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Yeosang ran back to the house as fast as he could. He made it back and heard screaming.

He ran upstairs and saw Felix hyperventilating

"Felix, baby, please come back to us" Yeonjun said as Keeho held Felix in his arms."What's happening" Yeosang asked.

"He said he smelled someone and he started hyperventilating" Soul said. He was sitting next to Felix and Keeho.

"E-E-E-Eomma" Felix said. Everyone looked at him."E-E-E-Eomma" Felix repeated."Keeho, I think he's talking to you" Yeonjun said."Yes baby" Keeho said as he looked at the Omega."I-I-I-I-I'm s-s-s-sorry" Felix said as he continued to hyperventilate."Sorry for what baby" Keeho asked."I-I-I-I-I'm s-s-s-sorry f-f-f-for r-r-r-running a-a-away. I-I-I-I c-c-c-c-couldn't t-t-t-take a-a-a-anymore p-p-pain. H-H-He h-h-h-hurt m-m-me E-E-E-Eomma. A-A-A-Appa h-h-hurt m-me" Felix said as his eyelids got heavier.

"His father, hurt him" Jungkook said. They looked at Felix and saw he stopped breathing."Hey Felix, this isn't funny. Wake up. Please baby, wake up" Sunoo said. Wooyoung started crying. Keeho held Felix close to him.

'Please, wake up' Keeho said through the Omega bond they created.

Felix eyes opened as he started coughing. He looked at Keeho."What happened" Felix asked."You had a panic attack" Ni-ki said as he sat on the bed."You had it because you said you smelt someone. Who was it?" Ni-ki asked.

Felix stayed silent for minute."My father. He's here" Felix said as he tightened his grip on Keeho. Yeosang mind linked his mates.

'Alpha, danger' Yeosang said through his mating bond.

'What's wrong' Hongjoon said

'Felix father, he's here and he's not a good person. Hurt Felix. He had a panic attack' Yeosang told his Alpha


"His father what" Minho yelled.

"Yeosang told me when he got there, Felix was having a panic attack because of his father. He called Keeho his Eomma and told them what happened. Then he passed out for a minute then came back" Hongjoon explained to the Alphas, Betas and the two Head-Omegas plus Seungmin."Oh so now there's more people added to the list of murder people" Minho said as he balled his fits up.

"He's okay now. He passed out though" Hongjoon said.

"He WHAT" Chan growled.

"He passed out after he told them about his father" Hongjoon said as he looked at his friend.

"I have to go back. I have to be with my Omega" Hyunjin said.

"Hyunjin, it's okay. Keeho has him. He's safe" Jiung told Hyunjin.

"Wait, if all of the Head-Omegas plus Seungmin is here, why isn't Keeho here too. He's a Head-Omega" Jimin said as he looked at the Alphas.

"Keeho wanted to stay with the pups. And anyway, Soul wouldn't let him leave" Taehyung said as he lend on a tree.

"Hyunjin, it's okay. He's fine and safe. Nothing going happen to him under Keeho watch. Please calm down" Yoongi said as held the Head-Omega hand.

Yoongi got out of the hospital today

Hyunjin started to calm down and started breathing better."Thanks Yoongi" Hyunjin said as he gave the cat a little smile.

Yoongi nodded and slowly walked back over to Namjoon and Seokjin.

"Let's go scout the forest and see if we see anything" Namjoon said. Everyone nodded and changed into their wolf forms.


Felix was asleep cuddling up with Ni-ki. Keeho was sitting on Soul lap as he watched the pup heart rate. Jungkook was on the other bed with Sunoo watching Soobin's computer. Yeonjun and Wooyoung was downstairs making something to eat for everyone.

"Soul, do ever think that there's more to Felix father story than of what he told us" Keeho said as he looked at the Omega. Soul hummed in response and held his Head-Omega tightly to him."I love you" Soul said. Keeho chuckled."I love you too you badass kid" Keeho said as he gave Soul a little peck on the lips."Your lips are so soft" Soul said. Keeho rolled his eyes jokingly. Wooyoung and Yeonjun came up with food. Ni-ki and Felix woke up to the smell of food."Looks like food wakes people right up" Yeonjun said as he chuckled. He sat the food down and everyone started eating.

Soul on the other hand."Keeho, come with me for a sec" Soul said as he left the room. Keeho got up and was about to follow Soul when Yeonjun stopped."Just be quiet when y'all fuck. And good luck walking later" Yeonjun said as he chuckled. Keeho stuck his middle finger up at him and followed Soul."What do you need" Keeho said as they walked into Soobin room."Get on the bed" Soul said seductively. Keeho just looked at him."What did I say. Get on the bed" Soul ordered him. Keeho backed up."Soul, your hard aren't you" Keeho said. He hates when Soul is hard. He's too aggressive and acts more of an Alpha than an Omega."You want to be a bad boy and not listen" Soul said as he walked over to Keeho."Soul, please" Keeho begged."I can't do that" Soul said as he started stripping Keeho.

After that

"I hate you" Keeho said. He held the blankets tightly."I'm sorry" Soul said."You know what. Fuck your sorry. Intak is right. All I do is suck up to you. You act like a total brat and you do things because you know I won't scolded you or anything. Fuck you. I hate you. I'm just your toy that you play with. I hate being someone's toy. I hate it. I love you but you treat me like shit" Keeho said. He was crying. He slowly got up even though he was hurting and went into the bathroom and slammed the door.

Soul slipped to the floor and put his knees to his chest. Tears were coming down his face. He fucked up he thought. He really did.

Keeho took a long shower and came out the bathroom. He was drying his hair when he saw a sleeping Soul on the floor with puffy eyes. They bed sheets were changed and clean and new. Keeho sat in front of Soul."Soul, wake up" Keeho said. The sleeping Omega woke up and saw Keeho. Keeho was smiling at him."Go take a shower and I let you groom me" Keeho said. Soul just nodded and went to take his shower. After his shower and went to the bed and started grooming Keeho."I'm sorry" Soul said.

"Sorry for what" Keeho asked."Sorry for hurting you and using you as a toy" Soul said quietly. Keeho chuckled."It's okay. Your still my favorite little brat" Keeho said as he snuggled up with Soul. That's when they smelt it.

Doyoung scent

"FELIX" They yelled. They got up and ran to the Pup room.

They saw Felix hiding under the bed with Ni-ki."H-H-He's h-h-here's" Felix whimpered.

'Theo, he's here. He's in the house. Come now please. Please' Keeho called though the mating bond with his mates.


'Theo, he's here. He's in the house. Come now please. Please' Keeho called though the mating bond with his mates.

Theo growled

"He's in the damn house" Theo snapped. They all ran to the house.

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