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Felix POV

I don't really remember falling asleep

I don't even remember leaving the hospital. I groaned as I woke up in a room that I didn't quite recognize."Good morning sleepy head" a voice said. I opened my eyes fully and saw Kwang and Daehyun."How did I get here?" I asked."Lee Know saw you were asleep when he and Changbin went to go check on you" Kwang explained as he sat down next to me."Did they...." I couldn't get the words out because it will only make cry."No, they didn't. They didn't pull the plug yet. Right when you left, Yang machine started going off like crazy" Daehyun said as he sat on the other side of me."I don't understand?" I said."The doctors think that while Yang is in the coma, he felt your presence there with him. And when you left, his body or maybe his wolf felt like something happened to you and his machine started going off" Daehyun explained.

I sat there, trying to process everything

"Where is everyone at?" I asked."Chan and Jeongin is still at the hospital. Minho and Changbin are at work, Jisung is out somewhere, Innie, Seungmin and Hyunjin are out getting groceries. And the others are somewhere" Daehyun said. I nodded as I laid back down. Kwang laid down with me and hugged me tightly."He's going make it, trust me. Yang is one hell of a fighter. He's not going to go down like this" Kwang said.

I started to cry into his chest just thinking about Yang."Shhh, it's okay" Kwang said."I remember calling him six times yesterday. When I was talking to him earlier he was fine. He okay and breathing. Now he's in a hospital bed with wires and tubes attached to him" I said.

Remember Yang phone ringing before he black out? Well Felix was calling him. But since Yang was upside down in his car, he couldn't see the caller ID.

The door downstairs opened then closed. I heard footsteps coming upstairs. There was a soft knock on Daehyun and Kwang bedroom door. Daehyun got up and walked over to the door and opened it. The person was none other than Jisung."Is Felix in here?" Jisung asked.

Daehyun moved out of the way so Jisung could see me. Jisung walked over to me and grabbed my hands."I have to tell you something before I even tell the others" Jisung started before he took a deep breath and looked at me."Remember I was coming home from work yesterday and I told you about this car that my car kept hitting this one car because my car basically had a mind of it's own" Jisung started.

I nodded

Jisung car really does have a mind of it's own. So whatever happens, Jisung is not held responsible for it because his car is stupid.

"Well....that car was Yang's. I didn't know it was him or that his car flipped over. If I did I would have went to him and helped him. I'm so so so sorry. I swear I didn't know. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry" Jisung was on his knees and crying, holding onto my hands. I took one of my hands and put it on his head."Sungie, what did Chan tell you that day that your car hit that old lady" I asked. Jisung didn't look at me as he answered."That it wasn't my fault that my car was fucking possessed" Jisung said. Me and Kwang chuckled as I took my other hand to lift Jisung face up to look at me. He looked at me and I smiled."I love you. And what happened is not going to change that. Yang loves you. And when he understands what happened. His love for you will not change" I said. Jisung couldn't stop crying as he pulled me into a hug.

"Why does all of the emotional stuff happens in our room" I heard Daehyun said as he was sniffling. Kwang was chuckling as he wiped away some tears."That was too wholesome" Kwang said. I chuckled as I hugged my squirrel tightly.


"So you thought we would hate you or kick you out of the pack if you told us your car is the reason Yang is in the hospital" Minho said. Jisu g explained everything to the others when they got home. Jisung nodded as he held my hand tightly."Han, really. You really think we would do that to you. Get rid of you. We have pups on the way. Why would we do that?" Changbin asked. Jisung didn't answer as he looked away."Jisung, look at me" Chan said.

Jisung couldn't

His emotions got the best of him and he started crying. Jeongin, Seungmin and Hyunjin ran to me and Jisung and hugged the poor squirrel tightly.

"Why are you crying Sungie?" Seungmin asked."I don't know. I thought y'all would hate me and get rid of me" Jisung said."Aww Sungie, we would never. I'm going ask Jhope if he can fix your car for you" Jeongin said as he smiled."But, I'm going be the reason Yang might die" Jisung said."Stop, just stop talking" Minho said."I'm sorry" Jisung Saud as he continued to cry."What? No not like that Han. I meant stop saying bad shit. Yang is not going to die. That asshole better not die. I never actually kissed him before" Minho said."Wait what did you just say" Hyunjin asked.

"Nothing" Minho said

"Liar, you said you never kissed Yang before. How the hell did Changbin and Chan kiss before you did" Hyunjin said as he smirked."Because those two basically has the same personality. And on top of that they are both tops. Chan bottoms for Changbin, Yang and Minho. Changbin bottoms for Yang, Minho and Jeongin. They are a switch. Minho us not" I said.

"I hate all of y'all" Minho said as he started blushing. His face was like a tomato right now. Kwang ran downstairs and handed Chan his phone.

Which was ringing

Chan answered it

We all looked st each other as we watch Chan face expression changed from happy to scared/worried."Okay, thanks. We're be there soon" Chan said as he hung up through phone.

"Um...they can't keep Yang in the room no more. They're going pull the plug. They asked if we wanted to see him one last time before they do it" Chan said.

My heart dropped


When we got to the hospital, the doctors were in there."Can we have some alone time with him before we pull the plug" Chan said.

The nurse nodded and walked out

I started crying as I hugged Yang

Minho walked out of the room

Jisung stood at the door looking away

Jeongin looked at Innie who was trying not to cry.

Hyunjin was hugging Seungmin. Both of them were crying their eyes out.

Changbin stood next to Jisung just in case he would have a panic attack


He didn't do nothing

He stood frozen where he stood

This is it

Yang is dead

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