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Felix woke up feeling nauseous

He thought maybe it was from something he ate last night so he just shook it off.

Oh how wrong he was

"Hey Felix" Woozi said to the Omega."Morning Woozi, how's the baby" Felix asked."Growing and getting on my nerves already. She's not even born yet and she's driving me crazy" Woozi said as he chuckled."It's a girl" Felix asked."Yeah, I'm going tell the others later today so can you keep it a secret" Woozi said.

Felix nodded and smiled

"How do you feel?" Woozi asked

"I felt nauseous a few minutes ago but it's probably from something I ate last night" Felix replied."Are you sure it's just from something you ate last night. Because if I remember correctly you didn't eat nothing last night nor the afternoon nor the morning. You were asleep the whole day" Woozi said. Felix froze as  he looked at the Omega."Maybe you're p-" Woozi was cut off."Don't even say it. I'm not pregnant" Felix snapped."Woozi maybe right Felix" Yeonjun said as he came downstairs with the other Omegas and Kwang."I'm not" Felix snapped."Felix are you're positive, we can take you to a clinic and get checked to see if you're pregnant" Yeosang said as he walked over to the pup."Stay away. I'm not pregnant" Felix said as tears rolled down his face."Oh hun" Seonghwa said as he pulled Felix into a hug. Felix sobbed quietly into Seonghwa chest."Let's take you to a clinic to be sure. And if you're pregnant then we have to found out who's the father" Wooyoung said as he put his shoes on.

At the clinic

"Have you been sexually active?" the doctor asked. Felix hesitated but nodded."Have you used condoms?" the doctor asked. Felix shook his head no."Okay let me run some test and I'll be right back" the doctor said as she the left the room. Felix was shaking and he felt like he couldn't breathe."Calm down Lixie, everything is going to be alright" Ni-Ki said. After a couple minutes the doctor came back."So congratulations, you're pregnant with twins" the doctor said. Felix heart stopped then started up again."Repeat that please" Felix asked as tears came down his face."You're pregnant with twins. Don't know the genders yet but we should know in about 2 months" the doctor said.

The doctor left as Felix started crying."This can't be happening. How the hell is this happening?" Felix said as he pulled his knees to his chest."Felix it's okay, calm down. Everything is going to be okay. We're just bring them all in and let them take a DNA test to see who's the twins father" Vernon said."That's not the problem. The problem is that they never wanted kids. EVER. They said they'd aren't ready for children yet and maybe not ever. I have to get an abortion" Felix said."Fuck no, Felix this is your body, they can't tell you that you're can't have children. I know Lee Know never wanted children but he would have to deal with it because you're his mate and he is the most one who doesn't use condoms" Yoongi said as he helped Felix up.

"Repeat what you just said" Yang said as he tried to process what Felix just said."I'm pregnant" Felix repeated."With twins, I don't know the genders yet though and not gonna" Felix said."What do you mean you're not gonna?" Seungmin asked."I'm getting an abortion" Felix said."The fuck you are. Just because we said we never wanted kids doesn't mean you said you never wanted kids. I'm not good with children but I will try" Minho said."Felix you're not getting an abortion" Chan said as he smiled at Felix."So that means I can keep them" Felix said. They nodded smiling at their mate. Felix started to cry for the 5th million time today."Come on, we're take the DNA to see who's the father of the twins" Changbin said."My bet probably Minho or Yang. Maybe even both" Sunoo said as he smirked."Shut up" Yang and Minho said together. Chan chuckled but wouldn't be surprised if Minho or Yang was the father of the twins.

"So how long would it take to get the results" Chan asked the nurse."2 days" the nurse replied. Chan nodded."I still think that maybe it's Minho or Yang" Sunoo said as he sat in the waiting room with Felix, Ni-Ki, Woozi, Wooyoung and Seonghwa. Minho and Yang walked out and sat down. Seungmin, Jeongin and Innie walked out of the room as well."Who's still in there?" Ni-Ki asked."Hyunjin, Jisung, Chan and Changbin" Innie said. Right on cue, Hyunjin, Jisung, Chan and Changbin walked out of the room."We're get the results back in 2 days" Chan said.

"Ugh so long" Minho groaned

"Stop complaining" Yang said as he got up and walked out of the waiting room."One day, just one day, I'm going to fucking strangle him" Minho said sternly.

The others chuckled as they walked out of the hospital. Chan grabbed Felix hand and stopped walking."Did you think that we wouldn't have want our babies" Chan asked.

Felix nodded

"I know we said that we're didn't want children but as we saw how happy Woozi and his mates were when they found out that he was pregnant, we realized that we were mates that same thing with you" Chan said as he kissed Felix forehead. Felix smiled and they walked to the car and drove home.

When they got back Minho and Yang were arguing as usual."My head hurt shut the heck up" Jay said as he walked in the house."He started it" Minho and Yang said together."I don't give a flying fucks who started it. Shut the hell up" Jay said as he gave them death stares. They shut up but kept glaring at each other."Oh lord if one of them is the father then those babies better have Felix personally or we're have 2 Yang and Minho running around" Taehyung said as he chuckled."Fuck you" Yang and Minho said. Everyone chuckled but Felix who was asleep in Innie arms."Take him to the Omegas room so they can groom or scent drunk him or whatever they do" Hongjoong said as he sat in the couch. Innie nodded and walked upstairs as all the Omegas followed him."Great three babies in this house. Next thing you know Yeonjun going be pregnant, then Jungkook, then Keeho, then Ni-Ki and then whoever else" Minho said as he shook his head."Oh wow great way to jinx us Minho" Yeonjun said as he gave Minho a look."What it's the truth" Minho said as he shrugged.

"Oh lord" Namjoon said as he shook his head

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