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Seungmin POV

I was in the kitchen cooking breakfast when I heard a knock on the door. I sighed and walked to open it. I opened it and saw the police.

Of course I thought. I stepped aside and they came in."Where is your Alpha" the female said."Asleep" I said."First, what are y'all names" I asked them."My name is Song Wookjin" the female said."My name is Alexander, but call me Alex" the male said.

Name: Song Wook-JinAge: 36Rank: BetaRelationship: Mother of 3 but is single

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Name: Song Wook-Jin
Age: 36
Rank: Beta
Relationship: Mother of 3 but is single

Name: Song Wook-JinAge: 36Rank: BetaRelationship: Mother of 3 but is single

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Name: Alexander Nicolas
Age: 27
Rank: Omega
Relationship: Single

"Your an Omega" I asked. Alexander nodded."And your a what" he asked."Omega" I said. He nodded. I pointed to Wookjin."Beta" I said. She nodded."May I help y'all" I asked remembering that there's police in the house."Do y'all know a Lee Yongbok Felix" Alexander asked."Yeah, he's my mate. Why?" I asked. They gave each other looks."Choi Doyoung has escaped from prison. We have fully believe that he's coming for Felix" Alexander said. I nodded."Yeah we know. He's also a vampire" I said as I sat down. They sat down on the couch across from me."Yeah we know. The thing is, we tried killing him with a steak but....he didn't die. He just got stronger" Wookjin said as she looked at me. I froze. So if we can't kill him with a steak, how on earth can we kill him I thought. I looked to the steps to see Chan coming downstairs with Changbin. I stood up immediately knowing he was going ask what's going on."We can't kill Doyoung with a steak. They tried and failed. He just got stronger" I explained."And he won stop until he get Felix and claim him as his" Alexander said. Chan balled up his fists."And if y'all did mark Felix then I hope that mark is permanent because he can remove a werewolf mark" Wookjin commented."The mark is fully permanent yet. The only way for it to be permanent if we impregnate him. And he's not ready to raise pups yet. None of us are" Changbin said."There must be a way to kill him" Chan said under his breath."There is" a voice said. We look to where the voice was and we saw Felix."The only way to kill him to bring back a tragic memory of his back to him. You have to trigger him to kill him" Felix said. He was wearing Jeongin hoodie. Jeongin and Minho was right behind him."Hyunjin and Jisung are coming down in a minute" Jeongin said."How can we trigger him Felix" Alexander asked. Felix looked at him for a moment. He then chuckled."You didn't change huh" Felix said as he looked at Alexander. Alexander rubbed his nape and chuckled."Was I suppose too" Alexander said."No, it just you act all serious when your really not. Your like soft ball of feathers" Felix said as he walked over to Alexander."Well I'm on the clock. I got act all serious. Your the soft ball of feathers. Your literally a small kitten compared to them" Alexander said pointing to us. Felix chuckled and hugged Alexander."Um...how do y'all know each other" Jisung said as he came downstairs with Hyunjin."We're cousins" they said together."I didn't know you had a cousin" Chan said."Alex is not my birth cousin. We just referred to be known as cousins" Felix said as he smiled. They broke the hug and Felix sat on the couch next to Alexander."Well Felix explain more about this trigger thing" Hyunjin said as he sat on Chan lap.

After Felix explained how we can trigger Doyoung. Us and the two police, Alexander and Wookjin came up with a plan to trigger him. But Felix is still going to be our bait. With Felix as our bait, then Doyoung would come out. And that's where we will strike. Alexander and Wookjin left as I continued to make breakfast."Hey, where's Chan and Hyunjin" I asked."They went somewhere" Jisung said. I nodded.

Chan POV

I wanted to talk to Hyunjin about something so I asked him to follow me to the garden."It's beautiful isn't it" I said as I looked at the Omega. He nodded. He looked at the iris on the ground and pick it up."Felix favorite flower" he said as he sat it on the bench."Now what was there you needed to tell me" Hyunjin said as he sat next to the iris."Your brother" I said. His smiled dropped."He's out, Hyunjin" I said. Hyunjin had an "abusive" brother who was put away for murdering their parents even though they deserved it."I shall not stay here and listen to you talk about my brother. I do not care about that monster. He was the reason I nearly died. He pushed me over the bridge and I could have drowned" he said as he stood up with the iris in his hand."Your brother didn't mean to push you in the lake. You were almost hit by a truck and he used too much force which cost you to fall over the bridge. He tried to jump in after you but your parents stopped and trapped him on the car. They watched you nearly died. If your brother didn't mind link your father friend then you wouldn't be here right now" I explained to him."Your brother was only abusive because he was forced by your parents. He love you Hyunji and will never stop. He knows you hate him but he did everything he did to protect you and him from y'all parents. Please believe me" I said as I stared at him. He looked behind him and saw Felix with a man standing next to him."He said he's looking for you Hyung" Felix said to Hyunjin. Hyunjin handed me the iris and I handed it to Felix."Go inside bud" J said to Felix. Felix looked at Hyunjin and then back at me. He went inside and Hyunjin and the man made eye contact.

"Welcome back, Hajoon" Hyunjin said as his eyes went ember green.

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