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Felix POV

My whole body feel like it was just ripped opened. I groaned as I got up. It was the middle of the night and everyone but Ryan was asleep. How I know Ryan isn't asleep? Well I can hear him from his and Sebastian room cussing out the game.

I got of bed and took the elevator downstairs. I walked in the kitchen and went into the fridge and got some milk. I grabbed a glass cup and grabbed a plastic cup and poured the milk into the cup and put it in the microwave. Put it on a minute and waited.

When it was done, I poured the milk into the glass cup and put the plastic cup in the sink and washed it. I started to drink the milk until I felt something wet on my leg. I looked down and saw my water broke."Omfg" I said. I dropped the glass cup of milk. I could tell Ryan heard because in seconds he was downstairs."Felix, what the hell happened?" Ryan asked."I think my water just broke" I said. Ryan looked down and he knew I was right."Oh shit" Ryan said."EVERYONE WAKE THE FUCK UP. FELIX IS HAVING HIS BABIES" Eyan yelled. In minutes, nearly everyone was downstairs."Now, you're having them now" Innie asked. I nodded as I started to feel pain."Ahhh" I yelled.

"Get the car" Jeongin said. Jisung walked over to me and pick me up."Let's go NOW" Innie said. Hoseok grabbed his car keys and we ran to the car and Jisung put me in the back with him, Innie, Woozi and Wooyoung."Just breath Felix. Everything is going be okay" Woozi said as he grabbed my hand. Wooyoung grabbed the other hand. I started to squeeze their hands tightly.

"Is this how you felt when you had Soo-min?" I asked Woozi. Woozi looked at me and smiled as he moved my hair from in front of my face. Wooyoung wiped my tears that kept pouring down my face."This is exactly how I felt when I had Soo-min. Maybe less pain, but exactly how I felt" Woozi said as he kissed my forehead.

I felt another sharp pain in my side

"AHH" I screamed

I felt something dripping, and I knew it wasn't my water. Jisung touched my leg and I saw he had blood on his hand. My mind started going different places.

We finally got to the hospital and I was immediately rushed into the delivery room.

"Mr.Lee" a doctor said

I looked at him as I was still crying."We need to push" the doctor said."I can't" I said as I started crying. A female doctor pushed my hair from my face and smiled at me."It's okay. I couldn't push when I had my sons. It was so much pain that I couldn't. But you know what got me through it. It was my husband and our family. They were all waiting for me to have my sons in the waiting that it got me to have my babies" the doctor said as she smiled.

I smiled at her and I started to push

Last thing I remember was crying

Then I blacked out


"Is he okay?"

"Is our babies okay?

"Shhh, will y'all two shut the fuck up. Let the doctor finish talking"

"Then hurry up and fucking talk"

"Innie, stop being disrespectful"

"It's okay, both babies are health and asleep in the room with their Eomma. Felix is asleep and his ears are on high alert. Meaning if any of y'all make those babies cry, he will lash out at y'all"

"Why is he lashing out?"

"Because he's new to this mother thing, and his hormones are off the charts. And he passed out a couple of times through out labor"

"Can we go see them now"

The doctor smiled and nodded


Everyone walked into the room where Felix and the babies were at. Yang and Minho looked at the pups and started crying."Minho, Yang, why are y'all crying?" Jisung asked."They really do look like us. And the girl has Jisung nose" Minho said as he chuckled."Really?" Jisung said as he walked over."Omg they really do" Jisung said as he started crying. The girl pup opened her eyes and looked at Chan who was next to Minho."Holy shit, Channie and Jinnie. She has y'all eyes. Look" Jisung said. Chan and Hyunjin looked at the girl as she started to look like she was about to cry.

"Oh no no no no no" Hyunjin said as he picked the girl pup up. The girl pup started crying. Felix started to flinch in his sleep."Shhhh" Hyunjin said as he rocked the pup back and forth.

The pup started cry even more

Felix eyes shot open

He sat up as he looked over at Hyunjin

Felix ears went down as he started to whimper. Chan and Changbin looked at Felix, walking over to him."Hey love, you did good. We're so proud of you love" Chan said as he kissed Felix forehead."I want my pups" Felix whimpered. Hyunjin looked at Felix as he walked over to him handing Felix his girl pup. Minho handed Felix the boy pup.

"So what are you going to name them, Lixie?" Vernon asked. S-Coups wrapped his arms around Vernon and Woozi."I don't know" Felix said."How about Hwang Eun for the boy and Lee Sun Hee. Last week Taehyung was talking about how he wanted a niece named after his dead cousin. So I named her Sun Hee. And for the boy name, I named him after Eun Woo" Felix explained as he looked at Jungkook."Kookie, do you want to hold one of them" Felix said. Jungkook looked a little nervous as he looked at Yeonjun and Bambam. They smiled and nodded.

Jungkook walked over to Felix and looked at Chan."It's okay, take your time Kookie" Chan said as he ruffled Jungkook hair. Jungkook smiled and nodded.

Felix handed him Eun

Jungkook sat down and Eun started laughing."He's adorable" Jungkook said."Can I hold Sun Hee" Ni-Ki asked. Felix smiled and nodded. Ni-Ki walked over to Felix and gently took Sun Hee."I'm kidnapping her at night. And Felix if you starts to panic, you can sleep with Me, Jay and Sunoo" Ni-Ki said as he smiled. Felix smiled and nodded as he enjoys sleeping with his fella Omegas.

"Now rest Felix, Eun Woo will come later to see you" Changbin said."Really? Eun coming see me" Felix said as his eyes sparkled. His mates chuckled and nodded."He wants to come see his brother in-law and see the pups" Seungmin said.

Fekux nodded as he laid down

Welcome to the world Hwang Eun and Lee Sun Hee

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