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Felix woke up and looked around. He saw he was hooked up to machines.

'Alpha' Felix called though the mating bond


Chan was downstairs with the others. Everyone was asleep until Chan heard.

'Alpha' Chan heard though the mating bond

Chan was up in a flash. He didn't sleep a wink. He got to the room and saw Felix half asleep and half awake."Baby, how do you feel" Chan asked as he walked over the chair next to Felix bed and sat down.

"Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-You d-d-d-didn't s-s-sleep" Felix said slowly as he was falling back to sleep.

"I wasn't sleepy" Chan said.

Felix tapped the bed slowly as he closed his eyes.

Chan climbed in the bed slowly and slowly put the blankets around them. He held Felix close to him and made sure not to touch his injuries.

He felt himself drifting off to sleep land


Minho was the first to wake up as he groaned he looked around and saw no Chan.

Where the hell did he go Minho thought

He got up and walked upstairs. He opened the room where Felix was at and saw Chan sleeping peacefully with Felix.

Did Felix call him while everyone was still sleeping. Was Chan even sleeping Minho thought. Minho watched the two for a minute before he decided to leave them alone. He walked downstairs and saw Changbin was gone.

Now where the hell did Changbin go Minho thought.

He was thinking too much. He laid back in the couch and closed his eyes. He felt a hand touch his shoulder. He bolt awake and saw it was Changbin."You scared the shit out of me" Minho said."My bad, you look tired" Changbin said."I am but I don't feel like going back to sleep" Minho replied back."You should, you have black circles under your eyes" Changbin said as he sat on the couch." Whatever" Minho said as he laid back down. He put his legs on Changbin as he drifted off back to sleep. Changbin chuckled and laid his head back. He drifted back off to sleep as well.


After some time of sleeping, everyone woke up."My head is throbbing" Soul said."Because you were crying all night" Intak answered."No I wasn't" Soul said as he looked at the Alpha."Yes you were. You were sleep but you were crying. It was quiet and soft. You didn't stop until 6 in the morning. Me and Theo was the only ones who heard you" Intak replied back."Oh, well not my fault" Soul said."Your right, it's not your fault. How about you go see how Keeho is" Theo said. Soul stopped and looked at him."But he needs you when he wakes up" Soul said."No, he's going need you first little one. Now go check on him for me" Theo said. Soul just nodded and went upstairs.

He went to the room where Keeho was at and opened the door."Soul, hi" Keeho chirped. He was smiling at the Omega."Your up" Soul said."Mhm" Keeho hummed."Your okay" Soul asked."Yup" Keeho replied. Soul didn't feel himself start tearing up as he ran to the Head-Omega."I'm sorry, I should have helped you but I didn't" Soul said. Keeho just rubbed his ears."You did, by not getting involved" Keeho said. Soul looked at him."Looks like you were crying, come lay down with me" Keeho said as he tapped the bed and move the blankets. Soul jumped in and immediately cuddled with Keeho. Keeho smiled at the Omega and continued eating his breakfast. He saw Theo come in with Intak.

"Morning" Keeho chirped."Morning" Theo replied. His eyes landed on a sleeping Soul."Hm" he hummed."You spoil him too much" Intak complained. Theo sighed."You can join me on my other side if you want" Keeho said as he threw the remaining of his breakfast away. Intak nodded immediately and went to Keeho other side."Watch his injuries Intak" Theo said to the Alpha. Intak nodded as he cuddled up with Keeho."Theo" Keeho said as the Alpha was about to leave."Hm" Theo hummed."Can you stay with me until I fall back asleep please" Keeho asked. Theo smiled at his Omega and nodded sitting in the chair by Keeho bed.


Jungkook was still asleep peacefully in the bed. Namjoon stayed in his room all day, waiting for him to get up. Namjoon had dark circles under his eyes. Seokjin and Yoongi came in."Joonie, you need to rest" Seokjin said to his Head-Alpha. Namjoon looked at him."I can't, I have to be up and wait until Jungkook wakes up" Namjoon said."We'll watch him for you. Right now you need to get some rest" Yoongi said. Namjoon looked at the Head-Omega and Omega. Namjoon sighed."Fine, but wake me up immediately when he wakes up" Namjoon said as he stood up. They nodded. Namjoon left to go find his other mates.


Felix woke up for the second time and saw Chan still sleeping peacefully next to him. He saw Minho and Changbin sitting on the couch staring at him."H-H-H-How l-long have y-y-y-y'all been here" Felix asked the Alphas."3 hours" Changbin answered."Hyunjin, he's up" Minho yelled. Hyunjin and Seungmin came into the room and saw the little Onega was indeed up."Hello sleeping beauty" Hyunjin said as he smiled. Felix gave him a little smile. Seungmin checked his vitals and his heart rate and everything else.

"He's okay, everything seems normal" Seungmin said as he rubbed the Omega ears. Felix purred and his tail started wagging. The others chuckled."Try not to wake Chan up little one" Hyunjin said as his eyes went to the Head-Alpha. Felix nodded.

Jisung and Jeongin walked in the room."Your up" Jisung said as he looked at the Omega. Felix nodded."Are you okay. Is everything okay" Jeongin asked. Felix nodded again."That's good" Jisung and Jeongin said together.

Chan woke up to talking. He looked around and saw his mates talking to each other. He looked at Felix and saw he was laughing at Hyunjin yanking at Minho ear."Why is Hyunjin yanking Minho ear" Chan asked."Because Minho insulted his cooking" Jeongin said as he continued laughing.

Chan chuckled as he looked at his Head-Omega and his second Alpha. This was his family. And no was going onto break them apart.

Not even Doyoung

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