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Your original Author is sick so I will be taking over the next few chapters until he is better. So without further ado, let's begin the SMUT chapters

Now they know that Doyoung wants war. They have to extra caution with Felix. They have to protect him at all cost. Felix was definitely in preheat. He was in so much pain. He wanted his Alpha but Chan wanted to make sure that's what he wanted.

'Alpha' Felix pushed through the mating bond

Chan was in the room in a flash. He closed the door behind him stood by it.

"Alpha" Felix groaned as he looked at him. Chan looked at those pleading blue eyes."Are you sure this is what you want Felix" Chan said.

Felix nodded

Chan let out a low growl as he moved forward. He slid his hands underneath Felix and lifted him like he weighed nothing, bringing him up to straddle his legs. Felix shivered and whimpered as Chan man handled him where he wanted him. Felix threw his arms around Chan's neck, clinging to him, burying his face in his scent gland.

"Alpha!" Felix cried. He felt himself relaxing into the Alpha's hold as he felt Chan's hands run along his back and sides. Chan's touch felt like heaven, but he still wasn't giving him what he wanted, what he needed. Just as he was about to cry out again, he felt Chan's hands on his skin, sliding up under his shirt. The second Chan felt flesh under his hands, he could smell it. Felix began leaking slick and the smell hit Chan, hard.

"Omega." Chan purred in Felix's ear before leaning forward with Felix in his arms. He laid Felix back down in the nest and hovered over him, Yellow eyes flashing down a the Omega beneath him. "You smell so good, baby." Chan slid his hands under Felix's shirt again, pushing it up and over his head to expose his pale skin. Felix's skin was flushed such a beautiful pink, it made Chan want to devour the poor boy. Chan placed an open mouth kiss over Felix's scent gland before slowly making his way down his chest. He smirked as he took a pretty pink nipple into his mouth making Felix moan loudly. He was so sensitive, Chan couldn't wait to taste more of the beautiful boy beneath him. His Alpha roaring within him, telling him to take, and mate their Omega.

"Ch-Chan, Alpha, please." Felix whimpered, arms heavy as he tried to reach out and touch the Alpha above him. His hands were like a soothing balm against his skin, and his mouth felt like heaven. He wanted more, wanted to tell Chan where he needed him, but the more Chan touched and kissed and sucked at his chest, the further Felix slipped. Chan could smell as Felix began to leak more and more slick and he couldn't stop himself anymore. He slipped his hands under the waistband of Felix's pants and slowly slipped them down his hips, taking his underwear with it. Felix had been left without touch for too long, Chan was not going to make him wait any longer. He sat up to toss the pants out of the nest and found that the others had left the cave. They were all alone and Chan's Alpha purred at the thought of having the Omega all to themselves.

Felix was stunning, laying bare beneath him. His limbs were spread out invitingly, a gorgeous flush spreading across his body. Chan let his gaze slip lower, pupils blowing wide when he saw the amount of slick leaking from the Omega. Chan grinned and lifted Felix's legs, hooking them over his shoulders. He locked eyes with Felix as he slowly lowered himself until he was exactly where he wanted to be. He lifted Felix's hips and purred as he pressed his tongue to Felix's leaking rim making Felix sob and throw his head back. He clamped his legs shut around Chan's head, hands shooting down to gip his hair as he felt the Alpha's tongue prodding his entrance. Chan's mouth felt divine and he felt like he was going to go mad from the pleasure.

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