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This chapter is very short because I had no ideas for this chapter because my brain is scrambled. Next chapter is going be longer.

I'm still thinking about how many chapters this story is going have. I'm thinking about 70 chapters because I have a bunch of ideas for this story.

Anyway enjoy this story❤️

"Felix" Jisung called for the youngest. Felix looked at the squirrel boy."Jungkook is here" Jisung said. Felix ears perked up."Kookie" Felix said as he started to slip. Jisung nodded."He's a little too. He's new to this so help him like he's helping you okay" Jisung said as he reached out to grab the little hand. Felix grab his hand and walked downstairs."Kookie" Felix said as he let go of Jisung hand. Jungkook he'd behind Yoongi. Yoongi bend down and whisper sometimes Jungkook ear."Lixie" Jungkook said. Felix nodding. Jungkook ran over to Felix and hugged him."Let's go play" Felix said. Felix age is 5 and Jungkook age is 3. The two ran upstairs."Jungkook is really new to this so we thought Felix could help him accept his little. He didn't want too cause he was scared of us hating him" Jimin explained as he walked over to Jisung. He jumped on Jisung back."Take me to the living room" Jimin said. Jisung rolled his eyes playfully.

"This is my playroom. Play with anything you want Kookie" Felix said as he smiled. Jungkook grabbed Chan Skzoo, Wolf Chan."Channie" Jungkook said taking in Chan scent. Felix smiled and grabbed Changbin Skzoo, Dwaekki. They started playing together as the adults talked downstairs. Jungkook eyes started to flicker."Snowflake wants to come out" Jungkook said."Who is snowflake?" Felix asked."My wolf" Jungkook said."I never met her but my eyes flicker went it wants to come out" Jungkook explained. Felix nodded. Felix went to the top of the stairs and yelled "SNOWFLAKE WANTS TO COME OUT NAMJOON HYUNG" yelled Felix. They looked at Namjoon."Tel him to let him out" Namjoon said to Felix. Felix nodded and went back in the room."Let him out" Felix said. Jungkook nodded and turned until his wolf

"He's beautiful" Felix said as he turned into his big self

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"He's beautiful" Felix said as he turned into his big self. Snowflake sniffed Felix and rubbed his head on Felix."Hi snowflake. I'm Felix. I know you can't understand me but your beautiful" Felix said as he smiled."Thank you" Snowflake said. Felix looked at the wolf in shock."You talk" Felix said."Yes I do. Nice to meet you Lee Felix" Snowflake said. He laid down and looked at Felix."Jungkook talks a lot about you. He says nice things about you" Snowflake said as he look at Chan and Namjoon behind Felix."Hello Bang Chan" Snowflake said. Chan looked at Namjoon."Yeah he talks" Namjoon said as he patted Snowflake head."That's the first" Chan said as he walked over to Felix."Snowflake bring Jungkook back please" Namjoon asked the wolf. Snowflake nodded and turned back into Jungkook. Jungkook looked tired as he cling onto Felix. Felix looked at the oldest and picked him up. Felix took him to his and Jeongin room."Good night Hyung" Felix said as he smiled at the youngest.

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