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Felix POV

The scent of the room was different

Mine was filled with Hyunjin scent

His scent is Irises

His favorite flower

I woke up and saw I was indeed in a different room. It wasn't one of the rooms in the house.

It was different

'Was I kidnapped' I thought

If I was kidnapped why wasn't I tied up or chained up or even hurt. The door to the room open and I was hit with a cigarette scent.

"Your up" the voice said

'Why is that voice so familiar' I thought

"Who are you?" I asked him. He was literally wearing all black and a black mask to cover his face."Who I am isn't important right now" he said as he walked over to me. He sat in the bed as looked at me."I know exactly who you are though, Lee Yongbok Felix" he said. I looked at him and then I took in his scent again. His scent was a cinnamon scent. Then whose scent is a cigarette scent?

He offered his hand and I grabbed it. He took me to another room that was on the 5th floor. He knocked and there was a small Come in. We walked in and I saw a person in literally all white similar to the man in black."This is the healer, he's going to check your pups" the man said.

I was shocked

'He knows about my pups' I thought

The man in black left as the man in white helped me in the bed."Can you lay down for me please" he said in a soft voice. I nodded and laid down for him. He lifted my shirt up and put something cold on my stomach. He put a little scanner machine thing on my stomach and moved it around. I saw him smile as he looked at me."You have some healthy pups" he said as he wiped my stomach and pulled my shirt down. He helped me off the bed and took my hand and led me out of the room. He walked me downstairs. There were 5 men downstairs in all black. The looked at me and stood up.

"Thanks" one man said to the healer. I saw the healer nodded as he walked back upstairs.'What is going on here?' I thought

"We're tell you what's going on" the man said as he looked at me. He must be a mind reader."We have a mission to keep you here until your mates go crazy and show that they really give a fuck about you" the man said."Why?" I asked. He sat down in front of me from where I was at on the couch."We know about you almost committing suicidal, we know about your Alphas locked you in the basement because you didn't call them or that you stayed at your Eomma house for a whole week" the man said.

I shocked but at the same time I really wasn't

"So basically y'all want them to go crazy and be even more protective of me" I said as I looked at the man."Exactly" the man said. I nodded as

I took my long hair out of a ponytail

"Who are y'all anyway?" I asked

"Who we are is not important" one of the men said."Sure it is if I'm going to be staying here with y'all. Even if y'all don't tell me I can still figure out" I said. He chuckled as he looked at the others and nodded his head. One by one they took their hoodie and mask off their faces.

"I'll start" the man that was sitting on the couch with me said."My name is Titan, I'm the Head-Alpha of the group" he said as he smiled. Titan had black hair with a little bit of white in it. His eyes were dark green and he had a diamond on his right cheek.

"I'm next, I'm Shadow. Don't know why my father named me that but yeah that's my name. I'm one of the Alpha" Shadow said. Shadow also had black hair with a little bit of white. His eyes were white, more like a crystal.

"My name is Keith. I'm a Beta" Keith said. Keith had orange eyes and brown hair.

"My name is Kou. I'm also a Beta" Kou said. Kou had red eyes but they looked like a pink because of how light they were. His hair is pink with a little bit of white in them.

"My name is Kyle. I'm an Alpha" Kyle said. Kyle had sliver eyes and all white hair.

"My name is Dylan. I'm a Beta" Dylan said. Dylan also had all white hair and his eyes were dark pink."Y'all have no Omegas" I asked curious. I heard Dylan chuckle as I said that."Oh we have one, and you just met him too" Kou said as he smiled. I looked at them with a confused face.'I just met him. What are they talking about? The only ones I met was Kyle when I didn't know who he was and when he had all black on and the healer......Wait is the healer their Omega?' I thought."See it wasn't so hard now was it" Titan said as smiled. I forgot he could read minds."I'll tell him to come downstairs" Titan said as he mind linked to the healer. I saw the healer come down still in his all white.

"Introduced yourself" Dylan said as he smiled. The healer took off his white and I saw exactly who he was."He already knows who I am. Don't you brother in-law" the boy said. The others looked confused except for Titan."Lucas" I said. He nodded as he walked over to me and hugged me."How y'all know each other?" Shadow asked. Is voice is very quiet and calm."This is my mate Chan little brother" I said as I smiled at Lucas. We met a couple of times and we actually bonded" I explained."Oh how interesting" Kyle said as he smirked."Oh Chan is going have a fucking heart attack" Lucas said as he started chuckling."I have a feeling that the Omegas are not going to freak because they know my scent too well to know if I'm dead or hurt. They're not going to freak out unless they smell that I'm hurt. Still y'all should still let me go out but I'll disguise myself" I said as I smiled."Okay, what color hair do you want?" Dylan asked."Blonde with white highlights please" I said as I gave them my chick smile."Okay, we'll start on your hair and disguise tomorrow" Kou said as he smiled.

"Oh this is going to be fun" Titan said as he smirked. Me and Lucas chuckled as we knew this is going be a long couple of weeks.

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