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"I swear you Omegas enjoy taking my things" Daehyun said as he was looking for his charger. Kwang was sounded asleep because of work. Daehyun walked out of the room and knocked on the door of the room across the hall from him."Yeonjun took it" Jisung said as he chuckled. Daehyun sighed and walked to Yeonjun and Beomgyu room. The door was already open. He walked in and saw Beomgyu was working on some new designs for his fashion line."Here's your charger, next time hide it" Yeonjun said as he chuckled. Daehyun shook his head.

"What's you're working on Beomgyu?" Daehyun asked."A new shirt for my fashion line. I have until tomorrow to be done" Beomgyu replied. Daehyun looked at the shirt then looked at Beomgyu and saw he was extremely tired. Daehyun turned the Sewing Machine off."Get in bed and go to sleep. You look so tired" Daehyun said."Bu-" Beomgyu started but was cut off."No buts, it's 4 in the morning and you need sleep. So unless you want to throw your damn sewing machine out the window then go...to...sleep...now" Daehyun ordered. Beomgyu pouted but he nodded and got in bed next to Yeonjun who was on his phone."Go, Yeonjun if he touch that machine, call me" Daehyun told the Omega. Yeonjun nodded.

Daehyun left and walked back in his room and saw that Kwang was still asleep. Daehyun put his phone on the charger. He got in the bed and laid down. Kwang turned around and cuddled close to Daehyun chest. Daehyun looked at him and smiled and fell asleep.

Next Morning

"So how was work last night Kwang?" Yeonjun asked as he was drinking coffee. Kwang wasn't paying attention as he was zoned out. Felix snapped his fingers and Kwang snapped out of it. He looked at the others and they frowned."What's going on Kwang? Are you okay? You been a little....distant" Vernon said as he gave Beomgyu his coffee."I don't know. Work been hard lately and my boss is the same. He raped me last week so that's why I was limping. But other than that everything is okay I guess" Kwang answered. Beomgyu, Yeonjun and Wooyoung dropped their coffee on the floor.

The Alphas looked at them

"Repeat what you just said about your boss" Yeonjun said as he stood up."He raped me last week" Kwang said so calmly."Why are you calm about this? He raped you" Jimin shouted."He been doing this since I first joined the company. He has a wife and kids but his wife cheats so......." Kwang said. Daehyun was downstairs the whole time and he dropped his phone. Kwang turned around and froze.

Everyone looked at Daehyun

Felix walked over to Kwang and held his hand. Kwang felt tears coming down his cheeks. He hugged Felix and buried his face in Felix chest."I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" Kwang whispered repeatedly. Daehyun picked up his phone and threw it on the couch. Daehyun walked over to Felix and Kwang and pulled Kwang away from Felix and hugged him in tightly."I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" Kwang whispered. Daehyun sighed but he wasn't mad at Kwang. It wasn't Kwang fault. Daehyun lifted Kwang chin for Kwang to look at him. Kwang looked at him with watery eyes. Daehyun wiped the tears away and kissed Kwang nose. He put Kwang head to his chest and whispered."It's not your fault baby. I'll take care of your boss for you" Daehyun said as he smirked. Kwang just nodded."Who's the oldest out of the Omegas?" Daehyun asked. Everyone looked at Keeho and Keeho raised his hand and walked over to the two."Watch him until I get back. He hyperventilate a lot when he thinks I'm mad or angry at him. Just calm him down the best y'all can" Daehyun said as he passed Kwang over to Keeho."Felix hyperventilate too. Felix will be the one who can help him more than any of us can" Keeho said as he carefree Kwang hair.

"Yeah no you think you're going to take care of his boss on your own and get arrested again. Nah I don't think so. We're coming with you whether you like it or not" Minho said as he stood up. Daehyun gave him a small smile and put his shoes on.

"Hoseok you're in charge until we've come back" Jake said to the Beta. Hoseok nodded and smiled.


"Sir you have people here for you" a lady said

"Send them in" the man said

The lady bowed and moved aside so they could come in."You must be Mr.Vegas, hi I'm Christopher Chahn Bahng. Leader of the Kpop group Stray Kids and the Head-Alpha of Bang Pack. Nice to meet you" Chan said as he sat down and put his leg over his thigh as he lend back."Hello Mr.Bang, what brings you here?" Mr.Vegas said as he gave Chan a forced smile.

"Do you know Choi Kwang? Chan asked

"Ofc he's one of my best employee" Mr.Vegas said as he smiled creepily.


"I'll give you two options
1) You resign and leave the country and never come back
2) I'll let Daehyun do whatever he wants to you. Even if that means killing you. And no he won't get arrested for it

Mr.Vegas just smiled as he wasn't afraid of Chan threats."Oh how nice Mr.Bsng but I think it's time for you to go" Mr.Vegas said as he smiled."Sure and I'll gladly call the police on the way out. Oh wait they're already here" Chan said as he smirked."What do you mean by "they're already here?" Mr.Vegas asked."Oh let me introduce my mates. This is Minho and that's Changbin. Both Alphas and police officers" Chan said as he smirked. Mr.Vegas froze as he looked at Minho and Changbin."So what's it going be?" Chan said as he smirked.

Mr.Vegas looked at the three Alphas then at Daehyun who eyes were purple since he's a Beta."Times ticking" Minho said sternly. Mr.Vegas stood up and looked Chan in the eyes with his red eyes."I don't take threats" Mr.Vegas said.

Chan smirked and whistled

Mr.Vegas looked up and was face to face with Yang. Yang eyes were black as he is still connected to Jeongin. Jeongin was right behind him lending on the doorframe of the office."Chan let the Beta at him. I want him to be teared to shreds" Jeongin said as his eyes were red.

Chan looked at the Beta

"What are you?" Mr.Vegas asked. Jeongin chuckled."Half Beta half Alpha. Yang is my dark side so his Alpha abilities are inside me so that makes me half Alpha. So confusing but I couldn't care less" Jeongin said as he brought his head up looking at Mr.Vegas and smirked. Chan smirked and stood up."Go at him Daehyun" Chan said as he walked out with the others(Jake, S-Coups, Sunghoon, Hongjoong and Namjoon) leaving Yang and Jeongin to watch Daehyun tear Mr.Vegas to shreds.


Kwang and Felix are asleep and Keeho and Yeonjun were making lunch. Jungkook was in the living room with Soul was watching a DIY show. The door open to the others waking in."About damn time" Yeonjun said as he sat the table."Where's Kwang?" Daehyun asked as he licked the blood off of him."Cuddling with Felix" Keeho said as he put the food on the table. Daehyun smirked and walked upstairs.

Kwang was up as he tucked Felix in and got picked up."What the hell? Put me down Dae" Kwang said as he looked down at his boyfriend."This is going to be a long night baby~" Daehyun said as he smirked.

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