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Felix woke up being in the middle of his Alphas and his Head-Omega."B-Binnie" Felix called out to the Alpha.

Changbin was deep sleep so he didn't hear Felix call his name.

Felix felt like he couldn't breathe. He felt like he was going to have a panic attack. His breathing became heavy.

He closed his eyes to calmed down."Open baby" a voice said. Felix opened his eyes and he saw Yoongi and Namjoon. He was in Yoongi arms."Yoons felt you struggling to get out of your mates grip so he teleported you here" Namjoon said. Felix nodded and Yoongi sat him on the bed."Felix how do you feel love" Seokjin asked as he walked in the room."My head hurts. What happened?" Felix asked."Your Alphas plus Hyunjin were fighting and you had a seizure from them screaming so loud" Namjoon answered."All three of your Alphas are going to Jake's therapy later today. They need the help. They have serious fucking angry issues. And I said if they don't get help you're no longer being with them" Yoongi said."But I-I love them" Felix said."I'm shocked you still love them. Don't forget that they locked you in the damn basement because you didn't come home in a week from your Eomma house. That's fucking abuse. They are abusing you and you just don't see it because you're so much in love with them. I know that Minho is my brother but you are going be my brother-in law one day and it hurts me to see you not get treated right by them" Yoongi said as he cupped Felix cheeks.

"I-I-I d-don't want to leave them. P-P-Please don't m-make me leave them" Felix said as he started crying in Yoongi chest."I'm not. I just don't want to see you get hurt no more" Yoongi said as he started crying too. The crying woke Jungkook and Jimin up who was in the bed."What's going on? Why Lixie and Suga crying?" Jungkook asked."Just Yoongi saying he doesn't want Felix to get hurt no more" Hoseok said as he was on the other side of the room. Hyunjin was standing in the doorframe watching. Namjoon turned around and saw the Omega."Hey, everything okay with you and the others" Namjoon asked as he walked over to the Omega."Yeah, they still asleep. I woke because I couldn't feel Felix near me no more" Hyunjin replied."Hyunjin I want you to be honest with me. Do you feel safe with your Alphas" Namjoon asked as he looked into Hyunjin eyes. Hyunjin hesitated but he shook his head."Words hun" Namjoon said."No I don't but I love them too much that it hurts" Hyunjin said.

"Hyunjin, you sound like Felix right now" Namjoon said as he chuckled pulling the Omega into his arms.

The door bell rung

"I'LL GET IT" DK yelled from downstairs. DK opened the door and saw Hajoon and Alexander."HYUNJIN YOUR BROTHER IS HERE" DK yelled. Namjoon and Hyunjin walked downstairs."Hey little bro-" Hajoon cut himself off went he smelt something wrong."Why is he crying?" Hajoon asked Hyunjin. Hyunjin tilted his head looking confused."Why is Felix crying?" Hajoon asked."Felix had a seizure yesterday because Chan, Changbin and Minho were arguing with Hyunjin about something he couldn't even control. Felix is very sensitive to loud noise and screaming and yelling. His ears were bleeding and he started having a seizure. Those three need some fucking help" Seonghwa said as he came downstairs with Yeosang.

Hajoon eye twitched."What did you do Hyunjin?" Hajoon asked his brother."Nothing, an Alpha almost raped me if it wasn't for a friend who helped me. They called me a slut" Hyunjin replied.

Hajoon eyes turned red

Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin came downstairs."They're asleep" Taehyung said as he was referring to Yoongi and Felix."They looked exhausted" Jimin said as he sat down on the couch. Hajoon calmed down and relaxed."Are they up?" Hajoon asked referring to Chan, Changbin and Minho."Who?" Jungkook asked."Chan, Changbin and Minho" Hajoon said."Yeah, they're getting ready for work" Jungkook answered."Fuck work, they have a therapy session with Jake in a few hours. Is Jake up yet?" Namjoon asked."Yeah, he's coming now" Jungkook answered.

Jake walked downstairs and he was dressed in normal clothes. Not his work clothes."I'll be back" Hajoon said as he walked upstairs. Namjoon followed him closely. They walked in the Alphas Quarter where Chan, Minho and Changbin are at."Hajoon, hey" Chan said."Where y'all going?" Hajoon asked."Work" Minho answered."Y'all have to call in sick or something because y'all therapy sessions starts in an hour from now" Namjoon said as he looked at them."Oh sure let us call our boss and say we can't come in because we have fucking therapy. Great idea Namjoon" Minho said sternly."Minho cut the damn attitude. What's more important to you, Felix or your damn job" Namjoon said."My damn job now get the fuck out of my way" Minho said as he push Namjoon and Hajoon out of the way. Changbin was already in different clothes and Chan was still in his night clothes."Give him some time. He'll come around. Felix seizure scared him. He had a panic attack last night thinking Felix died from his seizure. And Yoongi saying that if he doesn't go to therapy he would lose Felix. Sent him into shock" Chan explained as he walked in the bathroom to change.


Minho was driving in his car. He was going past the speed limit.

Is my job more important than Felix?

Minho thought to himself

He drove his car into a tree


Felix jolted awake

He started crying and started hyperventilating. Yoongi woke up and looked at Felix."Love what's wrong?" Yoongi asked."Know Kitty. Something is wrong. Something is wrong. SOMETHING IS WRONG" Felix started shaking and wasn't breathing properly.

"MINHO WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU" Chan screamed from downstairs.

Yoongi picked Felix and walked downstairs. Minho was bleeding from the head. Felix jumped out of Yoongi arms and hugged Minho crying."I-I-I-I thought s-s-something happened to you" Felix said as he started hyperventilating again. Seungmin healed Minho forehead. Minho hugged Felix back tightly."I'm sorry baby. I'm so fucking sorry. You don't deserve me. You're too precious for this world and me" Minho said as he started crying. Minho slid to the floor and held Felix close to him as they cried on the floor.

Felix looked at Chan and Changbin who was just staring. Felix made grabby hands at them. Minho looked up at them. Chan and Changbin got on the floor and hugged the two on the floor.

"We'll be back after our therapy session. Right Minho?" Chan said as he wiped Minho tears away. Minho nodded as he picked Felix up and handed him to Yoongi who took him back upstairs."He'll probably be scent-drunk by the time y'all get back" Jungkook said as he skipped upstairs.

The three Alphas and Jake went to their therapy session.

They did it for Felix and the others

But mostly Felix

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