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Changbin came up after he heard the bathroom door open.

He saw the pretty Omega laying in the bed asleep.

"Alpha?" Felix whispered so softly, Changbin almost didn't hear him.

"I'm here, baby." Changbin purred, wrapping his arms tighter around the Omega. "How are you feeling, precious?" He asked softly.

"Warm." Felix whimpered slightly. Right away, Changbin took notice of just how hot Felix's skin was against him.

"Oh, baby. Don't worry, Alpha's going to take care of you." And just like that, Changbin's Alpha kicked into high gear, needing to take care of their Omega. He lifted Felix effortlessly until his was seated in Changbin's lap, reaching behind him for some water. He helped Felix take a few gentle sips before sealing the bottle and tossing it back with the rest. "You're such a strong boy, baby." He said softly as he rearranged Felix some more until he was sitting facing him on his crossed legs, straddling his hips slightly, cradled in Changbin's thick arms. "We're so proud of you, baby." He smiled when Felix began purring, his own thin arms wrapping around Changbin's neck so he could pull himself closer to pepper sloppy kisses over Changbin's face, making him laugh lightly.

"Alpha." Felix purred, nuzzling into the Changbin's neck. "Hold me?"

"I won't let you go, precious, I promise." He smiled, unwinding one of his arms from around Felix to slip his hand between them. He reached down to stroke Felix delicately between them, making the Omega twitch and moan softly. "Alpha will take care of you, baby." He smiled against Felix's neck as he leaned back slightly so Felix was propped up against his broad chest so he could reach back and pet at the Omega's slightly puffy rim. They were definitely going to have to pamper the boy when his heat was over.

Felix's purrs grew louder as Changbin continued to stroke his length, and slowly, two of his fingers breached his entrance pushing a shaking moan out of him. Felix was grateful that he was able to remember each moment with his mates, even though the time in between was a complete blur. He was slowly becoming a panting mess against Changbin's chest. He could feel himself leaking slick all over the Alpha's lap, and he felt a rumble rise from Changbin's chest as the scent of his slick grew stronger. As if he weighed nothing, Changbin pulled his fingers from Felix, released his little member, lifted the Omega and lined him up over his own aching cock. Felix locked eyes with his Alpha, lips parted in anticipation, moaning deeply as Changbin slowly lowered him, impaling him on his length.

"A-Alpha," Felix moaned, shaking in Changbin's hold, "M-More, please, I need it." He whimpered, a shiver of delight running through him as Changbin obliged, lifting and lowering him slowly, fucking Felix down into his lap. Felix's Omega was purring as Changbin sat completely motionless, save for the arousing display of strength as he used Felix. His Omega was so pleased, Felix couldn't help throwing his head back, moaning loudly as Changbin's cock kept brushing teasingly against his prostate. This was a very different sensation from the others, and Felix couldn't get enough of it.

Just as Felix was growing accustomed to the gentle manhandling, he gasped. Changbin slipped his arms under his knees, and expecting to be tipped back into the nest, Felix preened as instead he was lifted until the Alpha was on his knees, seated on his heals and he began bouncing Felix a little quicker as he thrusted up into him. Felix was clinging to the Alpha's shoulders, eyes rolling back, moans falling out of him as sweat rolled down his body. Every upward thrust, Changbin pulled Felix down to meet him halfway.

"Alpha!" Felix cried out after a particularly hard thrust pressed roughly into his prostate. Felix could get used to this. "Alpha, more!" He begged, fingers slipping across Changbin's sweaty shoulders.

Felix isn't sure what he had been expecting Changbin to do, but he wasn't expecting him to stand up and walk to the back of the nest with him impaled on his thick cock. Changbin slipped his arms around Felix's back, blocking his delicate skin as he stood leaning against the cave wall. As soon as he was sure that Felix's back wouldn't touch the rough stone, he began thrusting into him again at a brutal pace. He buried his face into Felix's neck, opposite side to where they had been leaving their mating bites and began sucking the skin beneath his lips. The angle, speed, and power of his thrusts, combined with the multiple hickeys being sucked into the side of his neck had Felix shaking and screaming in pleasure.

Just as Felix was about to pull Changbin back by the hair, the Alpha was already moving. He could feel his knot inflating as he thrusted into Felix roughly. Without a second thought, Changbin was spinning them away from the wall and cushioning Felix's fall as he collapsed to his knees, burying his knot deep into the Omega, laying him onto his back quickly but gently. As soon as Felix's back touched the nest, they both bit into each other's mating glands. New bond in place, Felix released Changbin's flesh with a lick before his head fell back against the pelts, mouth agape as he sucked in air. Changbin continued to lick at the mating bite he'd left on Felix's neck, relishing in the sensation of his Omega's bliss flowing through the bond.

Changbin looked down at the beautifully sated boy beneath him. He hoped he hadn't been to rough with him but given the fucked-out expression on his freckled face, he was pretty sure the Omega had enjoyed the slightly rough handling. He peppered the Omega's face with kisses as he had done to him before.

"Love Binnie." Felix murmured beneath him. Changbin chuckled, petting the now even sweatier hair from his face.

"I love you too, Lixie." He smiled as Felix's eyes fluttered at the nickname. "I love you so, so much." He kissed the Omega gently, wrapping his arms around him again, cradling his head in his hand. Felix was asleep in seconds and Changbin refused to try rearranging them until his knot had gone down. Once it had, Changbin slipped out of the Omega's still tight heat. He rolled Felix carefully onto his front so that he could inspect his back and make sure he didn't rub him against the rock wall and scratch him in any way. Once sure there were no abrasions, Changbin lowered himself to Felix's entrance, spreading his cheeks and lapping at the puffy red rim, trying to soothe it as best as he could. Even now, with his own release mixed with Felix's slick, he tasted divine. Once satisfied, he moved up, leaving a trail of kisses up Felix's spine, before laying beside him and moving him carefully until he was laying across Changbin's front, head pillowed on his broad chest. Changbin only meant to rest with Felix for a moment, but the light weight of Felix laying on top of him had him falling asleep with him wrapped in his arms as he stroked gentle circles over his back.

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