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Kane POV

"Kane" a voice called me

I turned around and saw Beomgyu walking towards me."Hey, what's wrong?" I asked. Beomgyu chuckled as he shook his head."Nothing wrong, I just wanted you to follow me. Soobin and us want to have a meeting with you to talk about our relationship" Beomgyu said. I shook my head and followed him into Soobin room. Beomgyu closed the door behind us."Come sit" Taehyun said as he smiled. I walked over to the bed and sat down."Aww why do you look so sad? Don't worry, we just want to talk about how we going do this relationship since we knew each other more and understand each other more than you. We just want you to tell us about yourself and what position do you prefer" Huening Kai said."Position?" I asked."Bottom or Top" Yeonjun answered."I think you would be both. Because you're soft like a bottom but you're tough as shit" Taehyun said as he chuckled.

"Um...." I thought for a sec while I studied them. Soobin, Huening Kai and Beomgyu are Tops as Taehyun and Yeonjun are Bottoms. Maybe I should make it even?"I would prefer a bottom. But if someone fucking touch me, just know I'm going to fucking murder someone then I'm going to fucking feed them to the goddamn panthers" I said as I smiled."Holy shit, that was HOT AS SHIT" Huening Kai said as he licked his lips."Now, tell us about yourself sweetheart" Taehyun said as he smiled."Well, I'm 24, I'm a Cancer and I was born on June 25, 1999 and I'm Thai. My birthplace is United States I have a sister and my brother. Y'all probably meet him soon" I said as I smiled. My tail wagged as I continued to talk to them."Your tail....are you happy?" Huening Kai asked. I looked at my tail and blushed."Y-Yeah" I said. Huening Kai chuckled as he petted my ears."You're so cute" Huening Kai whispered. I was now a blushing mess. Yeonjun chuckled as he crawled on my lap."He has a point baby~" Yeonjun said seductively as he kissed me in the lips."Your lips taste like strawberries. My favorite" Yeonjun said as he chuckled. I moved his hair out of his face and saw his birthmark on his forehead."That's adorable" I said as I pointed to the birthmark. Yeonjun blushed as he looked away."Yeonjun hates his birthmark, we always tell him it's beautiful but he would hiss at us. Now he's a blushing mess" Soobin said as he chuckled."Fuck you asshole" Yeonjun said as he hissed and pulled me closer."So, what are your phobias or trauma or even your fear" Taehyun asked. I looked at Yeonjun who looked up at me."My phobias are losing the ones I love and the fear of dark. When I was younger, my uncle would always lock me up in the closet. It was dark and the closest was a little small. I'm not claustrophobic, I just started seeing dark figures on the wall and door. And one of my best friends died when I was 10, it was a school shooting and I saw her die in front of me" I explained as I stroked Yeonjun hair who laid on me listening to my heart."My trauma is when I was 6, I got into a car crash and lost both my Aunt and Grandpop. When I was 12, I lost my dog. He was a Husky. I had him since I was born. He......was h-h-hit by a c-c-car" I said as I started crying."I kept seeing him. Whimpering" I said as I moved Yeonjun off of me and walked out.

Beomgyu POV

Kane walked out of the room as he was crying."I have an idea" Taehyun said as he got up."What?" I said."How about we get him a new dog. Like a puppy. A husky was his dog brand right?" Taehyun asked. Soobin nodded as he looked at Taehyun."Okay, Yeonjun and me will go comfort Kane and the rest of y'all would go buy the puppy" Taehyun said as he grabbed Yeonjun hand and dragged him out.

Soobin started looking up animal shelters as Huening Kai started getting ready."Wait, I found one" I said as I showed Soobin. Soobin looked at it and scroll through it."Perfect" Soobin said as he got up."Come on, let's go get a baby his puppy" I said as I skip out of the room. Soobin and Huening Kai were right behind me.

"Guys" Felix called out."Where are y'all going? Oh if it's about Kane dog then go ahead" Felix said as he skipped away."How do you-" I started but Felix cut me off."The walls talk" Felix said as he giggled."The walls talk? What does that mean?" I asked."It means someone eavesdrop" Huening Kai said."Oh" I said as we were left the Palace. Akio looked at us and made a portal."Thanks Akio" I said as I smiled. Akio smiled and nodded.

Taehyun POV

"You know, you look even more beautiful when you cry" I said as I stroked Kane hair. Yeonjun was cuddling him as he slept."But you look gorgeous when you don't cry" I said as J kissed his forehead."Thanks Tae" Kane said as he wiped his tears away.

"Guys" Soobin called for us. I looked at the door and saw the Alphas and Beomgyu."Kane, can you sit up a little" I said as I smiled. Kane sat up and looked at them."Go ahead baby" Soobin said as he let the puppy go. The puppy jumped on the bed and jumped on Yeonjun. Yeonjun was still asleep and didn't care. The puppy ran to Kane and licked him."W-Wait is this. Omg" Kane was speechless."This is a husky. Omfg. Thank you. Thank you" Kane said as tears started pouring down his face as he hugged the small husky tightly. Husky licked him."It's yours sweetheart" Huening Kai said as he smiled."Really? For me" Kane said. We all but Yeonjun nodded. Kane put the puppy down and jumped on Soobin and Huening Kai."Thank you. I love y'all so much" Kane said."We love you too baby" Soobin said."Okay he got his puppy, now shut the hell up. I'm trying to sleep" Yeonjun said as he cuddled the puppy. The puppy licked him as Yeonjun smiled and fell back asleep.

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