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'Jisung' Minho called in the mating bond

Jisung heard it and got up. He saw Minho come out of the room with the same marks that Chan had on his back.

"Damn, he did a number on your ass" Jisung said as he chuckled.

Minho gave him a look

"Shut up and go please Our Omega" Minho said as he walked in the bathroom.

Jisung walked in the room and shut it. He saw the Omega stare at him as he came in.

"Nervous" Jisung said to the Omega.

Felix nodded and started breathing heavily

"Hey, calm down. Breathe for me baby" Jisung said as he walked over to Felix.

Felix breathing was coming back to normal

"There we go, precious, just breathe for me." Jisung said softly, "If you're a good boy, I'll do wonderful things to you." He smiled down at his Omega, "Would you like that, baby? Do you want me to take care of you, sweetheart?" he chuckled lightly when Felix began nodding so fast, he was certain the Omega was going to give himself whiplash. Stroking his cheek, he pressed his lips against Felix's. He licked his lips, and Felix immediately opened his mouth, letting Jisung swirl their tongues together in a rhythmic pattern. Felix felt bold in this moment and closed his lips around Jisungs tongue, sucking on it gently as he moaned. He felt Jisung shudder above him, his length hardening between them. He only just noticed that it would seem Jisung had stripped himself naked before even entering the nest.

Whimpering, Felix pressed his hips up into Jisungs, rubbing their lengths together for a moment before he let his legs fall open, arms spreading out at his sides, head turning to the side to show off his first mating bite. He hadn't realized why, but his wolf was trying to make them look as enticing and inviting as possible for the Beta above them. Chuckling, Jisung sat back to he could take in all of the Omega beneath him. He ran his hands down his sides, rubbing circles into his hips with his thumbs. He wanted to devour the sweet-smelling boy beneath him. They could all hear the beautiful sounds he had been making when he had been with Chan and now that he was here with Felix, he knew he wanted to pull those sounds from the Omega, make him scream for him.

"Pretty, Omega," Jisung whispered, "So perfect." He let his fingers brush against Felix's member, it was smaller than any of theirs, but it was cute and perfect just like Felix. He wrapped his fingers around his shaft, giving a few gentle strokes before leaning down to lap up the pre-come beading at the tip. Felix twitched with every touch, stroke and lick. Jisung couldn't wait to take the boy apart and piece him back together again.

Jisung wrapped his lips around Felix's head, sucking lightly, before he began bobbing his head. He used the moment as a distraction as he moved his fingers to Felix's entrance. Chan had stretched him out when he'd knotted him, but Felix was still beautifully tight. Jisung felt no resistance when he pressed two fingers into the quivering Omega, immediately seeking out his sweet spot. As soon as he found it, Felix cried out, tears clinging to his lashes as Jisung continued to suck his cock and massage his prostate.

The second Felix found himself nearing his release, Jisung pulled away and removed his fingers, and Felix sobbed, shaking his head as he reached his hands out for the Beta. He didn't understand why he'd stopped, he didn't want him to stop. He needed the Beta inside him, and he needed him Now!

As if the man had read his thoughts, he felt Jisungs hands grip his thighs, pulling them up and around his waist. He could feel the head of Jisungs cock brush at his entrance, pressing just slightly when Felix sobbed again.

"S-Sungie, please, I want it!" Felix was getting demanding, and Jisung wasn't about to deny the boy. He pressed forward, slowly sinking into Felix's tight heat. He felt better than Jisung could have ever imagined in his wildest dreams. Jisung let out a soft moan as his whole length was nestled deep in the panting Omega. Jisung smiled as Felix began to rock his hips like he was trying to fuck himself on the Beta. Grabbing his hips, Jisung smirked as Felix whimpered, before the Beta snapped his hips forward pulling a surprised shout from the Omega. He was thrusting slowly, but strongly as he slowly worked Felix up to a babbling mess. He shuddered as Felix clenched around him, eyes zeroed in on the mark left behind by Chan. He knew it had to be done, but he felt horrible for the Omega as each of them would have to bite and reopen the mark with each mating, while they would only receive the one bite from their sweet Omega. They each received a fresh bite over Chans as each of them joined their pack, but none of them received so many in such a short amount of time. Not even Jeongin, who received a mating bite from each of them as he was ready over the course of a month.

Felix moaned particularly loud as Jisung began to pick up the pace, hitting his prostate head on with each and every thrust. Leaning forward, he liked over Chans mark, already starting to heal. It was a good sign that it was already healing, it meant the mark and bond were wanted, that Felix truly wished to mate them. Had he not, it would have remained a fresh, bleeding mess, and it certainly wouldn't have looked so pretty against his pale flesh.

"Jisung, please," He trembled in Jisung's hold, "So close, please! Harder!" Felix cried, clinging to Jisung like his life depended on it. Jisung could feel his release building. He could feel Felix's too, as his channel was clenching around him with a vice grip.

Jisung was so close. He licked Felix's mark again, feeling Felix nose around his gland, feeling for the right spot. Just a few more thrusts. They were so close, they could taste it. Jisung slammed into Felix one final time and Felix clenched down so hard on Jisung's cock, it ripped the orgasm out of him, and they both bit into the others necks, breathing through their noses heavily. It was quick, like a spark, and they could both feel the bond click into place.

Jisung removed his teeth from the Omega's neck, Felix following suit a few heartbeats later. The laid their panting into each others necks, basking in their newly mated glow. Jisung could have cried, but Felix was full on sobbing as he held Jisung tight in his arms. He felt such warmth and love, he couldn't believe this was really happening.

"Such a perfect, beautiful, Omega." Jisung whispered into his ear, kissing his jaw. He sat up slightly and kissed his lips gently. "Let's let you sleep for a while, baby." Jisung wrapped his arms around Felix, rolling them carefully so that he was on his back with Jisung laying on top of him, legs laying on either side of his hips, head pillowed on the Beta's chest, cock buried deep in his ass. He felt euphoric. He let out a sigh and felt Jisung kissing along his hairline. "Sleep, baby, while you can." He whispered softly. "You've earned it, precious." He was rubbing circles into Felix's back until he fell asleep, basking in the love he could feel flowing through their bond, and he knew Chan could feel it to. The were the luckiest pack alive to have such a perfect Omega.

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