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"Felix" Changbin called for the Omega.

Dead Silence

"Felix" Changbin called again

Dead Silence

Changbin body froze. He walked out of the Alpha Quarter and knocked on Felix door.

Dead Silence

Changbin knocked again

Dead Silence

He tried opening the door but it was locked."Chan" Changbin called. Chan came out of the Alpha Quarter with Minho behind him."Where's the key to Felix room" Changbin asked. Chan handed Changbin the key. Changbin opened the door and the three Alpha walked in. Minho looked towards Felix bed and saw it was empty."Where is he" Minho asked.

Chan sniffed the air

"Vernon, DK, Dino and Wooyoung room" Chan said. They walked towards the room and knocked on the door. DK opened the door with sleepy eyes."Yes" DK said as he looked at them."Is Felix in here" Minho asked. DK stepped out of the way and showed a black and white bundle in Vernon arms."Okay, that's all. Get some sleep" Chan said. DK nodded and closed the door.


Felix woke up first before all of them in the room. He sat up and stretched. He got out of Vernon grip and walked into the bathroom and ran the water. He hoped in and took a long shower.

After 45 minutes, he got and brushed his teeth. He wrapped a towel around him and walked into the room. He went through Vernon stuff because he knew those would fit him better. He grabbed a black t-shirt and an oversized hoodie which has to be Wooyoung and he grabbed a pair of shorts. He got dress and went downstairs after he grabbed his phone. As he walked downstairs he saw Chan, Hongjoon, SCoups, Minho, Soobin, and The8 downstairs talking. He walked downstairs quietly so he won't be heard."Morning Felix" Minho said as he didn't even turn around."Morning" Felix said."Who hoodie is that" SCoups asked."Wooyoung, I think. It was in Vernon drawer" Felix said. SCoups walked over to him and sniffed the hoodie."It's mine" SCoups said."Oh, do want me to take it off" Felix asked."No" SCoups said as he smiled.

Felix nodded and walked into the kitchen. There was a knock on the door so Soobin went to go open the door. He opened it and saw Alexander and Hajoon."Morning" Soobin said as he smiled."Good Morning" Alexander said as he walked in."Good news, the police caught Daehyun. They said Chan can go and talk to him before he be sentenced" Alexander said as he looked at the Alpha."Minho and Changbin are coming with me. I'll go wake them up" Chan said as he walked upstairs."Where's my brother" Hajoon asked."He left for work. He'll be back at 5 in the afternoon" Felix said as he sat on the couch.


Chan, Changbin and Minho walked in the interview room. They saw Daehyun sit there with his head down. Changbin and Chan sat down while Minho stood up behind them."Is he asleep" Minho asked. Changbin tapped him and Daehyug started moving and he sat up. He looked at the eyes then he put his head back down."What" he said as he had his head on the table."Why were helping Doyoung" Changbin asked as he looked at the wolf in front of him."He's my brother, why else" Daehyun said as he looked at the Alphas."But he was a terrible person" Minho said."You don't think I know that already. He was the only family I had. Our parents put us up for adoption. We basically lived in a orphanage for almost our entire life. Doyoung took care of me when he even couldn't take care of himself. Y'all took the only family I had" Daehyun said as he looked at the three.

The Alphas looked at the emotionless Beta who didn't really care if he get the death penalty."How much is your bail" Minho asked."1 million wons" Daehyun said."Okay, officer, I'm posting bail for him. He's free to go" Minho said as he handed the officer the money.

Daehyun was shocked that Minho just paid for his bail."Why" Daehyun asked."Just don't make me change my mind. Let's go" Minho said. They left and got in the car.


"So you payed his bail" Dino asked. Minho shook his head."Why, after what he did" DK said."Technically he didn't do nothing. He just gave a location. That's it" Changbin said."Don't matter. I don't trust him" Sunoo said as he looked at Daehyun."I know y'all don't trust me, and I understand that. But I'm not like my brother. I swear" Daehyun said as he looked at everyone. Felix looked at him for minute before he took a deep breath.

"You have two weeks to prove that your not like your brother. If you don't prove that your not like your brother then your going back in jail with a broken bones" Felix said as he smiled."That looks like a creepy smile" Ni-ki said as he looked at the Omega.

Felix smiled at the youngest then back at Daehyun. Daehyun nervously chuckled and nodded."Good, Jay and Vernon let's get him set up" Felix said as he put a hand out for Daehyun to grab. Daehyun grabbed Felix hand and they walked upstairs and left everyone else downstairs.


"SUNOO, GIVE ME MY SHIT BACK" Daehyun yelled at 5 in the morning. Felix, Jay and DK was laughing at the two. Chan, Minho and SCoups walked in the room."What the hell is going on in here" SCoups asked."Sunoo stole Daehyun phone. Now he's going in it" Jay said as he was laughing. Sunoo locked himself in the bathroom with Daehyun phone.

Sunoo POV

I locked the door and sat on the floor by the door. I started going through Daehyun phone."So many pictures" I said as I went through the gallery. I stopped and looked at the photo that had Daehyun and some guy.

 I stopped and looked at the photo that had Daehyun and some guy

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Pretend it's Daehyun and some random guy

I stood up and unlocked the door."Who's this" I asked Daehyun. He looked at the picture then at me."My boyfriend" Daehyun said with no emotion at all."Where is he now" I asked."He's dead. Doyoung killed him" Daehyun said as he took the phone out of my hand."Why" Felix asked."Because, Doyoung didn't want me dating a boy. Don't ask me why he didn't because I don't know" Daehyun said. Felix stood up and walked over to Chan and said something in his ear.

Chan smiled and nodded."Come Daehyun, let's go to the basement. We got a ritual to do" Felix said."What do you mean" Daehyun asked."Felix is able to bring the dead back and talk to them. Just like his brother. I'll call Hayato and tell him to come" Minho said as he grabbed the phone from Felix.


"So what is your boyfriend name" Hayato asked."Choi Kwang" Daehyun said. Hayato nodded and Felix came downstairs and held hands with Hayato and said their things that people say during rituals.


"Oww, my head hurts" Kwang said as he stood up holding his head. Daehyun stood up and hugged Kwang."Hyun, what the hell is going on" Kwang asked Daehyun."Your back, your really back" Daehyun said as he was crying."How, I thought your brother shot me" Kwang said."He did, but these two bought you back" Daehyun said as he pointed at Felix and Hayato."Thank you" Daehyun said as he smiled."No problem" Hayato said as he returned the smile. Felix gave him a friendly smile.

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