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It's Mimi, how are y'all today. This is another SMUT chapter. There are 6 or 5 more SMUT chapters.

Double update because I'm bored and why not

Anyway, ENJOY

Felix didn't remember how long he had been asleep. It felt like an eternity. Felix back was hurting from last night. He was in so much pain but he wanted more. He looked around and saw Chan, peacefully sleeping next to him with his arms wrapped around his waist. His hair was a mess.

'Alpha' Felix said through the mating bond

Chan shot straight up and looked at the Omega."I want Hyunjin" Felix said quietly. Chan nodded.

'Hyunjin, come' Chan called through the mating bond for the Head-Omega.

Hyunjin was there in less than two minutes. He looked at the Baby Omega waiting for him."Seungmin ran the bath for you and breakfast is ready" Hyunjin said to the Alpha.

Chan nodded and left, shutting the door behind him.

"Are you ready my pup" Hyunjin asked

Felix nodded

Hyunjin was kneeling behind Felix, hands holding his hips gently as he licked soothingly over the pretty pink and red handprints across Felix's pretty, perky cheeks. He would be lying if he said he wasn't jealous, but he would also be lying if he said the sight didn't turn him on more than he already was.

"Hnn." Felix lifted his head slowly, looking over his shoulder, smiling softly as he saw Hyunjin's eyes glowing orange as he rested his head back down in his nest. "Jinnie.." He sighed, "Hmm, feels nice." He smiled, eyes slipping shut slowly.

"Chan left a pretty mark on you, didn't he?" Hyunjin asked, smirking as he licked up Felix's spine, feeling him shiver as he went.

"Felt so good." Felix purred, "Want you to make me feel good too, Hyunjinnie." He lifted his head just enough to pout until the Beta chuckled and leaned in to kiss him, licking across his lips until he opened his mouth so Hyunjin could lick inside. Felix took his time, but he carefully turned himself, rolling over onto his back so he could rub his hands across his firm pecks.

"I'll make you feel good, baby." He smiled, gripping the backs of Felix's knees, "How do you want me, sweetheart?" He asked, pushing his knees up experimentally. Felix kept following his lead, and next thing Hyunjin knew, Felix's knees were touching the pelt on either side of his head, eyes never leaving the Beta's. It made the man want to see what other positions he could get the Omega in.

"Jinnie?" Felix whimpered, hands reaching to spread himself, smiling as Hyunjin kept his knees pinned and stretched to lap at Felix's entrance. He kept running his tongue along Felix's flesh before taking his tiny, adorable cock into his mouth. He slowly arranged Felix's legs, delightfully surprised as he was able to wrap Felix's legs behind his head with ease. Felix moaned and twitched, but did as he was silently asked, keeping himself tied up in a knot as Hyunjin held his hips up as he swallowed him down. He refused to let his eyes slip shut, Hyunjin keeping his gaze locked with his own as he massaged his tongue along his length.

Hyunjin slowly slid one of his hands from Felix's hip, moving it carefully until he decided to slip one, then two, then three fingers into the bent Omega. Felix almost unfolded, but Hyunjin quirked a brow and Felix shook for a moment before easing into the heavenly stretch as Hyunjin sucked on his member gently. Pulling back, Hyunjin admired Felix bent into a beautiful shape, wanting nothing more than to play more. Smirking, he kept his fingers inside Felix's hole, flexing his fingers making Felix shake and moan.

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