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Jeongin POV

It was 5 in the morning and I had to be at work by 6:30. I yawned as I stretched as got up. I walked to the bathroom and ran the shower. I stripped as I hopped in and started washing up. After about 20 minutes, I got out and wrapped a towel around me as I started to brush my teeth. The door to the bathroom opens as I saw Innie walk in.

Innie became my roommate since Felix decided to bunk with Hyunjin.

Innie yawned as turned on the shower and started to strip."Good Morning to you too" I said to him. He gave me a look as he hopped in the shower and closed the shower curtains. I rolled my eyes as I continued to brush my teeth. When I was done I started to blow dry my hair. As I was doing so, Innie got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around himself and grabbed his toothbrush."You know you been bitchy for the past couple of days. What's your problem? I asked as I continued blow drying my hair."I have not been bitchy. I just don't like Yang and Lee Know right now" Innie said as I handed him the blow dryer."Why?" I asked.

He started blow drying his hair as he stared at me in the mirror. "They have no decency. All they do is have sex. Nothing the fuck else. They don't even use fucking condoms" Innie said as turned the blow dryer off.

I get where's he's coming from

All those two do is have sex with one of us

No condoms no nothing

We can't even have a full conversation without them wanted to have sex.

"Damn, I can't believe I'm agreeing with you but you're right" I said as I went in my closet and started looking for some clothes. Innie was in his closet also looking for some clothes.

"So is that why you been bitchy these past couple of days?" I asked him. I looked over at him as he slight nodded."How about you talk to BBB them? It could do some justice" I said as I turned around and looked again Innie. He was still looking for some clothes.

"Tch, it won't bring shit. They don't even have  fucking brain cells" Innie said as he took off his towel and started getting dressed. I started to get dressed too."Who knows what talking could bring out of it" a voice said. We both looked towards the door and saw Chan standing there."Alpha" Innie said. Chan chuckled and walked over to Innie and ruffled his hair."They might not have brain cells but they do listen when one of us wants to talk. They act like they don't listen but they really are listening. So go talk to them" Chan said as he kissed Innie cheek and smiled. I nodded agreeing with him as I put my shoes on. I grabbed my phone said gave both Innie and Chan a kiss before I left to go to work.

Innie POV

I sighed as Chan dragged me to the Alpha Quarter. Minho and Changbin has work in 3 hours so Chan thought I should talk to Yang and Minho now."Hey, good morning y'all" Chan said as he smiled when we entered the room.

Minho and Yang look at him and smiled

"Morning Chan" they both said

"Innie has something he wants to talk about with y'all" Chan said as he pushed me forward. I lost my balance and prepared to hit the floor. Surprisingly someone caught me before I could even hit the floor. I look at who caught me and saw it was Yang and Minho."Thanks" I said as I stood up straight. Chan left already and now I have to talk to them by myself.

"Innie, what's on your mind? I can feel you thinking" Yang said as he looked at me.

I forgot he can feel that

Since being in Jeongin for a long time, we been able to pick up on each other thought even without that ability.

"Um....." I sighed as I took a deep breath

"Y'all are fucking obsessed with sex. I'm sorry okay but that's the goddamn truth. All y'all want to do is have sex. Shit y'all don't even wear fucking condoms. That's exactly why Lixie is pregnant. I don't mind but at leas wear fucking condoms. And y'all can't even have a proper conversation with ANY of us without wanting to have sex. It's fucking annoying as hell. Was y'all raised like that or something? Because if y'all were then y'all had some fucked up parents. Admit it, y'all are sex dummies" I said as I took a breath.

They were quiet

Like dead ass quiet

"Say something" I said

Minho got up and walked out of the room slamming the door shut behind him.

"The fuck is your problem Innie. Why the fuck would you bring our family into this shit saying they're fucked up because we're obsessed with sex. Minho parents were strict and abusive and mine weren't even in my life. Why would your bitch ass bring that shit up. Damn, you really are fucking bitchy aren't you" Yang said as he walked out slamming the door.

I flinched as I stood there, frozen in one place

The door opened as Felix and Seungmin walked in."Innie.....are you okay" Felix said. His voice sounds tired and quiet. Seungmin poked my cheek as he started wiping my tears away."I didn't know about his(Minho) parents being abusive and strict. And Yang parents.....I didn't know. I'm sorry. I really didn't know" I said as I collapsed to the floor crying.

Seungmin and Felix hugged me tightly. I felt the pups kick me as Felix hugged me. I smiled at that but I continued crying.


Chan POV

"Assholes" I said as I slapped them in the face. Minho and Yang were sitting outside smoking after their conversation with Innie. I can heard Innie crying and I know they can too."I'm sorry, I snapped" Yang said."The mention of parents being fucked up because of our actions just took me by surprise so I had to walk out" Minho said as he took a puff of his cigarette."Assholes" Hyunjin said as he walked outside. Hyunjin burned the cigarettes as he slapped the Alphas."Why would y'all make Innie cry?" Hyunjin said as he put his hands on his hips. That's when they stood up and looked at Hyunjin with worried faces.

"We made him cry" they said together

Hyunjin nodded as he chuckled

"Felix and Seungmin are with him now. He didn't know. He didn't know about anything of y'all parents just to let y'all know. Now go comfort our baby. And good luck getting Felix off of him. These past few days he been just grabbing one of us and making us his pillow" Hyunjin said as he walked away.

"Y'all make it worst than it already is and I'm going to kill y'all, cut y'all into small pieces and feed y'all to the lions" I said as I smiled and walked away.

"Love you too Chan" they said as they said it in a scared tone. I chuckled as I walked in the house.


Yang POV

Me and Minho walked in the room and saw Felix sounded asleep cuddling a wide awake Innie who smiled at us."Listen I'm sorry for mentioning parents. I really didn't know. I wasn't saying y'all parents are fucked up. I meant that y'all parents were fucked up for raising sex demons. I didn't know y'all would take it seriously. I'm really sorry" Innie explained

"You done?" I asked

Innie nodded

"Good" I said as me and Minho climbed in the bed."Listen, we're sorry if we made you or even the others feel that way. We're not obsessed with sex. And we don't always have sex with everyone(they're mates) everyday" I started but I was cut off by Innie."Not everyday, more like every other week or two" Innie whispered.

"Well, when you out it like that than yeah. But we know how to control or urges and our horniest down. Now condoms....they make me uncomfortable" I said as I looked at Minho.

"I don't like them" Minho said straight forward

"Well some of us do. And we would appreciate if y'all used them more often" Innie whispered.

"I don't like them but I guess" Minho said as he sighed."Same, I'll start using them for y'all" I said as I smiled.

Innie smiled too and nodded


We looked over at Felix who was snoring cutely."So adorable" me, Minho and Innie said as we smiled.

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