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"Felix" Chan called from downstairs. Felix walked downstairs and looked at the Head-Alpha."Yes" Felix said."Where are all the other Omegas at" Chan asked."Upstairs, why" Felix asked."We need them to come downstairs, we need to talk" Hongjoon said. Felix nodded and came downstairs and walked in the kitchen. He took a knife and cut his arm."What the hell are you doing" Changbin said. Felix put 5 fingers up and started counting down on his fingers.

The Omegas came down in a flash."Their here" Felix said as he healed himself and put the knife away. Felix walked over to the couch and sat down."Next time, call them instead of cutting yourself" Minho said."Sure, I'll think about about" Felix said. Wooyoung and Woozi chuckled."What did you need us for anyway" Sunoo said."We talked about this a lot, we think we should all move in together" S.Coups said."I thought we were already living together" Soul said."It was only going be for a while but now we're living together" Theo said."But what about our other stuff at our old house" Wooyoung said as he looked at the Alphas."Oh, we're leaving this house and moving into an even bigger one. We already shipped all our stuff from our old houses into the new one. So get dress and get in the cars. But first, Felix" Junhui said as he looked at the Omega.

Felix looked at him

"Minho and Changbin wants you to meet them down in the basement before we leave" Junhui said. Felix looked at him then at his two Alphas. He then nodded and got up and walked downtown to the basement. Minho and Changbin was right behind him. When they got downstairs Felix saw his father and his ex still VERY MUCH ALIVE, still tied up with the same bruises on their faces."Why am I'm down here" Felix said. His anxiety started to kick in. He back away until he hit Minho chest. He buried his face in Minho chest.

Chan and Jisung came downstairs."Please, I don't want to be down here" Felix said."Oh boo hoo, stop being a bitch. Your acting like your damn mother" Mr. Lee said."My mother is not a bitch, he's a good person unlike you" Felix said as he kept his face buried in Minho chest."He is one, and your just like him. Nothing but a waste of space. I should have made him get an abortion" Mr. Lee said.

That's when Felix broke

"J-J-Just k-k-kill them a-a-a-already" Felix stuttered. Minho felt tears on his shirt as he looked at the Omega. Minho nodded to Changbin. Changbin walked over to them."Any last words" Changbin said."Yeah, see y'all in hell" Mr. Lee said as he started laughing."Your going pay for this Felix. You hear me, your going TO FUCKING PAY FOR THIS YOU FUCKING BITCH" Doyoung yelled.

Changbin grabbed Mr. Lee neck and......


Changbin snapped Mr. Lee neck. He walked over to Doyoung who was still screaming at Felix.

Changbin grabbed Doyoung neck hard and........


Changbin snapped Doyoung neck. He walked over to Jisung. Jisung walked over to the dead bodies to make sure they are dead.

Jisung nodded

Minho saw that Felix was asleep so he picked him up."Jisung, get Jeongin and you two dispose of the bodies then meet us at the cars.

Jisung nodded and ran upstairs to get Jeongin. Minho and the other two Alphas went upstairs and saw Wooyoung, Ni-ki, Sunoo, Jay, Yeonjun, Woozi and Keeho waiting for them at the top of the stairs. Minho gave Felix to Woozi."Take him to the black van" Minho said. They nodded and walked off."Who's driving that car" Minho asked."Chan" Changbin said.

Here is what car they are all in

Black Van:

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