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Felix POV

"A-Ahh Minho~" I moaned as Minho kissed me all over. Minho picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his torso. He threw in the back seat and stripped me. He stripped himself and spread my legs open and stick his dick in me thrusting."Ahhh it feels so good~" I moaned  as he thrusted harder. The door to the garage open and closed."Minho, are you done fucking Felix because we need to get to work or we're going be late" Changbin said as he chuckled looking at my face."You look cute Lixie. I'll guess I'll join" Changbin said as he stripped.

After that

"My ass hurts" I said as Changbin carried me in the living room where Yang was sitting. He looked at me and shook his head."This is why your ass is always sore" Yang said as he took me from Changbin."It was Binnie and Minho fault" I pouted."I don't care whose fault it is. This is why your ass is always so damn sore" Yang said as he shook his head. I chuckled and kissed him on the cheek. He gave me a look but I saw he was blushing."Anyway, me and Minho are off to work. See y'all later" Changbin said as he kissed my cheek."You want a kiss Yang?" Changbin asked. Yang looked away but he slowly nodded his head. Changbin smiled and kissed Yang forehead."Bye loves" Minho said as they left the house."Aww is Yangie blushing" I said as I chuckled. He gave me a look and sat me in his lap."You know it would be weird if you, Innie and Jeongin separated. Like y'all all become separate. But it would be fun to see how y'all not all together" I said as brushed my index finger on his cheek. Yang looked at me then at my amulet."I can make that happen" Yang said as he touch my amulet."If that's what you want" Yang said. I nodded. He smiled and he touched my amulet and everything went black.

I opened my eyes and saw three people standing next to me."Holy crap, it worked" I said.

"Holy crap, it worked" I said

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Innie helped me up and hugged me."This is so awesome" Innie said as he jumped around. Yang shook his head and sat down. Jeongin went in the kitchen. Yang pulled me and Innie onto his lap."Y'all look too identical. This doesn't feel weird to you" I asked."Nah, we do this all the time. It's normal" Yang said as he kissed Innie forehead. Hyunjin came downstairs to see three Jeongin."Let me guess, they split" Hyunjin said as he walked in the kitchen. Jeongin nodded and gave Hyunjin a cup of coffee."Thanks" Hyunjin said as he looked at the time."I have 2 hours before my next modeling job. I'm going to take a shower. Yang and Jeongin watch these two and be good" Hyunjin said as he kissed both me and Innie forehead."Okay I'll be back down in about 30 minutes then I'm going to leave" Hyunjin said as he walked upstairs. Yang flicked through the tv channels and wrapped his arms around both you and Innie."What are we watching?" Innie asked."Idk y'all fine something. I'm going to sleep. Wake me up when someone dies" Yang said as he closes his eyes. Me and Innie chucked and I started flicking through the tv channels."Oh how about this" I said to Innie. He nods and I put the show on. Me and Innie lay down on Yang lap as he sleep. I know he could feel us on his legs but not going to say anything. Jeongin walks in the living room and sit next to me.

Jeongin looked at Yang and shook his head."So lazy" Jeongin said as he looked at the tv. After 28 minutes, Hyunjin came down all ready for work."Okay all I have to say is don't kill each other" Hyunjin joked. Me and Innie smiled nodding our heads. Jeongin chuckled as Yang gave a smile smirk in his sleep. Hyunjin sighed and his me and Innie in the forehead."Stay alive until everyone is back home. Yang watch the children so they don't do anything" Hyunjin said as he was referring to me and Innie. Yang gave Hyunjin a thumbs up in his sleep and turned over. Hyunjin grabbed his car keys and drove off. Jeongin sipped on his coffee as we watch a random movie.

Later when everyone but Seungmin and Hyunjin comes home

Chan POV

My feet was so sore that I was driving home bare foot. I picked up Changbin and Lee Know and was on my way to pick up Han. When we got to Han's job, Lee Know honked the horn until Han came out of the building."Oh shut up, I'm outside already" Han said as he got in the back of the car with Changbin. Changbin was chuckling as I drove off."Seungmin texted me and said that he'll be home late and Hyunjin said he'll be home in 4 hours" Changbin said as he looked at us. I just nodded and continued to drive.

When we got back to the house, I put my shoes on and locked the car. I opened the door to the most adorable thing I could ever see. Yang, Jeongin, Innie and Felix were on the couch cuddling.

Something like this but with two more people

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Something like this but with two more people

Han took out his camera and started taking pictures. Lee Know just gave a small chuckle and walked in the kitchen. Yang opened his eyes and gave Han a look. Han stopped taking pictures and pouted. Yang looked at the three on his lap and his legs. He kissed all three of their foreheads. I walked over to him and he looked at me. I smiled and kissed his cheek."Hello baby" I said. He hates being called baby but it's fun to tease him. He looked at me but didn't threaten me, which was shocking."Hello Chris. How was work?" He asked in his normal deep devil voice."Work was good. I hope everything went well here" I asked him. He nodded and looked at Felix who was moving in his sleep. He leaned back and fell back asleep. I chuckled and ruffled his hair."Send me the pictures" I said to Han. He nodded and smirked."Us too" Changbin and Lee Know said. Han nodded and started to sending the photos to everyone but Felix and Jeongin.

"These are too cute" Changbin said as he smiled and walked upstairs.

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