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Titan POV

When Felix, Lucas and Kou got back from Felix job. Felix looks like he was crying his eyes out."What happened?" I asked. Kou walked over to me and whispered everything.

I sighed as I walked upstairs and knocked on the door.

Come on

I walked in and saw Felix curled up crying with Lucas comforting him."Felix, stop crying. There's nothing you can do about any of this. Just like there's nothing we can do. It's a mission that we can't fail. If we let you go now, not just us but you too are going to die. We don't even know who gave us a mission but we do know that we can't fail or we're all going to die" I explained as I sat in the bed as I played with his hair. He started to calm down as he looked at me."Listen, this will all be over in 3 weeks. If you want to cry then you can do that. We will not stop you" I said as I took tissue and wiped his tears away.

"Can I sleep for a little before dinner" Felix asked me. I smiled and ruffled his ears and nodded. Felix pulled Lucas down and cuddled him closely falling asleep.

Lucas looked at me

"I can't take this no more. We been doing this for over 4 years. I know we're doing it to survive, but I miss my family. And mostly definitely missed my brother and sister the most" Lucas said."I know but we can't just leave like that. They're going to kill us Lucas. Unless there's someone's stronger and powerful than them then we're stuck" I said as I looked at the Omega.

Lucas shut up and frowned as he looked at Felix sleeping peacefully."Wait....my brother. My brother is a Blooded Alpha. No one can tell a Blooded Alpha anything unless they ordered them" Lucas said as he looked at me. I gave him a look but I nodded and stood up. I left the room and walked to Shadow and Mine room. Shadow was trying to cut his hair but he failed."Babe why are you trying to cut your hair?" I asked him. He looked at me then he looked back at the mirror."It's too long. I hate it" Shadow said. I took the scissors and put them up. Then I ran my hands through his hair as I kissed his neck."You look fucking sexy with your long hair. Don't listen to other people" I told him. He looked at me but he knew I was telling the truth.

"Okay" he said softly

"Why was Felix crying? I heard him" Shadow asked."He feels guilty about his mates thinking he's missing but he's not" I explained as I put a ponytail holder in his hair and put his hair in a ponytail."Lucas suggested we talk to his brother Chan about helping us to get out of this shit" I said."Hm, might actually work" Shadow said. The door to our room open and we heard two pairs of small feet."Daddy, why was Uncle Lixie crying?" a voice said. Me and Shadow looked at the two pups behind us."He's okay baby, he's just upset about something. He's okay" I said as I smiled at the little girls. They nodded as they left. I followed them and saw them go in Felix room. I walked in there and saw them join Lucas and Felix in the bed. Felix woke up and looked at them then he smiled cuddling them. I smiled and left and went back into the room where Shadow was.

"Where they go?" Shadow asked."In Felix room" I said as I sat in the bed.

Shadow hummed as he got up

"I guess Dylan is going to be cooking since Lucas is asleep, Felix is asleep and even the twins are asleep. I guess I have to watch him cook. Ugh I don't feel like it" Shadow said as he jumped in the bed."Then don't, I'll have Kou watch him cook so we do have no more fires in this house" I said as I grabbed my phone to text Kou.

"Good, well good night" Shadow. Said as he got under the blankets and started going to sleep."Why is everyone tired today?" I said as I shook my head.

Shadow was already asleep

I shook my head and got up."I guess I'm making dinner tonight" I said as I ran my shower and hopped in.

Dylan POV

Me and Keith was in my room as we were watching a new anime series that just came out. Half way through the episode, I heard small snores coming from Keith. I got up and tucked him in and walked out the room. The house was in dead silence."Damn what is everyone asleep in this damn house?" I said to myself."Yeah, well everyone but you, me and Kou" I heard a voice said. I turned and looked downstairs and saw Titan."Come help me with dinner. Kou is playing his game so I need help so Lucas won't kill me for nearly burning the house down" Titan said as he chuckled. I smiled and nodded walking downstairs.

When everyone wakes up

"So you didn't burn the house down. Hm I'm shocked" Lucas said as he helped the twins sit at the table and Dylan passed them their dinner.

"This is actually pretty good. I give it a 8/10" Felix said as he smiled at Titan and Dylan."Thanks" they both said."100" the younger pup twin said as she smiled."Thanks sweetheart" Dylan said as he kissed her forehead.

"Tomorrow we're gonna talk to Chan but Felix will stay here and watch the girls" Titan said."Yay, play date with Uncle Lixie" the older twin pup said.

Felix nodded and smiled

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