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Chan POV


"We checked everywhere but he's nowhere to be seen" The8 said as he looked at me.

I looked at the Omegas and saw they were not panicking, they were going about their day as if Felix wasn't missing.

"Woozi, do you know where Felix is?" I asked the pregnant Omega. I heard him chuckle softly as he sat down on the couch drinking his coffee.

"Did I say something funny or something? I asked. He looked at me and smiled."No you didn't but I have no answer for you about Lixie. Even if I did I wouldn't tell you anyway" Woozi said as he continued to drink his coffee.

That's when Lee Know stepped in since it's his brother.

"Woo, do you know where Felix is?" Lee Know asked."Minho I just told Chan I don't know. What makes you think I'm going tell you something totally different from what I just told him" Woozi said as he looked at his brother.

"What is wrong with y'all?" Lee Know asked the Omegas. They all looked at him. Even Hyunjin and Seungmin."What the hell do you mean Lee Know? Hyunjin asked."I mean why aren't y'all freaking out about Felix being missing?" Lee Know said."Because there's nothing to worry about. He's fine. He probably just wants to spend time with his family and his other friends. Y'all treat him like a damn prisoner. Y'all trapped him in the basement because he wasn't answering his phone nor calling us. His phone was dead and he wanted to spend time with his little brother he has" Vernon said as he hopped off the counter.

"Vernon, watch that tongue of yours before it gets cut the fuck off" Changbin said as he gave Vernon a look."Changbin, you better watch your mouth with my Omega. You're my friend but I will not have you talk to my mate like that" S-Coups said as he stepped next to Vernon.

"Felix is fine, Chan, I feel him and he's okay. Nothing is wrong with him. I will only freak if he's hurt or dying. Until then leave him alone. Let him live his life, he'll probably still show up to work. And he has his phone, so if you wanna talk to him just call him" Hyunjin said as touched my shoulder. I trusted Hyunjin, he's the Head-Omega for a reason.

I sighed

"Okay, but if he's not home in 2 weeks then I'm going to freak. Copy that" I told Hyunjin. Hyunjin nodded and kissed my cheek.


Felix POV

Lucas and Kou were dying my hair with the colors I asked for. Lucas told me how he met them and everything and how they immediately connected.

It only took about an hour to get my hair done. After they came to work with me. Lucas had on his all white and Kou had on his all black. I saw Bambam, Lisa, Wooyoung, Niki and Yoshi working."Hey guys" I said. They looked at me and smiled."So let me guess. You got "kidnapped" and you're allowed out and get live your normal life until Bang Chan go full on werewolf and kill everyone" Yoshi said as he sat in his phone.

I chucked and nodded

"That's basically how it is. Oh this is Lucas, Chan little brother" I said as I smiled."Nice to meet you, I'm Ni-Ki" Ni-Ki said as he smiled.

"I'm Wooyoung and this is Bambam" Wooyoung said. Bambam smiled as he went to go take an order.

"I'm Lisa and that sassy brat right there is Yoshi" Lisa said she smiled."I'm not a brat" Yoshi said as he left to go take an order.

I got changed into my uniform and put my skates on and went to go take an order. Unlucky for me I got Minho, Changbin and Hyunjin. I put a mask on and skated towards them.

"Welcome to the Kittens Cafe. What would y'all like" I said. Hyunjin looked me up and down and smiled. I titled my head until I realized that he knew it was me. I returned the smile back at him. Even though he couldn't see it he knew I was smiling.

"The original, Jinnie what would you like?" Lee Know said calmly."I'll take a coffee and chocolate muffin please and thank you" Hyunjin said as he smiled. I wrote Hyunjin ordered down but not Lee Know and Changbin ordered."Excuse me, are you new here? I'm asking because only our mate and the other Omegas here knows our order by heart. I haven't seen you here" Lee Know said. I gulped as I looked at him."No I'm not new. I just been having family troubles that I had to take off of work for a while. And I keep dying my hair. So if you did see me but forgot I had a different hair color" I said. Changbin just nodded as he put his head down and Lee Know just sighed but he nodded."I'm going to the restroom" Hyunjin said as he got up. He dragged me to the restroom and shut the door.

"You have 2 minutes to explain" Hyunjin said

I sighed but I nodded and explained everything

"Oh, they're not hurting you are they" Hyunjin asked after I was done explaining.

I shook my head

"Okay well Chan said you have 2 weeks until he start worrying and going crazy" Hyunjin said.

Hyunlix Scene

He kissed me, pulling me by my waist. I wrapped my arms around him kissing him back. He picked me up and sat me on the bathroom sink."I missed you" he said as he started to take my uniform off."I missed you too. I miss all of y'all" I said as I took his jacket off and taking his hair out of the ponytail. He basically stripped me and I only had my boxers on. He started kissing me on my neck leaving hickeys.

"Ahh~" I moaned as he sucked on my neck. I heard the bathroom stall open and me and Hyunjin both looked. We saw Kou as he started chuckling and walked to the other sink to wash his hands."Damn, you were only gone for 4 days and your own Head-Omega couldn't keep his hands off of you" Kou said as he chuckled and left."That's Kou, he's a Beta and he doesn't really care about seeing other people have sex in front of him. As long as it's not in front of his food" I explained as I took off Hyunjin shirt.

"How's our pups?" Hyunjin asked as he took me off of the sink and turned me around."T-They're good. L-L-Lucas checked them" I said as I was panting. He put his member in and started thrusting.

"Ahhh, Jinnie~" I moaned

After 20 minutes later

"What the hell were you doing in the bathroom for 20 minutes" Changbin asked Hyunjin."Oh nothing, just using it" Hyunjin answered. Lee Know and Changbin looked at me as I came out of the bathroom trying to hide the hickeys Hyunjin left.

Lee Know and I made eye contact

That's when he knew it was me

'You fucked Felix in the damn cafe bathroom. You know Chan is worried fucking sick about him and you fucked him' I heard Lee Know whisper.

'As you can see he's fine. Y'all don't need to kill y'all or drive y'all selves crazy. He's fine. He's okay and so are the pups" Hyunjin whisper.

Lee Know emotion changed after Hyunjin mentioned the pups

"The pups......they're okay you said" Lee Know said as he tried not to try up."They're okay, like they're not hurt or he's not hurt or something" Lee Know said. I saw the tears in his eyes as he talked to Hyunjin. Changbin was asleep which was weird because he's never asleep on the job.

Hyunjin nodded as he walked over to Lee Know and sat on his lap wiping the tears away."Just give him time. He needs it" Hyunjin said as he looked at me. I felt guilty that I was making them all worried. Lucas grabbed my hand and smiled at me."It's okay, just for a couple more weeks. Then it will all be over" Lucas said as he hugged me. I nodded and cried into his shoulder.

Okay so the only people who know that Felix isn't really missing is Wooyoung, Ni-Ki, Yoshi, Bambam, Lisa, Minho and Hyunjin. No one else knows. Changbin was asleep during all of this because every night he cries about Felix. So he was too tired to even bother with anything.

So no one else knows about Felix not being missing and no one is going to tell. After 2 more chapters I'm going start making a couple chapters only about Stray Kids and Felix. They others will only be mentioned once or twice and will be in the story for only a couple seconds or minutes because some of the Stray Kids members work with them.

Anyway have a good day/night


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