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Ryan POV

I groaned as I sat up

My back is in so much pain

I tried to stand up but I failed and fell on my ass."Ah shit" I cussed loudly. The bed moved as I looked and saw Sebastian staring at me. He started chuckling as he stared at me on the floor."Stop fucking laughing and help me up" I snarled at him. He continued chucking as he picked me up bridal style."Where to my Prince?" Sebastian asked."Breakfast" I said. He grabbed his and mine phone and took me on the elevator.

Pretend the Palace has an elevator for the sake of the story😃

We got out of the elevator and he walked to the dining room. He sat me down as maids bowed to us and went to start breakfast for table. I grabbed my phone out of Sebastian pocket and called Felix.

Baby Chick🐥: Good Morning Ry
Me: Good Morning baby. Are y'all still coming to the palace today?
Baby Chick🐥: Yup. Some of them are still packing so we should be there in an hour or two
Me: Okay see y'all
Baby Chick🐥: Kk

I hung up the phone as the maids brought out our food. My brothers came downstairs as they yawned."Good Morning brothers" I said as I smiled."Oh shut the fuck up. Y'all were so loud last night I feel like ripping my ears off" KG said as he groaned and sat down. Akio sat down next to Sebastian as he yawned. Gyu and Ryu sat down as they stuck the middle finger up at me. I chuckled as Kokuji and Kawaji sat down like they didn't care about the noise they heard last night.

Kawaji is just a name a made up since I didn't know know names and I didn't feel like looking some up

I thanked the maids for the food as they smiled and bowed and walked back in the kitchen."So what are everyone plans today?" I asked my brothers."I'll probably stay home and go to our library and read some books" Kokuji said as he started eating."I have an exam today. Ugh I didn't even study for it like I was supposed to" Ryu said as he groaned."Sucks to be you" Gyu said to his twin brother."Fuck you Gyu, help me with some studying as we get ready for school please. We have 2 hours before we have to be at school. You know I'm a fast learner. Pretty please brother" Ryu begged his twin. Gyu rolled his eyes and nodded."Last time Ryu" Gyu said as he continued his food. Ryu smiled and nodded.

I was finish my breakfast said I took it in the kitchen and sat it in the sink."Ruby and Yoko, can y'all go prepare the rooms for our new guests for us. Then y'all can have the rest of the day off" I said to them as I bowed. They nodded and thanked me as they went to go prepare the rooms. I washed my plate and dry it. I walked back to the dining room to see everyone still eating."Whose turn is it to clean the dishes?" I asked. Everyone, even Sebastian pointed to Kawaji. Kawaji groaned as he rolled his eyes.

I walked up to my room to get ready for today


Felix POV

I was in the kitchen doing dishes as I can heard a lot of footsteps upstairs.

Someone ran downstairs

It was Wooyoung

"Felix have you seen my tablet? I know I put it on the charger last night" Wooyoung asked. I chuckled as I pointed to the dining room. He ran in there and saw it was charging."Thanks Felix" Wooyoung said as he smiled and ran upstairs. I continued washing the dishes and luckily I was finished. I dried each and every dish before I put them up. I walked upstairs to see a lot of commotion."Oh lord" I said as I shook my head. Everyone was either running around panicking or packing.

I laughed as they look like wild goose's

I walked into Ni-Ki and Sunoo room. They were the only ones that were calm. Yeosang, Yeonjun and Keeho walked in as they looked at the chaos outside in the hall."They shouldn't have packed when you told us to pack like 2 weeks ago" Yeonjun said as he shook his head. Keeho chuckled and nodded his head to agree what Yeonjun said.

After about an hour, everyone was done packing."I hate life. Author-chu why do we have to suffer like this?" Sunoo said as he groaned.

Lucifer-chu popped up out of nowhere and sat on the counter."Because why not? It's fun" Lucifer-chu said as she chuckled."Aren't you supposed to be at school or something?" S.Coups said as he looked at me."Y'all said my name and I popped up" Lucifer-chu sisd as she continued to chuckle.

"Why are always breaking the goddamn 4th wall" Vernon said as he shook his head."Oh shut up, you don't even know what that means" Jay said as flicked Vernon head."Ouch, Jay that hurts" Vernon said as held his head."Oh shut it" Jay said as he rolled his eyes.

"Anyway bye people. I have school to attend to so bye-bye" Lucifer-chu said as she disappeared.


Akio opened the portal as he came to pick us up."Is everything ready? Does everyone have everything? I asked as I looked at everyone.

They nodded

We all walked through the portal

My wolf ears turned to fox ears and my wolf tail turns to a fox tail."Holy shit. Lixie your ears. Your tail" Intak said as he looked at me.

Akio was in his fox form too

Akio whistle and Dark and Light, flying horses came and bowed their head. I chuckled as I rubbed their head."Come on. They don't bite" I said as I whistled. Four more horses came and bowed."Come on and get on" I said. Everyone was just shocked as they saw how me and Akio was able to control the horses.

When we got to the palace Ryan, Sebastian and my brothers came outside."Welcome back Our Prince" they said as they bowed."I'm so confused" Wonwoo said."Everyone is Wonwoo" Jeonghan said as he sighed.

"Come in, please make y'all self at home. This is y'all home now" Gyu said as he smiled. We walked in and I immediately went to my old room that was redesigned and decorated. I saw that my bed was bigger. Meaning I can have a least 4 people in my bed with me. I heard my door open and I turned around and saw Jeongin, Seungmin and Hyunjin at my door."Hey y'all" I said as I smiled. They smiled back as they looked around my room."This used to be your room?" Hyunjin asked."Yeah, all my stuffed animals are in my old closet that's over there" I said as I pointed to my old closet that's was redecorated."I have a full walk in closet over there" I said as I pointed to the walk in closet."Holy shit. Your room is fucking amazing" Jeongin said as he smiled."Thanks, do y'all want to stay in here with me. My bed is big enough for 5 people" I said. They nodded as they started to unpack. Jisung walked in my room and smiled."Hey" Jisung said."Hey, you want to join us in my room. There's room for one more" I said.

Jisung smiled and nodded

When I was done unpacking, I walked to Ryan and Sebastian room. Ryan was working on his laptop."Hi Lixie" Ryan said as he knew it was me.

I smiled and sat on his bed

Sebastian came out of the bathroom and saw me and smiled."Hello Yongbok" Sebastian said as he rubbed my ears. I purred as I smiled at him."Hello Sebby" I said.

"FELIX" I heard a voice that sounded like Darren.

"Omfg" Sebastian said as he banged his head on the wall. Me and Ryan chuckled as we knew it's about to get chaotic.

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