe. He wasn't struggling to get free which shocked the Alphas."Why isn't he fighting us or trying to get free?" one of the Alphas asked."I don't know but his aura is a little.....dead" the second Alpha said. Felix looked up at them and saw a couple people come downstairs. One of them walked over to Felix and got to his level."We said don't hurt him, why did y'all hurt him?" the one in front of Felix said."Sunma did it. We just chained him up" the Alpha said. The one next to the Alpha sighed. They broke the chains off of Felix and one of the Alphas picked him up. They walked upstairs and walked in the bathroom. Someone was checking the water on the bathtub. He looked at them and smiled. He got up and gently took Felix from the Alpha."Now shoot, go away" the man said. They walked away and shut the door. Felix looked up at him."Who are you?" Felix asked.

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