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Yang POV

I hate children

They are so annoying and loud and just don't know how to shut the fuck up

Even though Felix is having twins that we all are going have to raise, I still don't like children

"Yang stop fucking pouting like a bitch" Innie said as he hit Yang on the head."Why are you and Jeongin always so fucking bitchy?" I said as I looked at the Beta."Why are you and Minho also sticking y'all dick up everyone fucking ass?" Innie snapped back.

"You're fucking lucky that you're fucking cute. Otherwise I would have snapped your fucking neck already" I snapped as I got up."Jackass" Innie said as he walked out of the room."Yeah love you too" I said as I drank some water to calm down. Felix walked in as he looked at me for a good minute then shook his head."Y'all are so loud that the whole damn neighborhood can hear y'all. Half of the house is still asleep. So if y'all are going to argue or fuck, please do it quietly" Felix said as he yawned. He had dark circles under his eyes."You look tired as shit" I said as I looked at him."I am. I been throwing up all morning" Felix said as he closed his eyes for a good 2 minute then he opened his eyes."Bye now, I'm going to sleep" Felix said as he disappeared out of my door. Chan came in right after."Damn why is everyone having dark circles under their eyes" I said."I had some paperwork to do. And STAY are asking why we haven't made music in a while" Chan said."You mean for literally about 4 months. Yeah I think y'all should do some music" I said as I chuckled."Yeah I know" Chan said as he yawned."I got the song and lyrics ready already. I just need everyone to perform it" Chan said as he climbed in my bed fell right to sleep."Overworking ass" I said as I chuckled a little. I walked over to my bed and covered him with the blankets. I left the room and walked to Chan studio. I saw Minho, Changbin and Jisung in there recording.

Lalala by: Stray Kids

Welcome to 극락 () 날벼락 ()
도시의 () 즐기면 그만 ()
없지 고난 () 역경의 ()
지새우면 고생 끝에 ()

Felix and Hyunjin
잡생각 고민 오키도키
뻘짓 도피도피
여긴 벌집 벌투성이
피할 없음 쏘이고 보자

"Good Morning to y'all too" I said as J looked at the three."What's up Yang, I heard you and Innie yelling each other" Changbin said."Innie was being a little bitchy" I said as I sat on the couch in Chan studio.

"This is the song that Chan wrote so we decided to do everyone parts just to practice" Jisung said as he smiled."Oh how fun" I said as I rolled my eyes."So is everyone else asleep" I asked. Jisung looked at me and nodded as he yawned."Felix pregnancy cravings are driving me crazy. Today he wanted popcorn with hot sauce, yesterday he wanted cotton candy with peanut butter and egg on it" Minho said as he gagged."Ew, just fucking ew" I said as I also gagged."I'm so happy I can't get pregnant" Jisung said."Same" me, Minho and Changbin said together.

Innie walked in as he gave me a disgusting look

"Innie, what is your problem with Yang. Y'all use to be so close" Jisung asked."He and that thing right there needs to understand the word fucking condoms" Innie said as he pointed to me and Minho who he called a thing."Hey I'm not a thing and we do use condoms" Minho shouted."Really, when?" Innie said as he crossed his arms over his chest."Never" Changbin answered."See, that's exactly why Felix is pregnant. Y'all two are not allowed to stick y'all dicks in anyone until Felix gives birth. If y'all fail then I will cut off y'all dicks. Okay, that's all. Bye loves" Innie said as he skipped out of the studio."He's not serious is he?" Minho asked."When he skips, that means he's serious" I said."Oh shit, no sex for y'all for 8 more months. Damn, I think me and Jisung should just fuck in front of y'all to irritate y'all" Changbin said as he chuckled. Jisung rolled his eyes as he continued practicing.


"What time is it?" I asked

"2 in the afternoon" Jisung answered as he was in the couch."Why the hell is everyone still sleeping" I asked."Felix has a right to sleep, Chan overworked himself again, Seungmin and Hyunjin dealt with Felix pregnancy cravings all night. Jeongin is just lazy but he had a meeting and he didn't come back until 4 in the morning" Jisung explained.

"Oh, where's Changbin and Minho?" I asked

"Minho is a cat so he's lazy, he's in his room asleep. Changbin went to go pick up some lunch" Jisung explained.

I shook my head and sat down next to Jisung."So......how are you taking Felix being pregnant and everything" I asked the squirrel looking boy. His smiled faded as he looked at his feet."I'm going to be honest....ever since my parents abandoned me in woods and I had to survive there all on my own. I started to hate everyone I see with children. I always picked fights with the adults and sometimes the kids. I was only 8 when they put me in juvenile. I fought kids there too. I had a problem with kids being happy with their family and everything. One guard at my juvenile center told me to never have children because they are going to become just like me.....a mistake. So when I met Chan I told him I never want children. And if we had an Omega I never wanted that Omega to get pregnant" Jisung explained

I listened to every single word he said

Tears started to fall as he wiped them away constantly."But, I realized as meeting Kitty and Ralph that I would enjoy having children of my own with Felix and y'all. I just need to learn how to communicate and interact with them. I'm not a bad person. I just might be a bad parent" Jisung said.

"You will never be a bad parent Han, you're going be a fucking great parent. Trust me, I thought I would be a bad parent. But just like you, after meet those two troublemakers I realized that I'm going be a great dad. Just like you are going be" I said as I kissed Jisung lips. He kissed back as tears continued to fall from his face. I broke the kiss and I wiped his tears away.

"Did I miss something?" A voice said from behind us.

It was Changbin

"Nothing important, just us talking about some things" Jisung said."Okay, lunch is on the table. I'm going to take a shower" Changbin said as he walked upstairs."Can we put the food up and sleep for a little" Jisung asked.

I nodded and stood up and put the food in the fridge. I walked back over to the couch and laid down, putting Jisung on me. He grabbed a blanket and put it on us and we both fell straight to sleep.

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