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No one POV

Felix was in the kitchen making breakfast with Nova sitting on the counter watching him. His Eomma and his Eomma mates are coming for dinner tonight. Minho came downstairs with Chan behind him."Felix, call him off. I'm fine. I'm not going hurt myself again" Minbo said."I didn't tell him to follow you. That's Yang job" Felix said. Chan smirked as he lend on the door frame."I hate you and I hate Yang. It has been a whole week. Y'all still think I'm going do something" Minho said."Know, we know you won't do something. But we can't really be sure you won't" Chan said.

Minho rolled his eyes

"Where are the others?" Minho asked

"Shopping, work, out" Felix said

Wooyoung and Vernon came downstairs yawning."What time is it?" Wooyoung asked."8:45" Chan answered.

"Wooyoung yawned again and walked in the kitchen."Good morning Nova and Felix" Wooyoung said as he smiled."Good morning Wooyoung" Nova said."Morning Woo" Felix said. Vernon walked in the kitchen, sat down and laid his head down on the counter."I was up all night with Woozi. Soo-min was up all night crying. She wouldn't eat, she wouldn't sleep, she would shut up" Vernon said as he yawned."Damn, I feel bad for you but at the same time I don't give a flying fuck" Innie said as he came downstairs."Good morning to you too Innie" Vernon said.

Innie rolled his eyes and sat on the couch."Where the hell is everyone?" Innie asked."Work, sleep, out" Wooyoung said."Anyone wants breakfast?" Felix asked."Me" Vernon said."Me" Wooyoung and Innie said."Me" Nova said as she smiled."I would like some" Woozi said as he walked downstairs."And some coffee. I can't even keep my eyes open" Woozi said as he yawned."Where's Soo-min?" Minho asked."S-Coups and Joshua has her" Woozi said.

Minho hummed as he saw Yoongi and Taehyung come downstairs."Good morning beautiful people" Taehyung said."Why the hell are you so cheerful in the damn morning?" Minho asked."Because, I might be getting a promotion" Taehyung said as he smirked."Key word "might be" not going be" Innie said."Use your damn head Taehyung" Innie said as he went back to looking at his phone."Can someone bring the sweet Innie back. I miss him. This Innie is an asshole" Taehyung said."Awww love you too Tae" Innie said as he rolled his eyes."Fuck you" Taehyung said as he walked in the kitchen. Wooyoung sat up the dining table and Felix sat the food on the table."Come and eat" Felix said.

Felix is 7 months into his pregnancy

His back been hurting, he can barely walk, he been having pregnancy cramps, his moods swings been going haywire and he been eating weird ass combo of food.

Vernon was knocked out with his head in the kitchen counter."Vernon" Woozi said. Wooyoung tapped Vernon who groaned and looked at him."Go upstairs" Felix said. Vernon yawned as he got up and walked upstairs. Woozi, Innie, Minho, Chan, Taehyung, Nova, Wooyoung and Felix sat down at the table."Thank you Felix" Nova said as she smiled."Nova, you know you can call him Eomma right?" Wooyoung said. Nova nodded and smiled."Thank you Eomma" Nova said. Felix smiled and ruffled Nova hair."Nova, you're going to Hayato school today. He's Felix little brother so he's going be keeping an eye on you while you're at school" Chan said." Okay" Nova said.

The door bell rung

Minho got up to go open the door

It was Hayato

"Oh look, speak of the Angel" Minho said as he gave Hayato a hug."Good morning everyone" Hayato said as he smiled."Good morning Hayato" Felix said."This is Nova, Nova this is my little brother Hayato" Felix said."Nice to meet you" Nova said."Same here" Hayato said."Okay, Nova, go get ready. Hayato and his boyfriend will be your ride to school" Chan said. Nova nodded and ran upstairs to go get ready."So, how is Eomma" Felix asked."Good, we are coming over at 8:30 because Nine get off of work at 7 and he has to take a shower first before coming over" Hayato said. Felix nodded and continued eating.

"FUCK" Felix cussed

Everyone looked at Felix with worried look."Babe, what's wrong?" Innie asked."My cramps. It hurts" Felix said as he started taking deep breaths."It's okay, just breath" Innie said."They're moving too" Felix said as he took Innie hand and put it on his stomach. Innie flinched when he felt the babies moving."Holy shit. Is this real" Innie said. Felix smiled and nodded."What?" Woozi said."They pups, they're moving" Innie said."Really?" Minho and Chan said."Yeah" Innie said. Chan and Minho walked over there and put they're hand on Felix stomach."Holy shit" Minho said.

"This can't be fucking real" Chan said

Felix and Woozi was chuckling."It is real. My mates was the same when Soo-min was moving. They thought it was all fake and I was just hungry" Woozi said as he chuckled.

Nova came back downstairs and looked at everyone."What's going on?" Nova asked."Come here sweetheart" Chan said. Nova walked over to him and Chan put her hand on Felix stomach."What is this? What's moving?" Nova asked."It's your siblings. They're moving in Flwix stomach" Chan said. Nova looked up and Felix, who gave her a warm smile.

"This is amazing" Nova said

"Yeah, come on Nova. We have school to attend" Hayato said as he smiled. Nova nodded and hugged Chan, Innie, Felix and Minho before leaving out of the palace with Hayato.

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