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Daiki POV

Um....hello, I'm Song Daiki

I'm 21 and I'm a pure Omega

I never really was the best person with relationships. I had about 5 different relationships. Each of them I was either cheated on or abused. My first one was both a cheater and was abusive. I didn't realize how abusive he was until I ended up in the hospital from blood loss. My second one was also abusive. But we were only dating for a month before I can really absorb his abuse. My third was a cheater. Cheated on me 16 times. Every time he cheated he would tell the girls and boys that he was single. And when they found out he wasn't they would kick him to the crib. My fourth one......I don't really know because we only dated for a week until I moved and he didn't want to do long distance. And my fifth one, he really wasn't anything. Both were wrong with him. Dated for 3 days until we realized that we're were just good at being friends.

Now I'm in a relationship with 7 Alphas and 3 Betas. I literally just met them like a week ago and we're literally in a relationship. Things move fast am I'm right.

Anyway they're so calm and soft with me, but when another Alpha approach me they are totally different people.

"Daiki" a voice called me. I turned around and saw Heechul and Sungmin."Yes" I said as I bowed. I heard them chuckle as I lifted my head up."Baby boy you don't have to bow to us. We're in a relationship, we don't have to be formal with each other" Sungmin said as he smiled."I'm sorry Alphas, my old Alphas always told me to bow to them and call them Alpha" I explained."You don't have to call us Alphas nor do you have to bow" Heechul said."We had Bambam examine you and he found out that you have old bruises and scars all over your body. Did your old Alphas do that to you?" Sungmin asked."Some did while the others cheated and others did both" I replied.

They looked at each other then I saw the Head-Alpha walk in."Daiki, the others would like to meet you and introduce themselves" Leeteuk said as he smiled. I nodded and got up from where I was sitting and walked to the main living room."Everyone attention, this is my pack new mate. Song Daiki" Leeteuk said as he pushed me forward.

All eyes were on me

"Um...h-hi, I'm Song Daiki. I'm 21 and I'm a pure Omega. I grew up in an orphanage until I was 10. My adopted by an Omega and an Alpha. They're good to me and I was happy to be in a wonderful family. My mom is also a pure Omega but my father is a Blooded Alpha. Y'all might know my brother, Bang Chan by any chance. Yeah he's my older brother. I haven't seen him a while until I found out that Felix was his mate. I saw him again when Felix came over here to visit. Been a couple years and he sure is still a pervert" I chuckled before I continued."Anyway I do owe everything to Chester who ran into Eunhyuk and the others because he if didn't I wouldn't have met my mates" I finished as I rubbed Chester ears as he slept."How many relationships have you been in?" a girl asked."About 8 if I'm not mistaken. I never really trusted anyone after those relationships. They cheated or abused me and sometimes did both. I think Chan killed 2 of them because they were reported missing and when someone is reported missing in our area, either Chan or our dad killed someone" I explained.

"Damn, are you okay?" a girl asked."Yeah, I still have scars and bruises and I remind me of the mistakes I made getting with them" I said as I tried to hold back my tears. I felt a hand on my waist. I turned around and saw Donghae behind me."Cry" he said as he pulled me into a tight hug. I began to cry which alerted Chester who woke and started barking."Chester it's okay. It's okay" I said as I continued to cry. Chester stopped and started smelling Donghae. He sat down and laid back down next to Donghae feet. I smiled and wrapped my arms around Donghae.

I felt small hands tug at my hoodie. I looked at the little girl. I let Donghae go and sniffed her as she did the same for me."You smell like mommy" the little girl said. I looked at my mates and they pointed at Yesung."That's my baby sister. Her name is Moroha, we call her little samurai because of who are mom was" Yesung said as he smiled."What is she?" I asked."An Omega" Yesung said. I nodded and started licking her.

She giggled

Chester woke up again and started licking Moroha. She was giggling as she petted Chester. I picked her up and walked to the couch and started grooming her as Chester sat next to us."Did he just steal your sister?" Han Geng said.

Yesung started chuckling

"I knew she would love him" Yesung said as I felt them watching us. I smiled as I continued to groom my new Omega.

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