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Hyunjin POV

I woke up to yelling coming from downstairs. I sat up and got up and ran downstairs. I saw Minho and Changbin arguing with the police."What hell is happening here" I said."These jackass are putting the blame on us for the murder of Officer Thomas" Minho said. Ah that's right. Those two and Jisung were supposed to murder the officer from yesterday but they fell askew on a movie they put on."Well they didn't kill so I will like if you stop harassing my mates and your scaring my Omega. Come here beautiful" I said and I Felix who was hiding behind Jisung. Felix ran to him and hugged me tightly."I-I want C-C-Channie" Felix stuttered. Chan was in the studio doing some work."I'll call him okay. But first let me get these assholes out of here" I said. I handed him to Seungmin who was sitting on the steps."Call Chan for me" I asked him. He nodded and took out his phone."How can you be so sure they didn't kill him" the police asked."Because they were here the whole time. The security system would had gone off if they existed" I said." Now get the hell out before my Alpha comes. He hates visitors who comes uninvited" I said. But I knew that he was here already. I smelt his scent as he stood behind the police. Felix was still sobbing into Seungmin as he tried to comfort him."May I ask why the hell are y'all here" Chan asked the police."We have information that that Lee Minho and Seo Changbin had murder one of our officers last night at around 9:40" the police said."Well to bad for y'all because they were in the house at that time watching a movie. Then they fell asleep" Chan said."So get the hell out" Chan growled. They nodded but on of the police officer handed Chan a note."Someone told me to give you this" he said as he walked out. Chan shut the door and open the note.

Dear Stray Kids
          Did y'all like what I did. I framed your stupid mates and the police has enough evidence to arrest them and put them away. Which give me some ammo to get my Omega back. I wonder if he told y'all about me. I guess I find out when I take him.

                             Sincerely from Unknown

"Another one" I said as I looked at the note."Felix, what was your other ex name" Changbin asked. Felix looked at him. "Choi Doyoung" Felix said. Me and Chan frowned."Why" Felix asked. Chan handed him the two notes we got yesterday and today. His eyes went wide. He had fear in his eyes."No no no no no no" Felix started panicking."I don't want him to find me. Please no no no no no" Felix begged. He started hyperventilating."Felix baby calm down" I said as I took him from Seungmin."Hyung I don't want him to find me. Please Hyung" Felix begged."Hyunjin what's going" Jeongin asked."Felix ex as y'all know abused him and sometimes raped him. He was very controlling of Felix. He wouldn't let him have any male friends because he thought they would steal Felix from him. He would lock Felix up in the basement if he even talked to other Alphas. When me and Chan met him. Felix would tell us all about how much he loved Doyoung even if he hurts him. Doyoung didn't like Felix talking to us so he tried to kill us. Which only led to Felix getting shot instead of us. We took him to the hospital but they said he would be in a coma for 3 months. At the time we took Doyoung to court and he got arrested for abuse, rape and attempted murder. He was put in jail for life without the possibility of parole in 50 years. And since he's a vampire he couldn't grow old and now I think he's out and looking for Felix to claim him as his again. But Doyoung don't know that he can't claim Felix because we marked him and he can't remove a werewolf mark" I explained as I rocked back and forth with Felix in my arms. Felix was still sobbing but he was calming down."Oh so we have someone else to murder. And I know how to kill a vampire because Namjoon is dating two vampires. Taehyung and Yoongi. They said there's a way to kill a vampire. By sticking a steak in the vampire chest" Minho said as he smirked. Yoongi and Minho are brothers. They're mother was a werewolf and they're father was vampire. Minho just took after the werewolf side as Yoongi took after both. Minho called his brother and they talked for a long time.

After Minho was done talking to Yoongi, he told us the plan they had and how it was going play out."So we have to use Felix as bait to lure him out" Jeongin said as he looked at the sleeping Omega. Minho nodded. He knew it was dangerous and risky, but if they were going to kill this motherfucker and make sure he doesn't hurt Felix again then he was willing to take that chance."When the next note comes, we'll respond. We're let Felix go to him. And if he try anything then that's when we'll strike. I know it's risky but it has to be done so he won't hurt Felix ever again" Minho said. We nodded."Channie" Felix said in a sleepy voice. We looked over at him."Can you hold me please" he asked. Chan nodded and walked over to the sleepy Omega. He laid down and put Felix on top of him and Felix went straight back to sleep."Aww this is a very cute moment. Let me take a picture" Jisung said as he reached for his phone."If you take a picture, that will be your last picture" Chan threatened. Chan hate photos."That's a risk I'm willing to take" Jisung said as he took photos. Chan groaned but didn't want to disturb the sleeping Omega. We chuckled as he gave Jisung death stares.

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