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Chan POV

I would usually say that everyday is a normal day for Stray Kids. But it's not. We're all on the living room looking at the news on the Tv.

Hello Everyone
This is channel 29 and today be discovered something sad and horrifying. We found the body of JYP the boss of JYP Entertainment. One of the employees discovered JYP body this morning at 10:00 when he came in for work. He saw blood coming from JYP office and he immediately ran in there and saw the lifeless body of JYP. It looked like he was dead for months. If anyone has any information about what happened please contact the police immediately. Thank you and have a good day.

I immediately turned off the Tv."So what now" Jisung asked. We looked at Felix who was getting groomed by Hyunjin."Do we tell him or no" Jeongin asked."Definitely no. We're not telling our Omega that we killed our boss" Minho said."Actually you, Jisung and Jeongin killed him. Jackson helped with the other people but y'all killed him" Seungmin said."He called Felix a slut" Minho said as he looked at the Omega."Then torture him, but not kill him" Seungmin said as he gave Minho a look. Minho rolled his eyes."So what's the plan Chan" Changbin asked."Just keep y'all mouths shut. I'm sure they're going to ask everyone who works with JYP questions to see if we know anything. So for our and for Felix sake. Keep y'all damn mouths shut" I said in my alpha voice. They nodded. We looked back over at Felix and Hyunjin and saw Felix was knocked out cold."Hyunjin take him upstairs and put him in your room" I said. Hyunjin nodded and picked the Omega up bridal style and took him upstairs.

Seungmin was in the kitchen making lunch when there was a knock on the door. Changbin took Jisung off his lap and when to open the door. It was the investigators. Changbin sighed."Can we come in. We want to talk to y'all about y'all boss, JYP" the male officer said. Changbin looked at me and I nodded. He stepped aside and they walked in. Hyunjin came downstairs and gave me a look. I shook my head. Me, Changbin and Minho sat down with the officers."So when was the last time y'all saw JYP" the female officer asked."I don't know. We been quite busy these past couple of months" Changbin said."I think the last time we saw him when I visited him at the company because we wanted to have a meeting with me and our leader Chan but he was busy so I just went" Changbin said."And when was that" the female officer asked."Like three months ago" Changbin said. He was telling the truth. He did see JYP three months ago before Minho and the other two killed him."And what about the rest of your members" the male officer asked. I could tell he was an alpha by the way the smell and the woman was a beta."They haven't seen him" I said."I was asking them" he said. Jeongin and Jisung looked at each other."JYP had a group of 8. I only see 7" he said."Our other member is sleeping right now and he haven't seen JYP since five months ago" I said. The officer looked at me then back at the others."I haven't seen him since six months. Same with Jeongin" Jisung said. Jeongin nodded."Haven't seen at all" Hyunjin said as he drunk some coffee. Seungmin had headphones in so he couldn't hear."Haven't seen him either" Hyunjin answered for Seungmin. The officer asked some more questions. It started to get really annoying. I didn't like the male officer. He just gave me a bad feeling. We heard the stairs creak and we looked at saw Felix coming downstairs. He looked at the officers."Felix come here for us" Minho said. Felix just nodded and walked in the living room. He sat next to Changbin."You must be Lee Yongbok Felix" the male officer said. Felix nodded. The male officer smirked. What the hell is he smirked about I thought. I wasn't the only thinking that. The others were too."So when was the last time you saw JYP" he asked."When was the last time you got a breath mint" Felix said as he rubbed his eyes."And it's none of your business when I last saw him. Found out yourself" Felix said as he snuggled into Changbin. I chuckled. That's our omega I thought. The officer looked at Felix for a minute. He looked him up and down. He saw that Felix had no shorts on under his sweater he was wearing. Seungmin took his headphones off and went upstairs. He came downstairs with Jeongin hoodie. He lightly grabbed Felix arm and took him the bathroom downstairs. He came back out with a fully covered Felix. Felix was half asleep and climbed into Jeongin lap and fell straight to sleep. Jeongin face lit up and he held Felix tight to him."If that's all the questions then we will like y'all to leave. We have important things to do" Changbin said. They nodded and stood up."We'll be in contact" the woman said. I just nodded. They left and had a feeling that Minho and Changbin was planning a murder."If y'all kill him, get rid of the evidences" I said as I went into the kitchen. They nodded."Who wants to help" Minho said. Jisung raised his hand."Okay then, tonight be ready" Changbin said."Oh great, another murder" Seungmin said as he rolled his eyes."He wouldn't get murder if he learned to keep his eyes off of other people Omegas" Changbin said. Seungmin just shook his head and put lunch on the table."Eat up before y'all murder someone. Can't kill someone on an empty stomach" Seungmin said. They nodded. They sat down and eat their lunch as Jeongin was asleep in the chair still holding a sleeping Felix."Changbin take them upstairs please" Hyunjin asked. Changbin nodded and picked the two up and went upstairs.

Changbin came back downstairs with a note in his hand."What's that Binnie" Jisung asked."A note" he said. He handed me the note and I read out loud.

Dear Stray Kids
               You might not know me but you will soon. I'm someone who is extremely close to y'all Omega Lee Yongbok Felix. I knew him before y'all did and I will continue to be close to him. He is MY OMEGA. No one else. He belonged to me first before y'all seven came and messed everything up. Y'all had to make him fall in love with y'all. If he haven't met y'all then we would have staying together FOREVER. Just y'all wait. Y'all will regret taking him away from me.

                               Sincerely from Unknown

"Great just great. How many ex's did Felix have" Jisung said."Two" I said."Both abusive and raped him a couple of time" I continued."This one though, he's not a werewolf. He's a vampire. He almost impregnated Felix if I haven't showed up that day. It's a long story. I'll let him explain it to y'all when he's ready" I said as I looked at them."But for now, we have to keep and close eye on Felix" I said. They agreed.

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